Review Summary: A band I have high hopes for in the future if only they could find some originality,
One of the rather generic post hardcore, emo, cool side banged haircut whatever bands I find slight joy in listening to A Vain Attempt, a band located in Stockholm Sweden. They released, "Love is Suicide EP" April 1st, 2007 and as far as I can tell this band hasn't got a lot of recognition so even though A Vain Attempt definitely fall into one of the more cliche eyeliner wearing bands I still take pride in the fact that I'm seemingly the only person at my school who knows about these guys.
Even though I am predisposed to love anything dark and mysterious A Vain Attempt are just to obvious on this EP. Song titles like, "You Broke My Heart" are not only lyrically generic with lines such as "she broked my heart and you broked my life too she is bad because she broked up with me too" But also rather lacking in the musical department as well and could be easily called a second rate Silverstein, so how good do you think they are?
The standout track on this Ep would have to be, "I Can't Escape", which showcases some pretty nice clean vocals which I find pretty enjoyable. This track also holds a pretty nice guitar riff throughout the song. The lyrics again might make you laugh or cry depending on how emo you are that day.
Another track I have mixed feelings about is, "I Saw Her Face", while I enjoy the honesty in his voice I can't stand the screams which once again scream generic. The track starts off nice with clean vocals and a slightly gimmicky piano but ends in below average screaming.
The overall instrumental sound can be summed up in one word, and that word is okay. While all the instruments do their part they never stand out. They are simply there and don't really command much attention.
All in all I'd say this Ep was
A Vain Attempt.