Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

very poor


by xmusicbydawn USER (1 Reviews)
November 4th, 2007 | 25 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: This album is a horrific let-down.

Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold 2007 Album Critique
November 2, 2007 written by Dawn Wagner

My name is Dawn Wagner and if anyone knows anything, they know I am the craziest die-hard A7X fan God could ever put on this Earth. I discovered Avenged Sevenfold in 2002 thanks to the Warped Tour Compilation CD; I quickly bought their disc titled, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet released in 2001.

The evolution of this band is far more delicate than any other I have ever listened to. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet is filled with chilling vocals, deep lyrics, outstanding guitars, and tight percussion. It was an average album for an up-and-coming hardcore rock band from Huntington Beach, California. To be honest, no track made them stick out to me, they weren't an instant favorite. But they definitely were holding something no other musician at the time ever possessed. Track favorites include, "Darkness Surrounding," "The Art of Subconscious Illusion," "Warmness on the Soul," and "Shattered by Broken Dreams."

When they released Waking the Fallen in 2003, they showed the world their versatility, style, and the guitarist’s ability to shred for hours. Not to put the bass and drums in the shadows, but they never stood out. I never really heard any of the bass lines pop, probably due to the volumes of the harmonizing guitars. Front man, M. Shadows as always kept writing his clever lyrics with catchy melodies, which can be seen in the tracks, "Unholy Confessions," "Chapter Four," "Eternal Rest" and "Second Heartbeat," in my personal opinion, I believe those four songs are by far Avenged Sevenfold greatest. In between playing ridiculous amounts of gigs across the world and recording, M. Shadows had done a great amount of damage to his vocal chords - the hardcore, deep screams had no choice but to come to an end if the band wanted to continue. After hearing this news, I feared the bands immediate downfall and next album.

In 2005, Avenged Sevenfold released their heavily anticipated third Album City of Evil, fans quickly divided. They felt Avenged Sevenfold was no longer staying true to hardcore/metal, but no fear many new fans joined. The bands knew what they were getting themselves into and were well aware of the repercussions of doing so. The album was a great success, they persevered by writing their face melting guitar solos, heavy riffs, and stunning harmonies seen in tracks "Sieze the Day," "Betrayed," "Bat Country" and "Trashed and Scattered." But could they top the amazing success of this album? Two years later, how do you feel about Avenged Sevenfolds new self-titled, self-produced album?

I am no album critic but this album completely sucks and I am NOT INSANE! I would never dream of blasting this album in my car with all the windows down for the world to hear. Could it really be true? Could this be the end of our ever loved reigning rock Gods?

In my opinion, the two singles "Critical Acclaim" and "Almost Easy" are the same old melodies and guitar riffs that define the band, but what happened to the rest of the album? Didn't they produce it? Shouldn't I expect more cocky lyrics, heavier than heavy riffs, killer bass lines, tight, fast-paced drums, and radiating guitar solos?

M. Shadows vocals became very deep in some songs, I can't imagine how to sing or rock out to them in concert! He resembles melodies from crappy bands like Three Days Grace, Disturbed, Kid Rock, and Uncle Cracker. Backup vocals by who knows are very overplayed and nothing new, there's nothing special to them at all. I also hear absolutely ridiculous amounts of orchestras in the background which give the album an epic element, but also drown out guitars, are they necessary in nearly every song?

I was shocked when listening to the track called, "A Little Piece of Heaven," you hear a full band, no, not rock band, I'm talking high school band - trumpets, trombones, the whole nine yards! On top of that, it has this air that resembles music from the film, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which just reminds me of weird kids who love Hot Topic way too much. According to me, that is NOT what Avenged Sevenfold is about. Honestly, I think that is the worst track! The lyrics are awful, the instruments and his melodies make it sound like a ***ing play! I always loved seeing them live but if I have to sit through Phantom of the Opera on November 14th at Hammerstein Ballroom I will be a very pissed off woman. It worries me, I feel as though between this nonsense of an album they try to redeem themselves by using harmonizing guitars, just so everyone doesn't notice their monstrous metamorphosis.

On almost every track there is a dragged out beginning that consists of organs, violins, screams, African drums, or high pitch squeals. How many intro tracks can you place on one album? Just start the song already! I have to hear that bull*** on every other CD; can't you be different and unique like I thought you were?

