Although the band has only been releasing records since 1997, Rhapsody has been one of the, if not thee biggest and most influential "epic metal" bands to grace the music industry. Hell, even if you're not an epic metal fan, if you look past that you'll also see one of the most talented metal bands period. The band creates climactic, epic songs full of adventure, which are captivating and exciting. In 2002, they released their fifth album "Power of the Dragonflame" which ends the Emerald Sword saga.
With the opening track "In Tenebris" leading the series of events off, it's easy to tell the album has much more to offer you than music or vocals, but also an epic journey. "Knightrider of Doom", "Power of the Dragonflame", and "The March of the Swordmaster" are fast paced and get the album moving along at an incredible rate. These three songs single handedly make this album a success (as far as the story line is concerned anyway.) As the album and story progress, you reach a climax and that would have to be "When Demons Awake". With the amazing guitar and keyboard solo in the middle of the song, you can tell the confrontation takes place and the victors are crowned. Further proof of this would be lead singer Fabio Leone losing his composure and retreats from his opera-esque vocals and turns to a heavier grunt type of vocal which to me shows the climax and battle. Bringing the album to an end would be "Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness", a 19 minute three part track that is nothing but sheer brilliance! This is a magnificent and beautiful track that reiterates all prior songs and brings closure on the album and storyline.
Simply put, this album is amazing. You have all around amazing musicianship with orchestrated symphonies along with the given dragons and warfare. The ten track album is composed and comprised of tracks that make it sound like a book is being read to you. It's a rare commodity to experience this, but with Rhapsody it's pretty much a given. Hopefully this will help convey what I'm trying to say; "Power of the Dragonflame" could, no, should have been the soundtrack to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
It's not for everybody. I'm not saying that you will or won't like it, but for a while I didn't really like them, and now I'm big into them. Anyway, let us know if you like them or not.
They are considered Neo-Classical Post-Symphonic Power Metal, since they have the orchestra that always plays with them. They are an awesome band. Good review!
Excellent band, excellent album. Superb recording, wonderfully cheesy lyrics, epic riffs, brilliant symphonic elements, well done Renaissance-esque intro's... Rhapsody has kicked up the bar on Symphonic/Epic/Film Soundtrack/Power Metal. 5/5
This album cover is so cool (well most of theirs are cool) I think, which is totally influencing me to check this out even though I barely like Pawr Metal.
The March of the Swordmasters isn't anything near fast-paced... It's actually quite slow. Also the latter 17 minutes of Gargoyles are quite bad, I think.
Probably my favourite Rhapsody album-it also has some of their more epic material on here, such as the title track and magnificent closer 'Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness'. A brilliant album, and even more brilliant live.
Their best. I remember i was a lot in to power when i was teen, and this band absolutely ripped my head off in 2003. Still undeniably a classic of power metal. Puts a lot of sympho bands in to shame. And the guys are actually having fun while making their songs, just watch their videos.