chemicalmarriage Thank you for the kind words. I've felt numb and lost for a while now. I can't his number from my phone. One thing from this is how kind some can be about it and how cold some can be. The world can be brutal. I don't understand how people can be so bad to each other. Again, your review was excellent. I will check that song out soon. Thank you. May 12 10:32 AM
chemicalmarriage Just read your review for MOF... very good stuff. My cousin was my best friend. He committed suicide in December. Can't really put into words what my family and I have and are going through. It's such a heavy and personal loss. Thanks for your review. May 12 04:58 AM
Adabelle You fancy doing the fantasy football again? 1661197-367139 if you do August 16 12:27 PM
EaglesBecomeVultures you're a great source for recs, man. wish you still came around. March 6 04:20 PM
luci thanks a bunch for upping it, it's drawing me in instantly June 7 04:46 AM