United Abominations



by Mikesn EMERITUS
May 14th, 2007 | 288 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: With their eleventh album, Megadeth reminds fans why they are one of the premier bands of the metal genre. Combining both thrash and mainstream tendenciees, United Abominations is an excellent record, and one of the band's best in years.

With Megadeth it is pretty much always the same every time they release a new album. The band will allegedly be returning to its thrash roots. Everybody will get hyped up about it. The record will be solid, but not the full on thrash metal that was "promised." People will be upset and bash Megadeth for not being tr00-metal4lyfe-thrashheads and releasing Rust in Peace II. And people will complain about the complaining. It's a never ending cycle. With the latest addition to Megadeth's discography, such a cycle will not really change all that much. Dave Mustaine has gone on record, saying that United Abominations will not be Rust in Peace 2, but it might make him forget everything that has happened in between. While I quite enjoy what the band has offered over the past fifteen years, such statements aren't so far from the truth. United Abominations is the best thing Megadeth has put together since Youthanasia.

With United Abominations, Megadeth presents listeners a fair take on the band's career thus far. Megadeth fans should be pleased with the band's eleventh studio album, as it effortlessly makes the transition between thrash (Washington is Next!) to mainstream (A Toute le Monde (Set Me Free)), and does it quite well. However, the sound stressed the most throughout the 48 minute record is an agglomeration of the Peace Sells/Rust in Peace sound and that which is found on Cryptic Writings. The song which perhaps best suits this combination is the album opener, Sleepwalker. The song opens with a chilling acoustic guitar intro somewhat similar to Good Morning/Black Friday before descending into a riffy thrash assault. The chorus is quite catchy and simple, and while it doesn't exactly contribute to the intensity put forward by some of the verses, it makes for an interesting combination. With that in mind, United Abomination's best song would be Washington is Next which would definitely be far the band's strongest song in, say, seventeen years. With blistering riffs, sarcastic lyrics, a strong instrumental base, and powerful imagery it seems almost destined to become a classic Megadeth song. Particularly entertaining is the lengthy instrumental, led largely by guitarists Dave Mustaine and Glenn Drover. Glenn proves his worthiness, handling the melodic leads with skill and expertise throughout the track.

Yet with all this to consider, there are a couple of points which drag the album down. For one, not all of the material is quite strong or consistent enough. Tracks like, Gears of War, Amerikhastan, and Play for Blood are all decent songs. But they don't have the same killer instinct which songs like Never Walk Alone or Washington is Next contain. They're just there, really. Filler tracks if you will. Similarly, a song like You're Dead contains some cool harmonies and vocal lines, but again when compared to a stronger song such as Blessed Are the Dead, it's rather uninteresting. Another irritating part about United Abominations would be the lyrics. Now, Dave will never be among the greatest lyricists of our time, but aside from Washington is Next (which is rather interesting, I must admit) and perhaps Never Walk Alone, the lyrics penned for the album are downright awful. Need an example? Check out Sleepwalker. "Just taking a stroll / don't go to sleep / Here's some toothpicks for your eyes!" …Yeah. Amerikhastan also contains some rather cringe-worthy lines, most notably the spoken line "Hey Jihad Joe guess what / we're coming to get you!" While Dave won't exactly be remembered for his poetry skills, like I've already mentioned, I do feel that he can do a much better job. Fortunately, aside from the Jihad Joe thing, United Abominations does not really suffer at all from the quality of its lyrical work and generally makes for an appealing listen.

United Abominations isn't Rust in Peace 2. It won't end up being one of 2007's greatest albums. So don't get your hopes up too high. But with that in mind, Megadeth's eleventh album is perhaps the band's best in quite awhile. The band's popular thrash sound Musically, the song writing is fairly strong, especially in tracks such as United Abominations, Washington is Next and Blessed are the Dead, and Megadeth's performance is as strong as its ever been over the last few years. The lyrics can be a little dull at times, as can some of the closing tracks, but overall, Megadeth's United Abominations is a very worthwhile album. Pick it up right away!

Recommended Tracks:
Washington is Next!
Never Walk Alone…A Call to Arms
United Abominations
Blessed Are the Dead

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user ratings (1973)
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1 of 2
  • south_of_heaven 11 (4.5)
    A crisp sound and a vicious agenda, "United Abominations" breathes new life into Megadeth....

    Altmer (3.5)
    Mustaine may never achieve the huge standards some of his preceding albums set, but with U...

    YHB (4)
    An excellent album that shows a grown up and mature approach to Megadeth....

    altec (5)
    This is the most metal sounding album in Megadeth history. There is no doubt in my mind th...

  • Dethtrasher (2.5)
    If Megadeth continues to release albums like United Abominations they will probably loose ...

    battleinthenorth (2.5)
    An exercise is boredom...

Comments:Add a Comment 
May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Thank you for reviewing this, I've been waiting for this. Great review, definitely checking this out.

south_of_heaven 11
May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Fuck you Mike :mad:

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

*cut cut cut*

Thank you for reviewing this, I've been waiting for this. Great review, definitely checking this out.

south_of_heaven 11
May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I love Amerikhastan

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

It's a good song, but the spoken sections get on my nerves.

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

I love this fucking album!!! i listened to every song! its total kicking fucking ass!!! no doubt, this is the best megadeth album ever!!! my favorite tracks are burnt ice (which i fucking love the solo at the end) sleepwalker, washingtion is next, and amerikhastan 5/5 album rock on megadeth!! This Message Edited On 05.14.07

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

Good review, though I disagree and will say Gears of War is a good song.

Have only listened to this once though. I need to listen to it again.

Will probably spew out my own review for this when I do.

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

I really like gears of war >.

May 15th 2007


Great review! I don't know which rating to give this album at the moment..but at least 4

May 15th 2007


Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
Iron Maiden - Brave New World
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death
Iron Maiden - Killers
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Iron Maiden - Dance of Death

i love the fact that every album from the 'members would also like' list is all from iron maiden

good review.

May 15th 2007


i find this album a similar effort to Slayers christ illusion in terms of quality and orginality. Its certainly a great comback
but its not as strong as to stand up to Rust or Countdown or Peace Sells

great review by the way

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

hm...i'd have to disagree with you unreal, i listened to this album about 4 times full through. and I have thought this is the best megadeth album i have ever heard. CDTE, PS, RIP are great but i actually love this album more then any other megadeth ablum. there songs have sick solos which brings it to my attention alot more

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

Tornado of Souls? Hangar 18? Five Magics? ????

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

I know dude, those songs are kick ass but i love absoultly every song off this album. in RIP i just found 1 or 2 songs weak. but every song off this is strong.

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

half of the end is boring

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

i have to agree with you on that the first half is much better. but i love every song burnt ice is a killer ending track.

May 15th 2007


I hate "A Tout Le Monde"...might just be that lacuna coil chick tho.

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Good review, though I disagree and will say Gears of War is a good song.
Gears of War is a good song, but it doesn't have that extra edge that Washington is Next or Sleepwalker has.

May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Gears of War is one of my favorite. Washington is next! is definately the best song of the record. Sleepwalker and Gears Of War are also awesome songs.

south_of_heaven 11
May 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Sleepwalker > Washington is Next IMO


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