
Reviews 33
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 60
News Articles 8
Band Edits + Tags 8
Album Edits 78

Album Ratings 390
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 07-22-14 1:48 am
Joined 03-09-10

Review Comments 4,626

02.06.24 Cryptocurrency's a Sham06.11.22 Sounds of Bristol
04.19.21 tinychat01.05.15 Aok's Top 10 Of 2014
11.23.14 Massive Attack Sunday Afternoon09.18.14 Live Music
08.01.14 Excellent Albums Are Classic02.12.14 Rock Anthems
02.06.14 Aok's Top 10 From 2013 05.29.13 That Moment In Music
05.03.13 Miss You Guys 04.17.13 Coachella 2013: The End Of An Era
03.25.13 Melt My Soul (recs Please)01.31.13 January 2013 Tracks
12.26.12 2012 Albums12.08.12 Fresh 2012 Beats
09.06.12 Electric Zoo 2012 07.10.12 Aok's Digs
More »

100 Users

In celebration of getting to 2009 posts and 17 reviews, here's 100 rusers that have shaped my rrtime here
Tri Repetae++

*Adash - seriously, this guy is the sole reviewer of so many excellent releases that someone should
acknowledge him. he seems nice too.
2Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV

*AggravatedYeti - so glad I've gotten to know him a bit recently. Solid dude who's also more than shown he's
a capable writer. Very likable for very good reason
3Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas...

Aids - one of the first guys I really talked to on here, it isn't hard to see how so many people have connected
with this guy over the years. Hope you're tearing it up in Africa and hope to meet you someday man.
4Justin Bieber
My World 2.0

Andy Antar - proof that the whole 'let's promote outside people and see how that turns out' thing isn't true.
Whereas monika gets lots of attention and is apparently going through a rough patch, wtf is the deal with this
5Pink Floyd
Wish You Were Here

*Angelofdeath - one of the most well-liked metalheads has surprisingly diverse musical tastes. This whiskey
and beer connoisseur has also penned quite a number of solid reviews.
6Michael Jackson

Atavanhalen - all over the place. Dig what this guy's saying most of the time.
7The Beatles
Abbey Road

Balcaen - one of the more mercurial users on here, she is normally pretty insightful and should be
commending for weathering all of the attention one of those 'omg an actual girl' 13 yos that are sputnik.
The King of Limbs

Ballstothewall - 30000 posts seriously?
Old Raves End

Baphomet - his compliment of my zoo list was oh so generous
Me Against the World

*Bighans - manages to give advice without preaching, one of sputnik's elder statesmen is beloved for very
good reason.
11Mos Def
Black On Both Sides

Butcheredchildren - lol butchered.
12John Frusciante
Shadows Collide With People

CelestialDust - Hit me up whenever you're around yo and keep me posted on radiohead tickets. If you and
your friends somehow snag an extra ...
Ok Computer

Chambered89 - you owe me $40 dude. I'm not gonna be a bitch about it cause like you was mad chillin and
stuff but oh wait i guess i just did?
14The Clash
London Calling

Clercqie - always agreeing with this guy. Solid bloke and in his short time here already has begun to make a
case for getting contrib status.
15Weird Al Yankovic
Bad Hair Day

Coneren - one of ire's bros is always good by me.

Conradtao - incredible writer. Would love to pick this talented youngsters brain one time. Tune yards on sep
19? (oh wait ...)
17Iron Maiden
The Number of the Beast

Considerphlebas - smart guy. Condescending though - and does he actually like music?
18Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley

Dave De Sylvia - incredible site ambassador and one man site maintenance team. I only just noticed how
many news articles this guy submits all the time. Incredible stuff

Daveyboy - one of sputnik's most simpletons is consistent and on point.
20Submotion Orchestra
Finest Hour

*Deviant. - knowledge of electronic music is unfathomable. Kinda a dick at first but a nice guy once you get
around it. Brings more to the table than most staff so the fact that he isn't one yet is like what?
The Marshall Mathers LP

Drsmith4 - i gotta hit you up next time i'm in nahsville man. Always solid chatting with you
22Joy Division
Unknown Pleasures

Dryden - Sup yo?
23Animal Collective
Here Comes the Indian

Electric City - Downer's actually a chill guy that's very enthusiastic about animal collective. Doesn't come to
the city enough but I'll forgive him cause his reviews are actually quite good.
24Aphex Twin
Richard D. James Album

Enotron - uhh where you go? You live in the city also right? Hello?
25The Who

*Evedder27 / mallen - Mike's reputation precedes him. He has enough of a body of work to have shown he is
contributor material.
26Nine Inch Nails
The Downward Spiral

Eyeswideshut - for some reason when I was really fucked up I compelled to give this account my phone
number. An academy alt? A unique user?
Pre-Millenium Tension

