Quintessential Ephemera



by Nick Mongiardo USER (137 Reviews)
July 19th, 2015 | 163 replies

Release Date: 2015 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Even though it may be nothing new for the post metal titans, they back up their claim with yet another massive and vibrant atmosphere.

The great Aaron Turner of Isis once said that in order to achieve balance within the self, one must embrace both sides of the coin. By this he meant both our masculine and feminine side. This certainly reveals to be true. That is why post metal is such a brilliant genre of music. It maintains a hard hitting atmosphere while at the same time slowing things down a bit for beauty to run its course. When it comes to Rosetta’s 5th outing, they accomplish this goal swimmingly. What’s even more exceptional happens to be how both of these elements blend together at the same time more often than not. While the soaring harsh vocals may be the main attraction of some of the songs, downright moving guitar tones are gracefully being played in the background with cleans surprisingly being showcased too. It’s for these reasons that Quintessential Ephemera proves to be quite the engaging ride.

The bulk of this listen consists of a long streak of unnamed tracks sandwiched in between two meaningful instrumentals. “Untitled I” kicks off this streak with an emotional bang. The brilliant screams and beautiful guitar melodies juxtapose exceptionally well. The overall musicianship is quite charismatic and the addition of clean singing is a welcome touch as well. Speaking of musicianship, everyone gets a chance to shine here, with stellar bass work in “Untitled VI” and consistently compelling percussion being played throughout. Though not necessarily as mind blowing as they once were, the signature build ups remain quite intact here too. After a frenzy of distortion and hefty screams, the band slows down a bit to let the listener take it all in a bit. However, make no mistake that the heavier sections dominate and are often the centerpieces here. “Untitled II” expertly continues the thread of fantastic expertise, with the riffs and atmosphere delivering an even more engaging experience here. As one could predict, many elements of A Determinism of Morality carry over to this album, but it’s far from a carbon copy. Thus, it's clear that the band dug themselves into a nice niche with a whole arsenal at their disposal.

Though the heavier sections without a doubt thrill, the significantly more beautiful songs prove to be extremely evocative. Opening track “After the Funeral” exists as a lush display guitar melodies designed for the listener to chill out and await what comes next. Meanwhile “Untitled IV” offers a more poignant experience, with fuzz, piano and gentle guitar work walking along in the background. However, the main lighter highlight happens to be the closing track. “Nothing in the Guise of Something” offers an irresistible mix of tribal drumming, dynamic guitar tones and a breathtaking build up that really brings to mind the sound of post rock. The addition of simple yet effective piano notes in the background also make all of the difference in providing a passionate experience. It’s one hell of a way to close out that captivating record.

Whether it be the sincere emotions or simply vast heavier segments, Quintessential Ephemera is definitely yet another standout record from the post metal titans. It may not be anything groundbreaking for the band and at times even a tad repetitive, but their talent nonetheless shines through here. It still earns them the right to keep their title as one of the more prominent acts in the genre. Therefore, this would be a stellar place to start for anyone looking to get into Rosetta. Massive and always vibrant in nature, this is yet another record that really reveals how post metal is such a worthy sub-genre of metal that needs to be embraced and discovered more often.

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July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Really surprised no one reviewed this yet, so here you go! Been so busy lately sorry I couldn't get it out sooner so I hope it's to everyone's liking

As always, critiques are very welcome.

July 19th 2015


Just as surprised as you man, but gj on the review. I still need to hear a full album by this band

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Nice review, surprised this didn't have one already. Gave the album a listen a week ago, need to come back to it though.

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Thanks guys, I think my favorite is Wake/Lift so far.

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.0

para 1:

downright moving guitar tones are gracefully being played in the background with cleans surprisingly being showcased too

passive voice, consider changing

para 2:

As one could predict, many elements of [i]A Determinism of Morality[/i[ carry over to this album

fix bbcode

consistently compelling percussion being playing throughout

change to "played", also still passive voice

para 3:

Meanwhile “Untitled IV” offers a more poignantly experience

change to poignant

para 4:

It may be anything groundbreaking for the band

may *not* be

It still them the right to keep their title as one of the big five of the genre as well.

doesnt make much sense, also the "big 5" of post metal isnt some universally agreed upon group like the big 4 of thrash. ((who are you referring to? isis,col,neurosis,rosetta,pelican?)) id nix this sentence entirely

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

"It may be anything groundbreaking for the band"

i think you're missing the word not there. also fix that coding error on the mention of adom. great review tho, album rules

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

oh clim apparently noted the errors already

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Thanks guys, also I thought those bands were generally considered to be the big 5??? Either way it changed that up.

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.0

im sure those 5 would be agreed upon by most people familiar with the genre, but not everyone reading this is gonna be, you know? just my opinion

also edits aside review is nice, and the album is pretty good. i think these guys work better as a concise, hardcore-ish band like they are on here and ADoM, but i still love their first 2

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Very true, and the genre's name is still pretty young too.

July 19th 2015


don't have time to read the rev atm, but just tell me: if i thought their last album was dogshit would i like this?

July 19th 2015


it's better than the last one, so yes

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

yeah this is better than anaesthete but that album was far from dogshit

July 19th 2015


coming after their first three albums, anaesthete was generic as fuck and just generally dull

July 19th 2015


dogshit is an exaggeration, but 2/5

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

That's the only LP I haven't heard by them. What's wrong with it?

July 19th 2015


it had some great tracks on it - particularly in & yo which is one of their best songs, i just thought there was a decent amount of filler and they sort of moved away from their more atmospheric post-metal sound. it veers more into post-hardcore territory at times

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

Thought this had an arena rock vibe to it! You feeling it?

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

I swore off reviewing this one bc I did the last two releases of theirs. Glad there's users like Mongi to pick up the slack and more than deliver Great review!

I listened to the anaesthete recently again and it's still pretty solid in my book. Unfortunately the ending tracks just kill the album's momentum. And not in a cool, slow-burn kind of way.

July 19th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

No problem man thanks! Thankfully the closing track here slays. If you dig post rock that is.

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