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Last Active 12-31-22 8:46 pm Joined 03-14-17
Review Comments 10,401
| The Faceless Ranked
RIP The Faceless? | 1 |  | The Faceless Autotheism
The jump in quality from Planetary Duality to Autotheism is a thing only seen in legend, however we are the lucky ones to muster in it. Inclusion of clean vocals was a great elevation (I know there where some cleans in Planetary but are barely there), lots of hooks great melodies to keep engaged. The guitar work here is also exceptional, reminding me a bit of Opeth in the atmosphere it creates. These are quite likely some of the best bunch of tracks I've heard in the progressive death metal genre, and absolutely towers over the bands previous work. When theneedledrop doesnt like it, you know its gonna be good. | 2 |  | The Faceless In Becoming a Ghost
In Becoming a Ghost is essentially more of Autotheism but I'm not mad about that, the songs are greatly composed, and are just sound as great as what was on that album. The reason I put Autotheism just a bit higher is because it was the genesis of the new The Faceless sound, suppose repetitions slightly starting to show on this one. | 3 |  | The Faceless Planetary Duality
Basically just more Akeldama except I like one song, holy shit, crazy. That Serpent song is cool, everything else comes and goes, flashy guitar work with no substance. | 4 |  | The Faceless Akeldama
Music for ADHD teenagers who only care about brutal breakdowns and flashy guitar work. | |
02.27.23 | RIP The Faceless | Epictetus
02.27.23 | Awful ranking tbh | Shemson
02.27.23 | Ranking is literally upside down | Gameofmetal
02.27.23 | Originally liked Autotheism best but over time I just would rather listen to the first two. RIFFS | Snake.
02.27.23 | the atmosphere it creates | SomeCallMeTim
02.27.23 | this band is worse than deathcore | MillionDead
02.27.23 | Really the best part of Autotheism is just the solo in Movement II. Could leave the rest. It's good, just too much of the Michael Keene show and forgettable prog metal moments. | botb
02.27.23 | The only good parts of Autotheism are riffs that Michael Keene stole from Devin Townsend and Extol lol | mrdogthrow
02.27.23 | oh tundra they finna drag u for this one | artiswar
02.27.23 | This is exactly the ranking I would expect from Tundra, Idk why anyone would be mad about this | BAT
02.27.23 | faceless will neer die [ i hope idk i havent checked google in a while : ], my brother was big on autotheism/ghost but would still go with planteray, which is also my goto. prob just cause its the era where i got into the band/when i saw them live for the first time. auto/ghost are overlooked on sput i feel like | MillionDead
02.27.23 | Never heard the last record; can't say I had any interest in it. Don't really listen to these guys at all except for the occasional nostalgia moment every couple years. | syco722
02.27.23 | "Ranking is literally upside down" [2]
Except Planetary Duality might be my top spot | Ryus
02.28.23 | 3 is fun i should check 4 | someguest
02.28.23 | "Music for ADHD teenagers"
no, that's radio trap | PitchforkArms
02.28.23 | "Ranking is literally upside down" [100]
Kinda never got into them, tho - they were sorta the add-on band in the scene during my big modern prog-death-core phase. (BTBAM, Protest the Hero, The Contortionist) | beefshoes
03.01.23 | Saw them back in 2012 on summer slaughter. My best friend and I bought a lot of merch, and when we went to their table after the gig to get the vinyl signed, we chat for awhile, and they invited us and a few other guys to go smoke with them. Such a badass memory. |