
Reviews 7
Approval 72%

Soundoffs 35
Album Ratings 65
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 04-05-12 12:04 am
Joined 02-05-12

Review Comments 1,253

05.04.12 Chambered's Top 20 Songs Of 201205.04.12 Chambered's Top 20 Songs Of 2012
03.19.12 Chambered's Top 10 Of 2012 So Far

Chambered's Top 10 Of 2012 So Far

been a pretty solid 3 months man, here's to the spring.
10All the Empires of the World
Old Gods, Old Worlds, Old Wounds

Like being mollywopped by not sunshine but a meteor
9Andrew Bird
Break It Yourself

Nothing beats "Sovay". But this whole album comes close.
Sorrow And Extinction

Like that time I went into the mall to buy shoes but they didn't have them so I went home and decided to get naked and jack off
7Dead Bugs
Of a Feather

One of those albums that has a personal longevity to it, like something in the back of your mind telling you this one will stay around for a while. A close companion.
6Pop. 1280
The Horror

The Fonz if he was a zombie.
5Alvin Band
Rainbow Road

At times silly, at times completely insane, and at times sounding just like Animal Collective. It's quite difficult to get lost in at times but once you're there, light up your blunt.

This just takes me away.
3The Men
Open Your Heart

Yes they've gotten less noisier, but where there's a lack of noise The Men make up for it by being completely uncompromising rock musicians. Open Your Heart is more streamlined, than say, their assault-like debut Immaculada, but it is also just as devastating, albeit in a more subtle way.
2Schoolboy Q
Habits and Contradictions

Nothing special in terms of innovation, this ain't no revolution we're talking about here. Fuck me though if this isn't just the sweetest, most bumpin ass shit dropped in a while. "Sacreligious", "Hands On The Wheel", "Oxy Music", "My Hatin Joint", "Raymond 1969". They all slay. Hard.

I don't care too much for electronic music but this guy always hits the right notes. Kindred is a 3-track monster of electronic based music bliss.
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