
Reviews 7
Approval 85%

Soundoffs 6
Album Ratings 71
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 02-02-12 8:53 pm
Joined 10-15-08

Review Comments 244

10.20.09 Where The Wild Things Are10.11.09 I Need Help Sputnik
08.30.09 So Sputnik....05.18.09 Need New Music
03.02.09 Cursive's Albums' Top Songs (2000 Onwar

I Need Help Sputnik

Sadly, college has been fantastic and thus I haven't been able to get all the new music I've been wanting; so please, Sputnik, give me the ten album you think I should get from 2009 so far, and I will post the ones I already have.
1Brand New

Don't bother with this one, I've already gotten it, and it's pretty good.
2 Raekwon
Cuban Linx Pt. II

Killer rap my nigga.
Aim and Ignite

And from that street bench came a song!
4As Tall As Lions
You Can't Take it With You

just saw a play of the same name as the album here at Winthrop; the album is better.
5Portugal. The Man
The Satanic Satanist

Got the deluxe edition.
6 mewithoutYou
it's all crazy! it's all false! it's all a dream! it's alright!
7Grizzly Bear

Not as into this as I'd hoped.
8 Animal Collective
Merriweather Post Pavillion

Just so no one tells me to already get one of the best albums of the year
9Volcano Choir

Not as great as I'd hoped, but still a solid release from Vernon.
10Manchester Orchestra
Mean Everything to Nothing

Amazing album.
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