
Reviews 26
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 60
News Articles 6
Band Edits + Tags 22
Album Edits 24

Album Ratings 1578
Objectivity 72%

Last Active 09-02-22 11:22 pm
Joined 09-25-10

Review Comments 5,297

09.02.22 A Socialist Ranks Communist Leaders07.14.22 Tested positive for covid
05.08.22 Gazpacho Ranked05.03.22 Roe v Wade to be overturned by supreme
04.19.22 Rec Me Exciting Modern Black Metal04.17.22 how can black metal be dead
04.15.22 Wolves in the Throne Room Ranked04.13.22 Antivrius on review pages?
11.18.21 Shin Megami Tensei V Discussion09.08.20 I wish my parents were less stupid
01.09.19 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure01.07.19 Best Cheese
11.27.18 Neon Genesis Evangelion Coming to Netfl11.26.18 My Favorite Things, Pt. 2
11.03.18 My Hero Academia04.28.18 Dark Electronic Recs?
10.29.17 Game of the Year09.10.16 40 Records To Spin: 2016
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Alt / Prog / Art Rock Recs

I've really been digging alt-prog-art rock lately. It's become something of an addiction, really. I was hoping that sputnik could help me out and give me some recommendations similar to the bands I specify as "more like this" in the list.
El Cielo

This pretty much the epitome of this kind of music for me; it's perfection.
Anything similar to this would be greatly appreciated
2 The Mayan Factor
In Lake' CH

Songs like Warflower and Beauty and the Beast are fantastic. Overall, I'd
definitely like to hear more music in this vein. I was not, however, at all a
fan of the rap sections, which, frankly, were horrid. So this is more of "sort
of want" for me.
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