Review Summary: Black Metal.....hehe ..get it?
The once "somewhat" popular deathcore band Oceano has now released their third studio album entitled Incisions, and it's safe to stay completely far away from it (aside for a couple of minutes of listening to laugh at it). Oceano once held a small piece of deathcore kids hearts when their first album Depths came out. Depths was nothing more than breakdowns, Adam's br00tal vocals, and some production that actually fit pretty well with the sound they wanted to make, and fans were fine with that. The progress from Depths to this album is something that many fans will be disappointed with, as Oceano lost many of the things that made Depths a guilty pleasure.
Incisions follows in the footsteps of Contagion when it comes to production. It all sounds way to produced and clean, instead of the muddiness that Depths had. There is also now the use of cleans in some of the songs. Now when I say cleans they're really just Pantera sounding talk/yelling that sounds absolutely horrible (see the song "Self Exploited Whore" for example). There is also the lack of breakdowns. Yes the lack of breakdowns is a negative because that is Oceano's clame to fame, and this cd brings nothing new to the table aside from boring breakdowns that I swear I've heard used in by other bands before. Lyrically, this album is about killing sluts and other typical deathcore tropes. Definitely nothing thought provoking or interesting to be heard. All these observations basically add up to the entire cd being garbage. Songs like “Embrace Nothing” and “Disseverance” are insanely boring and together are 10 minutes of waisted time.
Adam's vocals are still good, and distinct from other deathcore bands, but they still get old pretty fast after listening to only a couple songs. They're also small parts in some songs that can sound good, but when added together with the rest of the song, you forget about the part you liked, and think "why am i listening to this again?".
Incisions is an album that can be skipped without hesitation, as it provides nothing new except making you lose interest in Oceano entirely. Oceano will still be remembered as "that one deathcore band with that black guy"