I always knew jazz fusion had potential. Snarky Puppy reached that potential

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Last Active 09-25-21 12:42 pm
Joined 09-19-10

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09.27.24 HARDKUISS: DAY ONE - POWER PULL09.14.24 Fourteen Years of Sputnik
08.10.24 On the bintangs06.27.24 Artists I’ve Slept With
05.26.24 My Wife Left Me05.22.24 Records My Partner Has Turned Off in th
03.20.24 Hot Shingles In Your Area03.11.24 Sputlifts 5x5
02.28.24 The Lesser Hommeverse, ranked02.11.24 Overhated and underrated
02.07.24 Tradie Prog Classics01.31.24 Sputcore Showdown
01.27.24 When the blues briefly became funk01.15.24 Blue Note Style Artwork In Punk Albums
01.10.24 Discog Runs 202401.03.24 Discog Runs - Rec Thread
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Alright team, we’re back with another installation of HARDKUISS. I was going to wait another week, but poor old Colton seems like he might explode if I hold out on him any longer, and that wouldn’t be any good for site morale! The astute among you will notice each day of HARDKUISS alternating between POWER and HYPER movements. At the end of the 6-day cycle, each muscle group will have had a heavier, lower rep workout to develop power output and a lighter, higher rep workout to hopefully get a bit of hypertrophy going. Usually there’s a rest day after every third workout, but if I’m feeling particularly spry, especially during the beginning of a meso, I’ll just power through like I’m trying to get to the end of one of PsychicChris’ reviews. Wahey!
1Rollins Band
Life Time


You’d think that as a former anarchist anything military-themed would be anathema to my horizontally-formatted social conscience, but after my ex was radicalised by online communists I developed a fetish for uniforms, regimented movement, and men who resemble Stalin. It should be no surprise to anyone then that my favoured push compound these days is the military press. My favourite part about the military press is that, unlike in romantic relationships, no cheating is allowed: we’re keeping those legs straight, baby! Military press also has the dubious distinction of being only one of two exercises I’ve come close to blacking out on, but I refuse to use the safeties lest I be lulled into a false sense of security. Make sure you can bail correctly before trying this one, or suffer the consequences.
Set it Off

Three sets, working up to a 1x5

Now all the hard work is done, we can lie back and relax on the bench. Some of the guys at the gym call me Pittsburgh for the amount of bridging going on during my presses. In all honestly, the movement as I perform it is probably mechanically probably closer to a flat bench (and my flat bench closer to a decline) due to this, but it doesn’t bother me too much. My philosophy is the same as my philosophy on office attendance: as long as your ass is still in contact with the seat and your feet are touching the floor, nobody can say shit to you. We’re already warmed up from our vertical press, so no need to dick around with an empty bar here unless your object is to salve your conscience by telling yourself you didn’t hit the heavy set today because you wore yourself out on the warmup.
3Dead Blue Sky
Symptoms of an Unwanted Emotion

4 sets, pyramid from 12 reps to 6

With the bar work done, we’re moving on to cables now. Low-high flyes, aside from sounding like something out of a Big Daddy Kane rhyme, are great for working the upper chest, and the resistance curve on cable movements is great for slower tempo higher volume work. I decided to be belligerent and push the weight a bit today though. With all the uplifting of my homies I do this exercise has basically been second nature to me since before I ever picked up a dumbbell, but the rest of you should be careful to keep the lateral tension on the pec fibres and not turn it into a front raise. Like any good yaoi novel, a little twist at the end of the movement never hurt anyone either.


I’m coming off two nights of subpar sleep, and I’m starting to feel it. After seeing Herbie Hancock on Friday night (good show) I had some trouble winding down, and rocked up to the gym exhausted the next day. Employing some time honoured wisdom from my bar crawling days, I told myself during deadlifts that if I picked up a heavy single, I wouldn’t have to do any more hard work afterward. The result? A nice 200kg raw pull, and enough cortisol firing through my system to write off last night’s sleep quality too. Luckily, no matter my fatigue level, I’m always down for some dips, whether they be hommus, toum, piccalilli or artichoke. This exercise is a nice way to work off the calories accumulated by my monstrous appetite after the fact though. Like pull-ups, I no longer do these weighted due to tendinitis issues, but the chest pump after the last three exercises is still worth it.

3 sets, pyramid from 12 to 8 reps

There’s a particular cable machine in my gym with a double-pulley setup that effectively quarters the amount of force needed to move any given weight. I’ve got a hustle going where I fuck with the kids in the gym by maxing out the stack on this particular machine for tricep movements while wildly huffing, puffing and grunting. I’m not sure whether any of them paid enough attention in physics to realise this machine is comparatively easier than every other one, but none of them have ever challenged me on it while I collect their lunch money after betting them I couldn’t move it. I get a nice pump for the long head of my tris in as well, which is nice.
6One Second Thought
Self Inflicted

3 sets, pyramid from 12 to 8 reps

Look, they’re nobody’s favourites, but if your quest is anything like mine you want those delts so capped you have trouble walking through doorframes, and that means lateral raises. Don’t be a hero on these. Kai Greene does the majority of his work with 12kg dumbbells, and I can assure you flailing about with twice that weight like a half-cut grandfather trying to start a lawnmower isn’t going to give you better medial delts than he. You can save your ego lifting for the…
7ASAP Ferg
Trap Lord


The easiest way to fool people into thinking you’re on the gear if you’re needle-shy or want to live past 40 is to have disgustingly oversized traps. The best way to do that is to spam heavy shrugs. Since today is one of my least taxing days volume-wise, and I don’t have much room for absurd ego lifting during strict pressing, I throw them in at the end of this workout for a shot of meathead mirth. For the grand finale, grab the heaviest dumbbells you can handle for three sets (that’s 45kg in each hand for me) and make as much noise as you can while working through the two-inch range of motion this movement demands. Make sure you shake your head forlornly at the end of each set so everyone around you knows you can definitely handle more weight; today is just an off day because you haven’t slept properly. Wile away the rest of your day as people post your physique on r/nattyorjuice and seethe.
8Dua Lipa
Future Nostalgia


Dua Lipa future nostalgia shirt, short shorts, Chuck Taylor hi-tops.
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