*ferociouslettuce - yea cause i'm awesome. Also, for some reason when I post in the forums I have to post
as lettuce and any changes to my lettuce forum avatar affects aokuneff. I mean, I don't really care and
doubt anyone cares but umm, well yea.
28Bob Dylan
Highway 61 Revisited

FlawedPerfection - we turntabled once and it was cool. I facebook stalked you and you're a ginger?
29Dr. Octagon
Dr. Octagonecologyst

Foreverendeared - Always agree with this guy. Solid observations, says lots of stuff that consistently needs to
be said.
30 Panic! At the Disco
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

Fromdahood - I respect the unique views on music and stuff but sometimes it's like are you for serious?
31Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
1812 Overture, Op. 49

Geng - I'm not sure I've ever talked to this guy but his profile picture is awesome.
32Pink Floyd

Groundhawk2006 - I'm not sure he's weird enough for sputnik but he's mad chill irl and stuff.
33Arvo Part
Tabula Rasa

* Gyromania - Such a sweet guy whose caring is infectious and who's one of the most genuine people I know
34Simon and Garfunkel
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme

Hawks - I went to work today. The hours were kindof odd. I'm gonna ramble on for another few sentences
now. List is black metal / death metal digs. Dude's nice but takes things too seriously yo.
The Man-Machine

Iai - One of those super respected for good reason kindof guys.
36red hot chili peppers
blood sugar sex magik

ikemefuna - totally is weird enough for sputnik, but he's too big a lurker. Suuch a lurker. I bet he's lurking
right now
37The Mars Volta
Frances The Mute

Iluvatar - I remember when we were turntabling and I was like who's John Hanson? and he went nuts. That
was hilarious
38the notorious B.I.G.
ready to die

intothepit and the alt army - It's hard to tell where the character ends and the guy begins. A clever troll that's
all over the place, this is def one of the most wtf users here.

Inveigh - incredibly rap/hip-hop knowledgeable and good to talk with.
40The Flaming Lips
Clouds Taste Metallic

Ire - Always fun to talk with. He's like sputnik's cheshire cat, except way more chill cause he's a dog.
41Disney Soundtracks
The Lion King

*Irving - edited oh so many papers. Congenial and helpful, he's an excellent writer though a bit verbose at
42Public Enemy
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us

Jom - he mods. And jombombs. I like those things
Master Of Puppets

Josh D. - hilarious dude.
44Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath

Jviney - a one man exception to the rule, his presence on the site is quite an accomplishment.
Moving Pictures

Kill - /m
46Broken Bells
Broken Bells

Kingsoby1 - his review for this album was pretty hilarious.
47The Flaming Lips
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Klap4music - wish i coulda met you at coachella yo. You're quite a charmer dude.
48Tangerine Dream

Liberi Fatali - I could just follow this guy around asking for recs and get quite a few I cared for. Mad respect
thrown his way.
49Tim Hecker
Ravedeath, 1972

Lucidity - Ali's a thoughtful, intelligent, well rounded young man. I can only ever wish him nothing but the
Hail To The Thief

Luschlotz - good talks when we were both newbies =)
51Bob Dylan
Blood On the Tracks

Maniac! -

manic_ - I like it when you post musical neighbor.
53Flying Lotus

Maskatthemasquerade - good to see you having some film gigs lately. See you at Panda Bear on sunday.

Masochist - fun turntabling yo.

* MassiveAttack - always had mad respect for Marko and was shocked when he turned out to be a real solid
guy also. Think about it, how is this guy not a contributor already?
Kid A

Med57 - Your review for this album encouraged me to start writing about this stuff. I wish you the best
wherever you are.
57Panda Bear

Mordecai - 'koala bears are cuter. but technically they aren't even bears. so i don't even know why i brought
that up' . hilarious dude
58The Smiths
Hatful of Hollow

Morrissey - the first comment on my first review. It meant a lot coming from a moderator. Oh Amanda where
are you?
Moon Safari

Mothercountry - Oh caz. You're an awesome dude and one of the first guys I fb friended from here. I wish
you all the best
60Jimi Hendrix
Experience Hendrix: The Best of Hendrix

Mx - the man behind the man behind the man. We all owe mx.
61Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

Mynameischan - hilarious dude. And if I ever insult you, no it's not for serious
Automatic For The People

*Nagrarok - Site rank 2. Imparter of much wisdom.
63Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin II

Nigelh - always agree with him. Seriously, whatever you're thinking right now, I probly agree with you.

