Reviews 24 Approval 89%
Soundoffs 46 News Articles 9 Band Edits + Tags 18 Album Edits 53
Album Ratings 556 Objectivity 71%
Last Active 02-10-16 2:36 am Joined 05-11-08
Review Comments 2,213
10.08.09 | i recommend re-installing firefox. if that doesn't work, try a different browser. | Lions
10.08.09 | chrome is pretty spectacular for me. I'd recommend that. Also, check out In Piece's Lions Write History. It's a pretty fantastic post hardcore album. | Inveigh
10.08.09 | I recommend you listen to Chromeo. Just because. | Shrapnel94
10.08.09 | Reinstalling firefox does nothing.
No other browser connects to the intenet.
Trust me, I have tried everything. | bloc
10.08.09 | so perhaps there's a problem with the actual internet | Mordecai.
10.08.09 | look at porn instead | Shrapnel94
10.08.09 | sigh... | Deathcar
10.08.09 | I second In Pieces - Lions Write History
Also give these a listen, you'll probably like them based on the above...
Envy - A Dead Sinking Story
Fightstar - Be Human
Cave In - Planets of Old
and just because it's awesome, P.O.S - Never Better. | cirq
10.08.09 | Dude, get the new stars of track and field |