Reviews 5 Approval 86%
Soundoffs 64 News Articles 3 Band Edits + Tags 84 Album Edits 265
Album Ratings 2314 Objectivity 75%
Last Active 05-02-20 3:07 am Joined 09-02-10
Review Comments 21,827
| Fetus Absentis
Last week I made a list asking for recs for my soon to be baby. Unfortunately the list was premature and the pregnancy is no more.
My new online friends now no more than most of my RL friends.
Thank you all for your previous recs and I will hold on to them for
next time. Now, for a little closure are the 5 stages of loss. | 1 |  | Ben Folds Rockin' The Suburbs
Stage 1: Denial
Song: Gone
"In the year since you've been gone I've finally let you go" | 2 |  | Linda Ronstadt Mad Love
Stage 2: Bargaining
Song: Hurt so Bad
"It's gonna hurt so bad if you walk away" | 3 |  | Deftones White Pony
Stage 3: Anger
Song: Elite
"space thick with honey, but I lost my taste. you're into depression cause
it matches your eyes" | 4 |  | Elliott Smith Elliott Smith
Stage 4: Despair
Song: Needle in the Hay
"Haystack charm around your neck,Strung out and thin. Calling some friend,
trying to cash some check" | 5 |  | Jack Johnson On and On
Stage 5: Acceptance
Song: Cocoon
"Well based on your smile, I'm betting all of this Might be over soon." | |
01.24.11 | sorry dude great list tho | omnipanzer
01.24.11 | Thank You
Upon second review I feel it's a little lack luster but I don't feel like changing it ;^) | FishTV
01.24.11 | nah it's a great list deftones, Elliot smith, ben folds what else would you need for this kind of stuff =D | omnipanzer
01.25.11 | Thanks fish but a list just isn't a list without Hans posting how much he "Fucking loves Linda Ronstadt" or fade telling me it was my fault because of my "week gene pool". ;^) |