Reviews 7 Approval 85%
Soundoffs 6 Album Ratings 71 Objectivity 65%
Last Active 02-02-12 8:53 pm Joined 10-15-08
Review Comments 244
10.11.09 | Plz send rescue kthx. | StreetlightRock
10.11.09 | Mew - No More Stories
Silversun Pickups - Swoon
Do Make Say Think - Other Truths
Florence and the Machine - Lungs.
Japandroids - Post-Nothing
Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why Are There Mountains
The XX - XX | Fugue
10.11.09 | Mono, Rx Bandits, Thrice, Megadeth, Converge, Isis, Florence And The Machine, Mastodon, The Japandroids, The Xx. | cirq
10.11.09 | emery
paramore | JokesorInsults
10.11.09 | Getting Japandroids and Silversun Pickups now, and I totally forgot about the new Do Make Say Think; already have Mono, getting Converge for sure, already have P.O.S. too; 2 suggestions for Florence and the Machine means I'll be getting that too I guess, and The XX. |