Soundoffs 19 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 2
Album Ratings 274 Objectivity 86%
Last Active 09-11-11 7:00 pm Joined 03-12-11
Review Comments 56
01.28.12 | I know there are a lot more genres, feel free to use them. | Mchailas
01.28.12 | And if I got any of the genres wrong above please forgive me. | theacademy
01.28.12 | urgh not this shit again
i swear every uppity freshman psych major makes this list come spring | Mchailas
01.28.12 | haha alright man, im in highschool and haven't ever taken a psych class but sure. | OnlyAnchors
01.28.12 | it says im an introverted puss lol. favorite genres are hardcore, emo/skramz, and rap (top 3 ranked). | KotoFtw
01.28.12 | I'm a very expressed introvert. I like Emo/Screamo, Post Hardcore, Post-rock, Alt/Indie Rock, Punk and Pop-punk. |