Aside from the horrible results of "A Little Piece of Heaven," I'd have to say that track is tied with the awful creation of "Gunslinger." There is an unexpected soulful African American choir in the background, but all put aside, the 1:30 minute introduction is just as boring and obnoxious as an Uncle Cracker single. It is almost saved when Synister and Zacky enter with their thrilling guitars, but the lyrics are ridiculously tacky and I refuse to believe they are written by M. Shadows.

Think about it, does 'A Little Piece of Heaven,' 'Brompton Cocktail,' and 'The Wild Ride' really sound like song titles to an Avenged Sevenfold album after all? Not to me!

One track I was enjoying aside form the singles was a track called, "Lost," all went well with this track, it's pretty catchy, the guitars are wonderful, percussion is keeping up, but I can't help but to notice the drowning computerized techno effects on the background vocals that remind me of an awful song called, "Jesse Buy Nothing.. Go to Prom Anyways!" by Hellogoodbye, a band from a completely different genre of music, if you even want to call it that.

I really hope their record label has absolutely EVERYTHING to do with this nonsense they call an album. Either that, or I hope they became straight-edge and sobered up from drugs and wrote all this ***. Just pretty, pretty please write a good album, and tell Ashton Kutcher to come out of my CD player and tell me I officially got Punk'd already!

God Bless you Avenged Sevenfold, I never thought it would be possible for me to dislike anything you write. Instead of sitting on the shelf with Pantera, Slayer, Metallica, you now sit on a shelf with Disturbed, Daughtry, Good Charlotte, Yellowcard, LFO, and Hinder.

user ratings (3535)
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1 of
  • Dave de Sylvia EMERITUS (1)
    Avenged Sevenfold resemble a poor man's Hardcore Superstar...

    A.R.O. STAFF (5)
    Yup. You read that right....

    BenjoJames (4)
    This eponymous record captures the Huntington Beach quintet at their creative peak....

    Outlaw_Torn (3.5)
    It's like drinking a 40 of Jack Daniels. Starts off pretty hard and painful, then you begi...

  • thesystemisdown (2)
    Avenged Sevenfold's new album is choppy, inconsistent and misguided. When compared to the...

    72haha72 (2.5)
    They could have done a lot better, but it could have been worse...

    Aftermath (2)
    Avenged Sevenfold follow up a classic album with a hurriedly written, unfinished, boring, ...

    DyingAtheist (4)
    Avenged Sevenfold write a catchy as fuck album, much to the derision of everybody....

  • The_RabidMonkey (4)
    Avenged Sevenfold's self titled release contains a plethora of musical styles with an A7X ...

    TheMoonchild (2)
    This shit is all over the place....

    MetallicmanD1 (3.5)
    Avenged Sevenfold at their most debatable time. Sellouts? Musicians? Terrible musicians? W...

    MoonlightBleeding (2.5)
    A few good tracks can't save Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album from being a self-indul...

  • foultzyyy (2)
    Avenged Sevenfold creates an album so confusing they can't even name it....

    Seabhac14 (3.5)
    As madly inconsistent and inferior to City of Evil as it is, Avenged Sevenfold is still a ...

    A7XEric (3.5)
    An amalgam of metal and sprinkles of every other music genre imaginable that comes togethe...

    Exile29 (3.5)
    If the glaring weaknesses of this album had have been fixed beforehand, A7X could've made ...

  • MattRTS (2.5)
    Avenged Sevenfold is the kind of downfall album that happens to many a band. It's not nece...

    trtrzgunners (4)
    A good fun album, although quite inconsistent, but the album has made up for strong songs ...

    EmperorPikachu1 (3.5)
    Focused, A7X have set their goals and hit the marker on great self-titled release....

    Vice94 (3.5)

  • ForgetTheFallen (4)
    All in all, I say its an awesome album. Believe me, dont believe me. I happen to find that...

    PowerOfEquality (2)
    One step forward, 2 steps back....

    Iluvatar (1.5)
    Man, this album seriously sucks. What happened to Avenged Sevenfold?...

    Locrian (2)
    An overabundance of new ideas along with average musicianship take a lot away from what is...

Comments:Add a Comment 
November 4th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

The review started off good, but came off as extremely fan-boyish as it went on.

And though i do like A7X a lot, they are no where near rock gods as you stated...

I won't vote for now.

November 4th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Another 1 review for new A7x, what a suprise, I think we should stop by now. This review pisses me off, and I diagree with your bull****. Nowhere as bad as you make it to be.This Message Edited On 11.04.07

November 4th 2007


Well written for a first review. Yeah, yeah we get it by now though. Its a horrible album.

