Reviews 10 Approval 78%
Soundoffs 10 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 548 Album Edits 924
Album Ratings 833 Objectivity 70%
Last Active 12-26-22 1:55 am Joined 06-13-16
Review Comments 21,179
09.30.22 | in all seriousness though, i wanna thank all of you minus a few of a you for bringing me all the joy i could ask for over the years on this site. to the egg club crew, keep on crackin. if we have ever squabbled on here before i was probably just bored so i am sorrowful for that.
here's to a new decade of personal growth and, more importantly, new jams | SlothcoreSam
09.30.22 | You getting old!! | evilford
09.30.22 | Damn, you youngin'
Im almost 40. Christ. | CugnoBrasso
09.30.22 | Just wait until you drift out of them, it's going to be glorious. | YoYoMancuso
09.30.22 | check michael jackson | CalculatingInfinity
09.30.22 | Happy B-day my man. | ArsMoriendi
09.30.22 | You’re only 20? Dang
Also happy birthday | onionbubs
09.30.22 | happy birthday brother! | AlexKzillion
09.30.22 | a legend enters his prime today | Minortimbo12
09.30.22 | minus a few
am i guilty | Drifter
09.30.22 | thank you guys 🥰 | Kompys2000
09.30.22 | Ahhh sput's resident baby gettin all old and shit, time flies
Hope it's a good one, party hard and responsibly | Minortimbo12
09.30.22 | if thats how it is im a 1 year old | Egarran
10.01.22 | You're aging gracefully. We should all be proud. | Drifter
10.01.22 | thank you guys 😊 | Kusangii
10.01.22 | Damn you're young. I'm 30 and feel old af :( |