Take a Look in the Mirror



by linkjerk USER (23 Reviews)
January 4th, 2012 | 24 replies

Release Date: 2003 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Just like nostalgia, if you look into a mirror, you see everything behind you.

Honestly, I’m a little flummoxed with KoRn at the moment. When I first found out this was supposed to be a quote unquote "return to roots" for KoRn after a pretty desecrating Untouchables, I assumed KoRn would attempt to reinvent their classic nu-metal records like "Life is Peachy" or "KoRn". But after taking into careful consideration about the overall composure of this album, I’m not even sure if it was truly KoRn that wrote this. I'll be straight and true, I am a diehard KoRn fan, but even I have to admit that they have been taking a rather treacherous path downhill over the past few years. "Issues" was just a slight tip of the scale for KoRn, and was really nothing to worry about. For the most part, they seemed to be right on top of things for a little while. But once Untouchables was released, their performance was heavily diminished. But now, KoRn have done anything but reinvent their former glory.

Don't get me wrong, this album is not completely bad I’ll admit. But standing by the fact that KoRn have almost up until now remained at a constant posture, not ready to fall down, or at least be quick to pick up the pace again, TALITM was a rather interesting turn of events if nothing else. Besides the band's decomposition with Untouchables, nothing seemed too much at stake. But now that KoRn have just about completely run out of ideas to recreate their debut or sophomore masterpieces.

TALITM is not only a failed attempt at their walk down memory lane, but it genuinely speaking, their final nail into the coffin before they would forever abandon their former glory days as nu-metal gods. To start off, TALITM is a complete reinvention of instrumentation. When "Right Now" starts playing, it is immediately apparent that the band is going to be doing some wicked recycling in this record. The simple and generic guitar lines, along with a new and twisted bass, provide a decent, but nothing more musical style that will be the cornerstone for most of the remainder of this album. Even the lyrics are sounding more absurd than ever. "Right Now" is probably the biggest example, and by KoRn's standards, it does get better pretty quickly. "Break Some Off comes next, and begins a whole new conversation. The vocals.

To be perfectly honest, Jon's vocals aren’t as bad as people say they are in this album. It's more or less the instrumentation that's simply blocking out the vocals due to their overextended effects on bass and treble. Songs like "Break Some Off" and "Let's Do This Now" does have some pretty harmonious verses from Jon, but they are ultimately blocked out by the rampaging guitars. Other tracks do have their moments, but the recycled content found over and over again down the song still. "Did My Time" is a good example of this. While the instruments don’t overstay their welcome, the vocals miss their opportunity to really shine, but is overall a very good song. This twisted equation for music is everywhere in this album and offers more controversy than anything else.

Also, there is guest star in this album. Nas appears in "Play Me", and I must say, this is a bad track. Really, this is the major downfall for the album and ultimately speaks nothing for the album as a whole. The lyrics are rather trashy, and once again the instruments outdo everything in the verse. The chorus for this track however does maintain a halfway acceptable melody with the guitars, but the vocals are still raging out of control. If this was supposed to be a hopeful reinvention of Ice Cube's performance with the group in "Children of the KoRn", in simply failed.

Now for the high points of this album. Not all is lost in this album; there are some resurrecting aspects to this album that manage to pull it out of its otherwise deep and dark abyss. Some songs in here do manage to keep themselves under control and not go insane with instruments, and have some pretty decent lyrics, as well as excellent vocals. "Everything I've Known" is a lesser example, but the verse is pretty decent. However, the lyrics remain recycled in some ways, and the chorus gets a little too heavy for even KoRn's tastes. "Alive" on the other hand has prominent areas on it, such as the decent bass solo in the beginning which goes into the pretty substantial intro. Not too heavy, but definitely still metal. The vocals are pretty good also. "I'm Done" on the other hand, takes the best, to a whole new level. This is arguable the best song on the album. Its lyrics and vocals overall are very melodic, and it can easily be determined that this is not recycled. The instrumentation in this track is phenomenal, it is soft and ballad-like, but with good touches of bass.