November 4th 2007


Album Rating: 1.0

God Bless you Avenged Sevenfold, I never thought it would be possible for me to dislike anything you write. Instead of sitting on the shelf with Pantera, Slayer, Metallica, you now sit on a shelf with Disturbed, Daughtry, Good Charlotte, Yellowcard, LFO, and Hinder.

NEG! Seriously this review is pretty dumb.

November 4th 2007


Album Rating: 2.0

I don't know if I have ever read such a fanboy-ish negative review...it intrigues me.

November 4th 2007


Yeah, this is an interesting piece. Sadly, it's more of a rant than anything though...

At first I thought your name was Dave, and reading the review, the part where you said you'd be a "very pissed off woman" threw me for a loop. :lol:

November 5th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

You know, I normally enjoy reading reviews I disagree with. They might point out things I miss or reveal information that changes things. This by far has to be one of the worst reviews I've read on this site. You're a fan/boy girl who hates change. We get it. From the legitamate downpoints in the album you talked about, none were anything that wasn't covered in the reviews. In fact this isn't as much an album review as it is a "I'm a pissed off fanatic!" rant. And trying to downplay the album by comparing to Phantom of the Opera is just plain ignorant. That's one of the greatest stage productions of the 20th centuries and your a fool to try to make it out to be anything less. The album is in no way phenomenal, but it's a great breath of fresh air from anything else that's out right now. I just wish they'd spent more time on it. The lyrics have a lot of room for improvement, and, just like MIA and Betrayed, Dear God just seems like an extra song they had lying around that they tagged on the end and doesn't belong on there at all. Go run back to your street team.

And I fail to see how Disturbed fits into the same category as LFO and Yellowcard...

November 5th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Cause Disturbed are gay.

November 5th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

stunning harmonies seen in tracks "City of Evil,"

They dont have a song called City of Evil, just to let you know... anyways I find it hard to believe youre a hardcore fan and dislike this album so much. I can find a fair amount of redeemable parts to this album, even A Little Piece of Heaven has become one of my favorite tracks

November 5th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

A Little Peice of Heaven had potential, but The Rev kinda screwed up that song with his horrid singing, or whatever you call it. ALso, it was a bit on the cheesey side, towards the end, the marriage part, makes me laugh cause its so lame.

November 5th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Oh, another problem I had with your argument - in your second to last paragraph you say you accept change, but none this rapid. I mean that makes sense, but the change from Waking the Fallen to City of Evil is 10x the change of City of Evil to Avenged Sevenfold. If you have a problem with this change, you ought to have had major difficulty digesting City of Evil after listening to Waking the Fallen

November 5th 2007


When I saw the length I thought it'd be an in-depth review, but you haven't actually said anything relevant about the music. All I know is that there is an African choir in one song, and you think the whole thing is shite because it sounds like the Phantom of the Opera. NEGATORY.

PS. (to anyone reading) If I didn't like City of Evil, will I not like this as well?

November 6th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

I can't believe how shitty this album turned out, it's rifuckingdiculous.

PS. (to anyone reading) If I didn't like City of Evil, will I not like this as well?

Yeah, you'll hate this.

November 6th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

PS. (to anyone reading) If I didn't like City of Evil, will I not like this as well?

Dont even try it

November 7th 2007


thanks guys

November 18th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

Avenged Sevenfold have put fourth what they call the real Avenged Sevenfold and as a listener I can’t complain, (especially considering no other A7X album kept me listening more) the band has continued to develop their own sound, a great combination of legendary influences the band members share, ranging from Pantera, Gun’s and Rose’s, Dream Theater (most notably their lead guitarist John Petrucci) Metallica, and many other beloved Rock/Metal bands of the past. That pretty much why i feel a 1/5 is absolutley ridiculous im a huge fan boy granted but i would hav to give it nothing lower of higher then a 4 by far my fav album by this band im not one of those emo kids who didnt slit their wrists cus "seize the day" brought a tear to their eye either im a true fan their since 1999, saw them in So. Cali when their set consisted of only darkness surrounding and too end the rapture so bah too all you haters who cant appreciate progression sorry they didnt jus try an sound like ur typical rock band PEACE

November 18th 2007



January 7th 2009


city of evil the song itself does exsist I'm listening to it rite now.

January 7th 2009


ok thx for the info

January 8th 2009



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