Omnipanzer - another elder statesmen I enjoy conversing with. Plus he really likes Dummy which is a plus.
65System Of A Down
System Of A Down

Ovrot - great tinychatter. Fun to talk to
The Last Resort

Pizzamachine - Hi pizza =)
67Animal Collective

Planewreck - So fucking insightful. Kinda weird, but mostly so fucking insightful.
68Animal Collective
Merriweather Post Pavilion

Polymath - It's hard to figure out where the site ends and real life begins but steadily I've talked to Josh as
often as much as a lot of my closer friends. Fun, energetic, contemplative, and a wonderful person through
and through, I sometimes feel like he's my kid brother around these parts
69Panda Bear
Person Pitch

Psykonaut - One of the earlier guys I got to know on here, speaking with and turntabling with Graham is
always a pleasure.
70 Lil B
I'm Gay (I'm Happy)

Qwe3 - sup musical neighbor? Yea, you cool yo
71The Cure

Rasputin - He like does lots of posting and stuff. We haven't really talked but I guess I'm just throwing
respect his way.
72Love American
Love American

Redskyformiles - One of sputnik's most beloved users for good reasons. Adam is genuine, easy to get along
with and one of the most human people on here. Oh and he writes good too.

TheReverend724 - completing the triforce of the mezz crew, Dylan's a great guy who I'm happy is getting
recognition for his music. Always enjoy chattin with you man and if you ever feel to soundcloud me some
rough drafts of what you're working on, I'd be happy to see what you've been doing. Oh, and play less

Robertsona - seriously how old are you? Dang, you insightful. I'd be intrigued to pick your brain if you ever
find yourself city side for a show or sth else. Wonder Bear touring?
75Various Artists
The Best of Grover

Romulus - Yay sesame street
76Linkin Park
Hybrid Theory

Rosaparks - you make me lol sometimes.
The Decline

Satellite - we should talk more. I like where you're at.
78Love American
Love American

Seaenemone - rip. He was an odd dude but when a thom asked for someone to write a love american, sea
answered the call. He was a fantastic writer who brought a lot to the table review wise.
79Massive Attack

Silentpotato - he moves in mysterious ways. One of my first sputbros on here, I always got mad respect for
him. Hope you're well sir.
80King Crimson

Sloppymilkshake - remember when this verbose kid wrote a tomboy review that acad dissed and he left
sputnik in tears? He was insightful and stuff though.
81led zeppelin
Led Zeppelin II

Sonictheplumber - /m

Sowingseason - one of the more likable contribs with good reason. Keep educating our young.
10,000 Days

Spec - all i know is he used to pop in the mezzanine thread and be like yea this is a 5 and that's cool by me.
84Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes

Steoandnoodles - I will never much care for Fleet Foxes dude. Stop trying to tell everyone they suck at music
for not liking them.
85Streetlight Manifesto
Everything Goes Numb

Streetlightrock - Mad respect yo.

Theacademy - I met him and he's real and chill and stuff. Uhh -- I feel like I'll leave it at that for now.
87Ali Farka Toure

Thebhoy - one of the best writers on here is a nice guy on the outside as well.

Trebor17 - kinda got annoyed by rob at first but once getting around that he's a really nice dude that is
genuine and good to talk to.
Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost

Twlichtly - has some cool electronic stuff to talk about.
90Black Star
Black Star

*Tyraelxy - "Somewhere in the world, there's a shrink waiting to see you" -Daveyboy, about Tyraelxy. Knew
there were gems written about him somewhere.
91Say Anything
...Is A Real Boy

Uhhkris - 'PROS: he is a nice guy and i'm sure in person he's got that fat person jolliness CONS: i'm always a
little bit wary of users who have posted here for a long time without writing a review. some of them you can
tell are knowledgeable from their comments and some just basically say I LIKE THIS or I DONT LIKE THIS and
kris is the latter. like it seems as if he wouldnt know how to write a review but he wants to talk about music as
if he could idk this isn't meant to be mean but i think its starting to be so GRADE: A'
A Blaze In the Northern Sky

Vesper - it was funny when I accused her of being an academy alt. Be down to chill with you and whoever at
some point. Keep me posted of chill shows you're going to or whatever.
Viva La Vida

Waior - From Culver City, travels a lot, writes about music really well? This is like a better and more youthful
version of me
94Bubblegum Octopus
The Album Formerly Known As

*Washboardsuds - Kevin's great. Nice, helpful and knows about some cool beats.
95The Mars Volta
De-Loused in the Comatorium

Weepingbanana - yo, you ever comin to the city?
96The Future Sound of London

Willie - Moderates stuff. And really likes this album. And I really like this album. Friends? =)
97Animal Collective
Sung Tongs

Wonarabbit - I'm a fan of this dude. I don't know what that says about me but I'm still a fan of this dude.
98Kashiwa Daisuke
Program Music I

*Xenophanes - Always a gentleman, Eli's shown a lot of promise as a writer as well.
99Gui Boratto

Yotimi - it's always good to have someone like Yotimi on your site to talk electronic music with. Cheers man
100Dr. Dre

Sehguh - I knew I was gonna forget someone. This young dude's mad chillin yo.
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