Reviews 2 Approval 65%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 551 Album Edits 1,186
Album Ratings 904 Objectivity 63%
Last Active 04-19-20 6:48 pm Joined 09-20-09
Review Comments 2,177
10.28.11 | it's meant to read "country and hip hop are..." | Trebor.
10.28.11 | Shut up Beavis | jayfatha
10.28.11 | Heh heh | Trebor.
10.28.11 | That's one of my favorite music video riffs | foreverendeared
10.28.11 | Yeah, Beavis. You're dumb. uhhhhggghhuhhuhuhu huhuh huhuhuh huhuh | americanohno
10.28.11 | did yall guys watch the new episode last night (the full episode's on mtv's website) it was pretty great. the LMFAO riff had the biggest laugh of the episode for me: Butthead: "They're growing as artists." referring to the duo's new dance routine. | Trebor.
10.28.11 | It was alright
Apparently they're having a hard time getting the rights to videos
So if you see someone's video on the new episodes that means the artist is at least kind of cool | astrel
10.29.11 | It probably has more to do with the labels than the artists to be honest. | LegendofPittman
10.29.11 | Bow, bowbow, bowbow, bowbowbowbow, bowbowbowbowbowbow bowbow |