
Thought Industry
Mods Carve the Pig



by Trey STAFF
November 20th, 2007 | 297 replies

Release Date: 1993 | Tracklist

Dear Thought Industry,

You had to have known that if you made an album that people were going to call “Progressive Metal” and then did everything you could to scare fans of Prog away, that your fan base would remain small. I mean, where are the soaring vocals, sweeping melodies, intricate guitar solos, and faux-emotional lyrics that most fans of Prog love to have in abundance? Instead the vocals sound more like a Punk vocalist when they’re understandable, and more like the guy from Minor Threat when you’re screaming. Instead of beautiful guitar melodies you’ve given us atonal riffs that start and stop on a dime, and there are no solos at all! Instead of those pseudo-meaningful lyrics that most Prog bands use, you’ve given us stream of conscious lyrics where individual sentences and sometimes whole sections make sense, but when combined with the rest of the song are confusing as hell. Also you’ve chosen to rail against politics, God and Religion, people in general, and condone violence, drug use, and drunkenness.

We can easily just start with your first song on the album for examples. It starts with Brent taking a deep breath before he just starts screaming like his vocal chords are about to shred. When I say screaming I don’t mean like these Metalcore bands do, I mean like that guy from Minor Threat; just raw throat-shredding anger. The riffs on that song are just so weird, like Voivod covering Primus or something, and it doesn’t help things when they stop on a dime and go into other random sections that sound nothing like what you were just playing. A good example is that section at the end where you play some weird Funk bass line for like twenty seconds and then switch to speed metal for like ten seconds and then back to the screaming and weird bouncy riffs. Lyrically this song is all over the place too, from killing drunken bus drivers, to being a pretentious rock star, to lonely women with “morals like frozen piss”, it covers a whole spectrum of topics.

If the first track was an isolated occurrence and you returned to more conventional structures and lyrics then the Metal world might have embraced this album, instead we have “Daterape Cookbook”. That’s a great name for a song that talks about puking in church, blowing up the Republican National Convention, beating the crap out of your girlfriend because she’s a “social whore”, and killing a telemarketing Grandma. Musically things aren’t any less challenging; it has more heavy riffs played in strange sounding chord progressions while the drummer plays rhythms that would sound like a drum solo if that’s all I was listening to. You also continue to have jarring changes and sections within the song that would cause some poor metalhead to break a hip if he was trying to mosh to it.

I understand that the next three songs scale things back a little bit, but not enough to appeal to the masses. Yes, “Gelatin” has a nice grooving bass line, guitar riffs that are almost normal, and a catchy chorus but you couldn’t let the listener become too comfortable so you included the freak-out Punk/Metal section where you scream indecipherably until the end when we can clearly hear you screaming “I am over-***ing rated” again and again. “Jane Whitfield is Dead” could even be played on Rock radio despite the jarring change from verse to chorus, due to its catchiness and some well played acoustic guitars mixed with the distorted ones, except you include another high speed Punk part at the end of it.

I love you guys, but there’s a reason this album remained so obscure. You can’t write a minute and forty-five second Punk Rock play about drinking Guinness and Cuervo with Jesus at a bar, where the two of you discuss religion and politics until Jesus has to leave to go pick his wife up at the Laundromat. You can’t name a song “Smirk the Godblender” where you, among other things, call out most major religions specifically by name for the crimes they’re responsible for. It’s a shame too, because that song has a great main riff that reminds me of a quirkier version of some of Helmet’s riffs and it even has some piano during the verses. Of course it would have never made it on the radio anyway due to the part where you’re calling out all the religions while in the background are drums playing in reverse, convoluted guitar noise and a high pitched, almost cartoon-like voice you choose to use while naming them.

So, yes, your deconstruction of all the Metal and Punk conventions into something wholly original is just about flawless. Yes, the instrumental at the end that sounds like a cross between Cynic and Primus is mind-blowing and the whole album really is a masterpiece both musically and lyrically, but I think it may have been a little too different for people back when it was released. Maybe if you had dropped the acoustic/electronic hybrid drum kit, the fretless bass and guitars, the violent alcohol and drug addled rages and the throat ripping screaming and maybe wrote something a little more normal you could have appealed to a wider audience, but I’m glad you didn’t. I’m glad you didn’t because instead you created a classic album within the Metal genre, both you and I know it, but due to the effort it requires to understand, it seems most will never get a chance to figure that out.


W. Fisterbut

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Comments:Add a Comment 
November 20th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

As for the review... just trying something different, in no way is this a format I plan to stick with.

November 20th 2007


So I've been told I should get this. I think I will.

November 20th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

If you can't find it just let me know... it's out of print and the record label doesn't even acknowledge their existence anywhere on the site so I don't feel bad about getting it to you.

November 20th 2007


Can't keep up with your reviews. Solid as a rock as usual. I am a bit curious.

November 20th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

lol... I like your "digging"...

You should check out the songs that I linked to on the first comment.

November 20th 2007


The hell's up with the name. Thought Industry or Damn the music? A bit odd for sure.

November 20th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

The myspace page that I linked to on my first comment is one I made a while back to put music on for reviews of bands that might not be as well known... The band has a Myspace page that is run by a fan also, but it has music from all their albums on it, and all the albums are fairly different.

Did you check it out at all?

November 20th 2007


Yeah, it's a grower for sure.

November 20th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

it's out of print and hard to find.

November 21st 2007


oh, by the way, I liked the review as well. It followed a concept and it still gave me a feel for what kind of music I should be expecting when I get this.

kiran_soderqvist@hotmail.com plz :P

November 21st 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

e-mail addresses left online = spam This Message Edited On 02.03.09

November 21st 2007



November 22nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I absolutely loved the new format Willie. It kept me interested and made me want to check this album out. I will sample the songs on their myspace page right now!

November 22nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

I'm glad you liked the new format... it's nothing I am going to stick with, but it was a good change up to keep from getting in a


November 23rd 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I just can't get into these guys. They sound interesting enough, but bands that come to mind are Primus (which I love), mixed with Dillinger Escape Band and Converge (which I can't stand). I think these songs need to grow on me a bit more. Let me give it some time to sink in, and maybe then I will ask you to send me the download link.

November 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

That's not a bad comparison right there... I wish I would have thought of that. They are hard to get into and it does take some time...

November 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm really enjoying the two songs off this album on their myspace page. I would appreciate it if you sent this to me Willie.

This Message Edited On 11.24.07

November 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

There were four songs on the Myspace page I set up... if you're on the other Myspace page, I'm not sure what songs are on there or from what albums... but I have them all.

November 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks Willie, I will check out the other myspace page. What is the link for the other myspace page?

November 25th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

The link for the fan site page with songs from various albums:


and one song here:


Oh, and check your e-mail cause I sent you the link to the entire album that's reviewed here.This Message Edited On 12.14.07

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