
Reviews 1
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Soundoffs 78
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 75
Album Edits 264

Album Ratings 4728
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 06-07-21 2:26 am
Joined 08-07-10

Review Comments 5,451

09.30.24 2024 Roundup12.29.23 Veldin's Top 50 of 2023
12.18.23 Veldin's Top 50 of 202211.03.23 Green Day Ranked
09.27.23 TZADIK on STREAMING08.13.22 4K Ratings! + Recent Digs
01.08.22 Veldin Got Hitched 12.30.21 Veldin's 2021 Honorable Mentions
05.02.21 Godzilla VS Big-ass Mastodon04.21.21 F*ck, Marry, Kill (Metal Edition)
04.15.21 F*ck, Marry, Kill03.28.21 'G_dspeed Thee to Mt. Zion!'
02.23.21 of Montreal Ranked12.28.20 Death to 2020
07.22.20 Last 10 Albums02.20.20 ZORN Past Decade Ranked
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Bruce Willis Is A Time Traveller

After careful examination and research, it has come to my attention that the acclaimed actor Bruce Willis has the capability of time travel and exploration. It has also come to my attention Mr. Willis has not shared his findings with professionals. "No one man should have all that power", proclaimed a wise African-American philospher. I completely agree with this statement. What will Willis do with the ability to time travel. We've all seen the Butterfly Effect, we know the dangers. So what we must do is confront aforementioned Willis and reason with him to hand over the details to his time travelling methods. If he resists, we must take action! We can't be afraid to take down the Unbreakable. Let's rise up and stop this time travelling menace. List is also song digs.
Pink Triangle
3Andrew Jackson Jihad
Big Bird
4Simon and Garfunkel
Mrs. Robinson
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