This Is Exile



by Jalix USER (9 Reviews)
November 8th, 2012 | 211 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Whitechapel have matured and it certainly shows. Maybe you don't like the lyrical theme, but it's certainly as good, if not better than their debut.

Yes, once again we return with a review of Whitechapel. I am expecting mass abhorrence in the comments so let's get started.

I enjoyed this album much more than The Somatic Defilement, as I have an ever present love for melodies. Which to a degree acceptable in the deathcore genre is implemented on almost every track, and even a track dedicated almost entirely to melody which is an instrumental. Something I find most, if not all deathcore bands are godawful at pulling off. Which is relaxing to know there is atleast ONE band that can in the hit-or-miss-99%-of-the-time horror of deathcore.

The musicianship has obviously improved on here, evident with a broadened sound-range and more skillful playing of the instruments (though, there is still no bass I can hear, oh well *** happens in the music world we just can't deal with).
"Father of Lies", "To All That Are Dead" and "Somatically Incorrect" take the cake as three of the best on the album, the songs do not let up and have a catchy-ness to them. Father of Lies especially has a very good section at 1:15 to 2:00 that blends a really good but not overly technical riff with great vocal work, as always good drum work and the rest of the guitars chug along like no tomorrow.

"Possession" is also one of the best on the album, taking place as one of the heaviest of the tracks, the spotlight being taken by either "Messiahbolical" or "Father of Lies", take your pick.

Now we come to my favourite, and last track to be mentioned. "Death Becomes Him" is the instrumental piece that starts out fairly generic, and makes way to a really good and strangely soothing riff at 1:25 that is just great. I can't surmise it any other way unfortunately. It really shows that even in a deathcore band, an instrumental that isn't synths, murder interviews and/or a minute of incoherent screaming, is indeed possible and can be executed well.

There are some bad songs though.

I didn't particularly enjoy "Exalt" or "Eternal Refuge" as much as I would like to. And here's why.
"Exalt" in particular grows boring after 2 minutes or so, and gets stale while trying to appeal to you sadly, and I just don't like it for that. That's not to say you won't though.
"Eternal Refuge" is a good track, it is not bad. There are just bad points. Phil Bozeman is an insanely good death vocalist. He has ridiculous lows, surprisingly enjoyable highs, and he's just good. But on this track, he had a consistent use of lows that make it sound like he is just mindlessly using gutturals with no actual lyrics. I know they are there though, because they are. It's just funny to hear something like "EERORREROEROEROEROEROREORE" instead of lyrics. Which unfortunately ruins this track for me.

Overall, if you want a good deathcore album with holy *** "MELODY?! SELLOUTS!" in it, then you're good to go with this one. Otherwise, avoid it like the plague.

Matured musicianship
A good instrumental
Better lyrics -in my opinion-

Some hilarious gutturals
Too many breakdowns

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Comments:Add a Comment 
November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"great album with a good review to go with it... fuken pos"

Wait, what. I'm not sure if you're insulting me or complementing me. What is this I don't even?

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 2.5

I am expecting mass abhorrence in the comments so let's get started.

delete this, not necessary at all

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"delete this, not necessary at all"

If I have to mention, that I am apologising. Or just mentioning that every time I review something that some idiots come into the comments, and fuck about. ONE MORE TIME! Then I am going to sit here and type. Seriously. Stop, telling me.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"im posing it haha."

Oh sorry, I'm just used to seeing people put the abbreviation for "piece of shit" by now.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 1.0

Summary doesn't make sense

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"Summary doesn't make sense"

Can you not understand simple English?

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 1.0

You don't obviously

November 8th 2012


A "pos" means they are giving you a "yes" on the "Is this well written?" question at the bottom of review pages. It doesn't show up on your own since you can't give yourself a yes, but it is at the bottom of every non-staff written review.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"A "pos" means they are giving you a "yes" on the "Is this well written?" question at the bottom of review pages. It doesn't show up on your own since you can't give yourself a yes, but it is at the bottom of every non-staff written review."

Yeah, I understood that. It was the confusion with abbreviations that made me question.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"You don't obviously"

Oh god, this is the third review with people commenting constant ad hominem. I really wonder why I keep doing this.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 1.0

"Maybe you don't like the lyrical theme, but it's certainly as good, if not better than their debut."

Has nothing to do with the album being good as you need to justify a 4.5 rating. Just because the lyrics (which don't matter in this genre anyway) are as good or better than the debut doesn't mean they're good because they lyrics on the debut are shit and these ones could be slightly less shit but still shit so yeah

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

So Mr. English Diploma. What part of it doesn't make sense, if you please?

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 1.0

""You don't obviously"

Oh god, this is the third review with people commenting constant ad hominem. I really wonder why I keep doing this."

You attacked me first moron, I was just pointing out that your summary doesn't make sense and then you asserted that I don't speak english or something. my word

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

" "Maybe you don't like the lyrical theme, but it's certainly as good, if not better than their debut."

Has nothing to do with the album being good as you need to justify a 4.5 rating. Just because the lyrics (which don't matter in this genre anyway) are as good or better than the debut doesn't mean they're good because they lyrics on the debut are shit and these ones could be slightly less shit but still shit so yeah"

Okay you answered.

Well keep in mind, I rated the first one a 4. And I basically summed it up in the sense they have matured as a whole, musicianship wise and lyrically. To me, that's my justification.

November 8th 2012


Gotcha. I didn't realize what people meant by pos when I first got on here either.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

" "You don't obviously"

Oh god, this is the third review with people commenting constant ad hominem. I really wonder why I keep doing this."

You attacked me first moron, I was just pointing out that your summary doesn't make sense and then you asserted that I don't speak english or something. my word "

Actually, I was completely dumbfounded that somebody bothered to come here and attempt to start shit. You also didn't give ANY reason for why it didn't make sense until three comments after, that's just asking for retaliation.

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 1.0

But how was I supposed to know you gave the debut a 4?

November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

"But how was I supposed to know you gave the debut a 4?"

Touche. Just please, if you're going to tell me something doesn't make sense. Give me a reason before we start throwing shit at each other like idiots. Because that gets us nowhere.

November 8th 2012



November 8th 2012


Album Rating: 2.5

If I have to mention, that I am apologising. Or just mentioning that every time I review something that some idiots come into the comments, and fuck about. ONE MORE TIME! Then I am going to sit here and type. Seriously. Stop, telling me.

what the fuck does this mean. i was just offering some constructive criticism

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