Jimmy, Senior Vice President of Mediumcore

Soundoffs 10
Album Ratings 1867
Objectivity 56%

Last Active 12-20-22 8:48 am
Joined 04-29-22

Review Comments 208

09.28.24 britcore: a weapon to surpass britrock09.17.24 hey sput how's it goin'
07.22.24 jimmy's summer record store adventure06.10.24 this is shredcore
04.03.24 what's black and white and red all over03.20.24 jimmy's rock band 5 setlist
03.16.24 jimmy gives music a jimmy's Fave Fifteen of 2023
10.24.23 final destination movies ranked08.19.23 guitar hero: red hot chili peppers...?
04.29.23 jimmy's first 365 days of sput04.21.23 a list regarding the objectivity rating
03.11.23 south carolina doesn't have much01.05.23 jimmy's Fave Fifteen of 2022
12.27.22 appropriately-titled final albums12.04.22 long island is pretty sweet actually
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jimmy's summer record store adventure

had to get work done on my car, so I finally had the opportunity to check out the record store nearby and grab some CDs. the only thing I love more than credit card debt is post-hardcore.
1From Autumn to Ashes
The Fiction We Live
2The Nation of Ulysses
Plays Pretty for Baby
3Pretty Girls Make Graves
Good Health
5Will Haven
El Diablo
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