


by Fugue USER (58 Reviews)
September 24th, 2008 | 37 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Better than I had expected, worse than I had hoped.

Another year has passed, and now the band that metal purists love to hate, Trivium, has released their fourth studio album. Throughout their short career, Trivium have amassed a whole load of positive and negative reviews, so much so that I can’t think of another metal band out there that splits opinions in such a way.

Trivium Are:
- Matthew Heafy: vocals, guitar
- Corey Beaulieu: Lead guitar
- Paolo Gregoletto: Bass guitar, backing vocals
- Travis Smith: Drums

Ascendancy was the first heavy metal album that I listened to, and consequentially introduced me to the genre. This being said, my opinions on that album maybe slightly biased as I thought it was a great album, contrary to many users here on Sputnik. The Crusade however, was a disappointment. Although the progression that the band made between these two albums was along the correct lines, the record seemed jumbled and unoriginal. No track stood out above the rest and most tracks sounded if not the same, then very similar. Due to this, it is my pleasure to say that Shogun doesn’t follow the same blueprints, and while not being a brilliant or revolutionary album, is definitely a pleasant surprise for those who were expecting a repeat of the crusade.

Vocally, changes have been made since their last efforts. Matt Heafy has obviously been working to improve his vocals, but unfortunately they still remain by far the worst aspect of Trivium’s music. The major change is the interplay between the Ascendancy style screaming, and the cleaner vocals from The Crusade. Heafy has in the past been guilty of sounding exactly the same throughout an album, and this modification has unquestionably helped him to prevent a repeat of this.

On the drums, Travis Smith has improved exponentially since his dismal effort in The Crusade. Whilst he is still clearly only a middle-of-the-road metal drummer, his performance here is admirable. No he doesn’t deliver innovative groundbreaking beats, indeed he sticks to on beats like *** to a blanket, but he delivers what he does with full effort and it sounds good with the rest of the music, which is in my opinion the most important aspect of a drummer.

The guitar work is as solid as ever. Arguably it has always been the best part of Trivium’s music, and Corey and Matt do not disappoint. The whole album is powered by the riffs and they do not disappoint, they are full bodied and literally carry the songs at a few points. These are balanced with some equally breathtaking guitar solos, some of which are truly outstanding and on occasion save songs such as ‘He who spawned the furies’ , where the solos really single-handedly lift this from an average track, to overall a quite good one. Also the title track ‘Shogun’ is possibly the best track that they have ever written, it combines great guitar work, with the best vocals on the album, and more solid drumming from Smith.

The album isn’t all good however. Tracks such as ‘Like Callisto to a star in heaven’ and ‘Insurrection’ feel out of place in the album, and are also musically below par. The former sounds like it belongs on The Crusade, need more be said? The latter is as heavy as anything else on the album, but just doesn’t sound right and boasts the worst vocals on the album.

All this said, Trivium is still definitely a band for the future. Shogun is a definite improvement on The Crusade and is at least as good as the bands first two albums. Although Heafy’s vocals have improved from previous releases, it is still the main weakness that the band has, and he seriously needs to improve more if the band wants to fulfil their promise. So yes, one day in the not so distant future, Trivium will please everybody, and with Shogun, the future is one step closer.

- Good guitar work, with quality solos back
- Title track is infinitely better than anything they have done before
- Now sound like Trivium, not Metallica

- The still poor vocals of Matt Heafy
- Song structure is still, for the main part, simple
- Like Callisto to a star in heaven
- Irritating song names

Overall 64/100 = 3 Good

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1 of
  • Dave de Sylvia EMERITUS (3)
    Shogun may well rankle the traditionalists, but in going back to basics Trivium have retur...

    chrisggib (3.5)
    With "Shogun", Trivium have finally created their own sound, but it still has that same "l...

    bustyagunz (3.5)
    They're back?...

    TheSpeedNirvana (2.5)
    Would sound great if it could just make up it's mind....

  • username345 (2)
    An improvement on 'The Crusade' but still a weak album, too long and ruined by Heafy's dre...

    ChickenWingDoctor (5)
    There is no better balance between melodic beauty and fierce intensity than the album Shog...

    CiaranMartin (4.5)
    Trivium are back on top of their game....

    red0 (2.5)
    It sounds good at first, with lots of positives, until you realize the songs all fade toge...

  • Locrian (3.5)
    Although there's still room for improvement, Shogun is easily Trivium's best work to date....

    MarkedFortune (4)
    Trivium may either be loved or hated by the metal community. Some may see them as immature...

Comments:Add a Comment 
September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I hoped to get the first review for this but was beaten to it. I spent ages on this though so I'm posting it anyway.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

great review I think, pos

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Thanks a lot.

September 24th 2008


Other than the rather ridicolous rating of 64/100 at the end, nice review.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

My brain finds it much easier to rank things out of 100 than 5, just the whole percentage thing i guess, thanks though.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I understand that this isn't the best review ever, and I really don't mind you negging it, but could whoever did neg please at least suggest improvements that could be made for the future. This would be greatly appriciated.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

Riffs are stolen and recycled this time from Hypocrisy, Opeth and a few others. I need to give this another listen. The vocals are worse than ever.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

"The backing vocals provided by bassist Paulo Gregoletto are also very poor, and if you thought Matt couldn’t scream, then don’t listen to Paulo’s vocals on the otherwise enjoyable ‘Down from the sky"

Not only did you spell his name wrong, Paolo doesn't provide backing vocals on Down from the sky. Matt does all the vocal work on the album.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

He doesn't?? I was under the impression he did, but thanks for that, i'll change it right away.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

I understand that this isn't the best review ever, and I really don't mind you negging it, but could whoever did neg please at least suggest improvements that could be made for the future. This would be greatly appriciated.

I can't see why this was negged, 'tis a good review.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

I understand that this isn't the best review ever, and I really don't mind you negging it, but could whoever did neg please at least suggest improvements that could be made for the future. This would be greatly appriciated.
Good luck with that. There are some here that seem scared to post after they've negged a review, which obviously doesn't do anyone any good.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

Album kinda drags from the middle to the penultimate track, but tracks 2-5 and the title track are fantastic. I love the groove in Throes of Perdition.

btw why is the tracklisting wrong?

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

@ willie : haha yeah i'm not expecting anything, if they do post though that would be nice.

@ bodom : I have no idea about the tracklisting, looks like insurrection and calamity are in the wrong places, hang on, I'll try to fix that

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

and the lengths are off for shogun and insurrection at least, i didnt check the others

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

yeah the lengths are off for most of them, not that it really matters.

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Trivium suck so bad

September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Trivium suck so bad


September 24th 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Ember to Inferno has some awesome riffs but that's about it

September 24th 2008


Overall 64/100 = 3 Good

Man thats accurate!This Message Edited On 09.24.08

September 24th 2008


I enjoyed reading your review.

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