Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 18 Album Ratings 199 Objectivity 77%
Last Active 09-09-09 7:22 am Joined 09-09-09
Review Comments 28
| Hill Albums
So I'm a tad bit unfit, so I've been going up this hill. It's pretty steep but quite short...anyway it takes 10 - 15 to walk from my house to there, about 15 to go up and back down it and of course 10 - 15 to get back home. So I decided approximately 40 minutes is alright time in which to listen to new albums. Rec. me some based on what I've listened to. | 1 | | Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
Quite enjoyed this one. Wouldn't mind listening to something like it, the vocals are pretty cool in my books. | 2 | | No Man Schoolyard Ghosts
This was an early morning walk so perhaps this album wasn't given a fair chance but I found this to be fairly standard, especially considering it's SW | 3 | | Edguy Vain Glory Opera
Heh, this wasn't too bad. I was quite in the mood for some power metal and I didn't mind the cheese at all. | 4 | | Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Ehhh, it's okay. I don't like the yelling (?) vocals, I'd prefer he screamed or did a better growl. I assume he's trying to growl but it's just not right for me. That said I don't mind his clean vocals though besides the vocals it's standard BTBAM-ness | 5 | | Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Should I listen to this tomorrow? | 6 | | Paul Dempsey Everything is True
Or this? | 7 | | Pure Reason Revolution The Dark Third
Perhaps this? | |
10.27.09 | good for you
i'm going to say 5 or 6. | Douglas
10.28.09 | Of course I will say 6 | waterboy92
05.19.10 | Number 4 is great. | sniper
05.19.10 | I thought this was going to be a Zach Hill list, and then I would have said something like "props for the whole list," but it's not, so i won't. | AnotherBrick
05.19.10 | forget what anyone else is saying and go with 7 | mmfarva
05.19.10 | Pair the exercise with a good diet and it'll do wonders if you stick to it. Listen to some Modest Mouse. |