Reviews 22 Approval 97%
Soundoffs 10 News Articles 10 Band Edits + Tags 37 Album Edits 116
Album Ratings 546 Objectivity 79%
Last Active 01-30-13 11:03 pm Joined 04-30-10
Review Comments 2,118
08.14.11 | hello sputnik | Metalstyles
08.14.11 | And here I was, waiting for a good summer story. I am disappoint, son. | Eko
08.14.11 | lets see, I caught a 17'' trout, I broke up with my gf, I was unknowingly 5 miles from a forest fire..... um I almost hit a dog today with my car | Metalstyles
08.14.11 | No no no I said a good, comprehensive summer story dammit. | Blackbelt54
08.15.11 | cool list, you need to hurry up and get the rest of BtMI!'s albums and you need to 5 Everything Goes Numb | FromDaHood
08.15.11 | Totally thought this would be 2011 exclusive | Eko
08.15.11 | totally isnt |