
Album Ratings 62
Objectivity 48%

Last Active 10-29-09 5:19 am
Joined 10-29-09

Review Comments 83

03.02.10 Newly Acquired Albums12.19.09 If There Is One Band You Should Hear Fo
12.18.09 Best Bands I've Seen Live In 200912.16.09 Rec's Please?
12.16.09 Bands That I Wish Were Still Together.12.11.09 My Favorite Heavy Albums of 2009
12.10.09 Recent Digs12.07.09 Favorite Non-metal Or Hardcore Bands
12.03.09 Bands That Aren't Necessarily Bad But I12.01.09 Not The Best Albums Of 2009, But Not Th
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11.16.09 Bands Im Going To See Live This Week11.16.09 Best Chill Music
11.12.09 Today's Music11.10.09 Its Too Quiet In The Library
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Bands That Aren't Necessarily Bad But I Cant Figure Out Why Everyone Has A Serious Boner For Them

the name says it all, please bring on the bashing for questioning the hype on these bands

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy converge, and I do listen to a shitload of bands in their genre, but I cannot figure out why Jane Doe is time and time again considered one of the best metalcore albums of all time. Please enlighten me
2Grizzly Bear

Yet again, a very good band but I cannot figure out what all the hype is about. Its just average indie hipster music.
3Sigur Ros

I've tried to listen to them, just not doing it for me. Please explain why they are so amazing.
4Brand New

I listen to brand new quite often and they do have some great music but I dont think that having one great album like the devil and god are raging inside me justifies their overhyped status
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