Overall, the album has more ups and downs as hard as it would be to deter that from what I’ve said already. But the album does manage to keep its stock on my shelf. While this is definitely not a return to roots for KoRn by any means, it’s still a decent example of good nu-metal that has managed to prosper all the way up until 2005. TALITM is generally speaking, a heavily recycled album, but yet, unlike anything KoRn has ever done before. Aside from occasional generic aspects, and awful screaming in the breakdowns, this album is actually pretty decent. But by far from a true KoRn experience. This is an album that only a real KoRn fan might enjoy, otherwise, stick to the self-titled or LiP.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
January 4th 2012


Album Rating: 3.0

Ah, the last good Korn album. "Did My Time" was a step in the right direction as far as upgrading their sound. I was blown away when I first heard it. Too bad they didn't continue down that path and chose an uglier one.

January 4th 2012


Awful album, it didn't do anything

January 4th 2012


well really, they didnt choose an uglier path, just a way different one. i think their newer content is rather interesting, and i spin SYOTOS and K3RWYA every once in a while

January 4th 2012


Honestly, I don't hate Korn, I actually really liked LIP, and even some of their ST, but this irritated me.

January 4th 2012


yeah, i can understand that. honestly, it took me a while to grow on this. adn the only reason i did is bcuz im a wicked fanboy of KoRn lol

January 4th 2012


I going to have to agree with Restriked, this is not very good. It was just KoRn doing the same exact things as they did on previous albums, it brought absolutely nothing new to the table.

January 4th 2012


Album Rating: 3.0

Nah. There are few songs that do like "Did My Time". Overall, the guitar playing is better/different and there's some new stuff with the vocal melodies. But yeah, about half of the album isn't very good.

This is still better than the more recent stuff. Eh, I can't say I've ever listened to a full Korn album after this one so I'm just judging from the singles, but "Twisted Transistor" and "Coming Undone" were horrible follow ups to me. Maybe I'll check out the others sometime.

January 5th 2012


Album Rating: 2.5

i can't say much of this album i fucking loved untouchables, but this...is like they were trying to say "hey we're back". my only favourite song is counting on me. did my time is also good

January 5th 2012


I hated untouchables, album goes nowhere, just like this.

January 5th 2012


Not too swift of a review honestly, you used "But" waay too many times in this review, and most of
them read very awkwardly. (1st paragraph in particular)

January 5th 2012


But after taking into careful consideration about the overall composure of this album, I’m not even sure if it was truly KoRn that wrote this.

But once Untouchables was released, their performance was heavily diminished.

But now, KoRn have done anything but reinvent their former glory.

But standing by the fact that KoRn have almost up until now remained at a constant posture, not ready to fall down, or at least be quick to pick up the pace again, TALITM was a rather interesting turn of events if nothing else.

But now that KoRn have just about completely run out of ideas to recreate their debut or sophomore masterpieces.

But the album does manage to keep its stock on my shelf.

But by far from a true KoRn experience.

January 5th 2012


I always liked Did My Time

January 5th 2012


but, but, but... but i.. but im the prince of all sayans

January 5th 2012


Did My Time and I'm Done are the only songs on here I can still listen to. The rest range from 'meh' to awful IMO. Not really a Korn fan anyway.

Pretty good review.

January 5th 2012


Worst korn album imo

January 5th 2012


The new one is even worse.

January 5th 2012


Korn has done way worse
Take recently for example

January 5th 2012



I can at least sit through TALITM, but that new one is just terrible IMO. But then again, I've never been a fan of dub/bro/whatever step anyway.

This is their second worst out of all the Korn records I've heard though. Life is Peachy is the only album I like.

January 5th 2012


But after taking into careful consideration about the overall composure of this album, I’m not even sure if it was truly KoRn that wrote this.

But once Untouchables was released, their performance was heavily diminished.

But now, KoRn have done anything but reinvent their former glory.

But standing by the fact that KoRn have almost up until now remained at a constant posture, not ready to fall down, or at least be quick to pick up the pace again, TALITM was a rather interesting turn of events if nothing else.

But now that KoRn have just about completely run out of ideas to recreate their debut or sophomore masterpieces.

But the album does manage to keep its stock on my shelf.

But by far from a true KoRn experience.

ryan, other than the 2nd last one, plz explain what the hell is wrong with these others

January 5th 2012


i didnt even wasted time listenning to the new album, everything they've put out since issues is crap. not implying the other albums were any good either.. except ofc the self titled

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