Review Summary: Musical Subjugation.
Converge must be proud, that’s the only thing I can really say about the band that helped pioneer the metallic/hardcore punk movement so many years ago after listening to the monster that IDYLLS have set upon us this year. And that is no understatement at all, Since after only a handful of EPS and a impressive debut since its 2011 inception, the Australian quartet might have just put out one of
the best records of year.
Let’s cut to the chase here. In what is maybe the most impressive thing on this album, the drumming is shown to be concise and infectious with the constant use of tribal and/or savage fills and blast beats, it gets your blood flowing and it is truly gripping, yet it still retains a fines and a flair to it that makes it seem effortless and
organic. Not only is the bass impressive but it’s also prominent with a groove that sometimes overshadows the actual crunch of the guitars while they flail and tremolo pick their way into your bones. This all makes it almost too easy to form an impressive cacophony that is only improved by the proficient usage of saxophone passages and harrowing vocals that dives it even further into a suffocating and oppressive ambient feeling.
Want more? The production is crisp and just about sludgy enough to make everything mesh well together, there is a real sense of thought and direction with the overall sound of the songs. The songwriting feels appropriate at all times for songs that never seem to overstay their time and where every single nook and cranny seems with purpose instead of just for the hell of pummeling your brain into oblivion.
Yet it really is just much more than the sum of its parts, because when it is all said and done, what a truly impressive job the band has done with this album. It really is worthy of attention and with a couple more releases under their belt they might just give good ol ‘verge a run for their money. In what might be a terrific year for music as it stands right now, this has just made it a tad better.
Recomended Tracks:
Lied To
Fagged Out On The Beach
PCP Crazy
Crashing Boar