Review Summary: Overall, this is my favorite Silverchair album. I feel that it defines what they were about. Almost 19 years after its release, this album is good as ever. Not one bad track on it. This is one of the best albums of the 90s, in my opinion.
Released during a time where Grunge hadn't exactly "died out," but had lost its biggest face, Silverchair's debut album is one that is worthy of mention. Despite high chart positions and much success, many treat(ed) the band as something to laugh at. The members of Silverchair continue to be labeled as ripoffs by many. These accusers should listen to them before slagging them off, I say. I personally consider this to be their best album. Now for the songs:
1. Israel's Son - What a song this is! Perfect way to start off the record. "All the pain I feel couldn't start to heal, although I would like it to" and "I hate you and your apathy" Daniel Johns sings. Awesome chorus and killer ending with Johns screaming a few times. Great song.
2. Tomorrow - This is considered the band's signature song. What I like to call its demo was featured on an EP of the same name in 1994, but if you ask me, you should definitely listen to this version. Far more interesting and less slow. Anyway, "Tomorrow" is one killer song. Despite Daniel Johns in more recent times claiming that he doesn't like that song or their first two albums, I consider this to be in my top 5 songs by them.
3. Faultline - My favorite Silverchair song. Written about a friend of Daniel's who died in the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, this song makes for an emotional listen. Great song!
4. Pure Massacre - Another one of my favorites. Very nice song.
5. Shade - One of the slower songs, but still really good. It gets louder towards the end. Good song.
6. Leave Me Out - Clearly inspired by Black Sabbath, this song makes an interesting listen. I like it.
7. Suicidal Dream - A pretty deep song given the fact that Daniel was only 14 when he wrote the lyrics to this, I hear. I've read some other reviews that claim that this track's not as interesting as some of the others, but it's one of my favorites, personally. I can relate.
8. Madman - An instrumental song. Never really listened to this one all that much. Not bad, but I tend to skip it.
9. Undecided - This song starts off with a very cool bass line by Chris Joannou. Maybe repetitive, some others have said, but it's still a good song, if you ask me.
10. Cicada - I read that Daniel considers this his least-favorite Silverchair song. I have no idea why he doesn't like it. I think it's really good. Especially that chorus.
11. Findaway - The most upbeat song on the album. Pretty good way to end the record.