
Reviews 4
Approval 86%

Soundoffs 137
News Articles 19
Band Edits + Tags 9
Album Edits 36

Album Ratings 1208
Objectivity 89%

Last Active 07-06-10 6:31 pm
Joined 02-05-08

Review Comments 3,726

07.03.10 Steve Carell Left The Office!06.29.10 Top 10 "i Miss You" Albums
06.27.10 Florida.06.17.10 Recommend Me Music For A Rainy Weekend.
06.16.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.406.15.10 Confessions Of An Asshole
06.14.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.306.13.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.2
06.12.10 A Decade Of Silence06.11.10 Film Scores?
06.08.10 Silence's Albums You Need Pt.206.04.10 Silence's Albums You Need Pt.1
06.01.10 Silence's Movies.06.01.10 Silence's Movies.
05.27.10 Rateyourmusic?05.24.10 Silence In The Hospital
05.15.10 Neo Classical/post Rock/drone Recs05.12.10 Silence's '10 (thus Far)
More »

Silence Needs New Music

For the last little bit Ive been quite content with my music collection but not today. Here's some digs, rec me something. It doesnt have to be like 'new' just good. K thanks.
Diamond Eyes

tonight, the sound of the waves collide.
Everything Is Fire

We Are Nil is prob my fav death metal song ever.
3Great Lake Swimmers

they told me to be careful up there, here the wind rages through your hair.
4Funeral Diner
The Underdark

yes, we do have a deathwish, so do your worst.
5Aidan Baker

Ive decided that Grow Till Tall has to be one of the best songs Ive ever made.
7Natural Snow Buildings
Shadow Kingdom
8World's End Girlfriend
Hurtbreak Wonderland

Goddamit this guy has to come out with a new record soon!
9Stars Of The Lid
The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid

This record always titled on the 4-4.5 for me, but I have a new found love for this glorious piece of music. One of SOTL's many masterpieces.
10Neutral Milk Hotel
On Avery Island

show me all your figure paintings, etched in the middle of the night.
11Sigur Ros
Untitled 1

( ) is one of my favorite records ever, but honestly adding 9A-C would have made it better. Js.
Roy Montgomery/Grouper Split EP

Grouper's half is absolutely amazing.
13Ben Frost
Theory Of Machines

Still havent listened to this, expecting amazing things.
14The Antlers

I wish that I had known in that first minute we met, the unpayable debt that I owed you.
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