Reviews 8 Approval 95%
Soundoffs 4 Album Ratings 580 Objectivity 81%
Last Active 11-19-09 3:25 pm Joined 01-09-07
Review Comments 1,269
07.14.09 | It wouldn't be mine, but I can absolutely agree with #1. That's an amazing album. My number one, though, would probably be 'Dial M'. It's so damn personal!
I've never heard 'My Island,' but I probably should--it's always listed among his best (along with 'Leave Here A Stranger' and 'The Fashion Focus').
'Silver' and 'Gold' are the heaviest My Bloody Valentine-influenced albums, and the real Shoegaze-drenched. From the small samples on Amazon, they sound like 'Loveless' knockoffs. 'Americana' and 'I Am The Portuguese Blues' sound rather similiar, as well...but I think 'Americana' has more variety.
My list might be something like:
'Dial M'
'Talking Voice. vs. Singing Voice'
'I Am The Portuguese Blues'
(And that's all I own. I'd imagine 'My Island' would rank rather high; I like "I Win"). matter what, this list is one of the best I've seen. Imagine it, a STARFLYER 59-centric list! Great, great stuff, that's amazing! | SeaAnemone
07.14.09 | i need need need to hear some of these... been hearing them lauded many times. | Masochist
07.14.09 | Reading this list just puts me in the mood to listen to this band. I'm really damn glad this is up.
If anyone who reads this list wonders what SF59 sounds like, they're a Dream Pop/Borderline-Shoegaze band masterminded by one Jason Martin. Most of their material is mid-tempo or slow, and Martin sings in a real soft, deep baritone voice throughout, surrounded by fuzzy guitars and and foggy soundscapes.
The lyrics are really to-the-point; there won't be too much debate over the meaning of songs...but really, like MBV, you're supposed to take in the entire sound they create. They're a band who you'd love to listen to while reading, or relaxing in general.
The band's on Tooth and Nail records (the oldest active band on that label, actually, if I'm not mistaken). They're Christian, but it's much like mewithoutYou--they're not afraid to mention Jesus in the lyrics, but it's definitely not all they sing about. You can check out some songs on the T&N website, the band's MySpace, PureVolume...anywhere, really.
Interested in buying/downloading an album? Start with either 'Talking Voice vs. Singing Voice' or 'Old', then move on to either 'Dial M' or 'My Island'.
07.14.09 | wtf is starflyer whatever | ScorpionStan
07.14.09 | Masochist: you NEED to listen to My Island. It's the only SF59 album i've heard all the way through (i plan to remedy that shortly), and it's AMAZING. Also, I Win is definitely one of the weaker tracks, so if you like that'll be blown away by the rest. | americanmusicmachine
07.14.09 | you should get 'Everybody Makes Mistakes' by sf59 it's really great and my fav sf record. plus you got to watch the music video of 'no new kinda story'. one of the best videos i've ever seen. | xNintendoCorex
07.15.09 | The thing that blows me away is that his sound hasnt changed THAT drastically, its been a gradual shift for the most part but so many people can identify with different eras of sf59, its like he knows how to constantly fine tune and reinvent his sound for modern times.
ive heard bits and pieces of everybody makes mistakes and ive liked what ive heard. defs need to get on that.
@masochist: You'll dig my island, its quite rocky in comparision to everything else he's done since the fashion focus, but its really catchy stuff.
i find his older stuff much harder to listen to, to be fair ive more else been working backwards through his catalogue.
silver and americana arent bad, they just dont do it for me as much. | Masochist
07.15.09 | Yeah, the next album I get from SF59 will either be 'My Island' or 'Leave Here A Stranger'. I hear equally good things about both (but 'My Island' has the advantage of having a song I know on it).
Curious: for those who have heard Starflyer, what's your favorite song? Mine's either "Underneath" (from 'Old'), "Wake Up Early" (from 'I Am The Portuguese Blues'), "Easy Street" ('TVvSV') or "The Brightest of the Head" ('Dial M'). I don't know if I could choose a favorite from those four. What about you guys? | xNintendoCorex
07.15.09 | i'd say softness goodness, followed by the frontman then probably i drive a lot. | ScorpionStan
07.15.09 | i would say Nice Guy from My Island, Easy Street, and Brightest of the Head. but then again, those are from the only 3 Starflyer albums that i've listened to, so i haven't heard as much as you guys have. but i like them so much i want to get their whole discography now! |