So Hideous



by DarkNoctus USER (46 Reviews)
October 15th, 2015 | 315 replies

Release Date: 2015 | Tracklist

Review Summary: "Laurestine" is almost completely engineered to be swept up in, and So Hideous pull this effort off with dramatic effect.

For those of you who were waiting for a post-rock record to come along with that same sense of wonder and excitement as the first time you heard the genre, this might just be it. Even with its aggression, So Hideous have managed to create something all too easy to lose yourself in even for those convinced they've heard all this genre has to offer.

Artists like Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Mono, who almost entirely base their sound on the idea of cinematic grandness, are quite plentiful - requiring patience to fully comprehend the massive scope of their music. They bear mentioning, however, simply due to the contrast between them and newcomer band So Hideous, who utilize that scope in a very different and more immediate way. Rather than the patience and tension-building that post-rock bands often revel in, So Hideous by comparison cut right to the chase - stringing together these massive, soul-stirring moments one after another. This isn't the kind of post-rock album to reward patience, rather, its a tried-and-true sound constructed solely to compel. In this goal it triumphs almost astonishingly.

The orchestration here is quite stunning and is easily the record's significant trump card. The record's reliance on its orchestra cannot be understated as it's the crux of this album's entire sense of melody, rendering it in many ways incomparable to other bands in the post-metal umbrella. The textures and cinematic scope of Mono mixed with the structural immediacy of post-rock bands like Maybeshewill is entwined rather masterfully with a far more aggressive tone. Indeed, Laurestine doesn't shy away from the intense (if perhaps buried) roaring vocals and even blastbeats from time to time. So Hideous pull this off gracefully, even if they do almost nothing to meaningfully break out of post-rock tropes. It may not quite have the depth of payoff of the aforementioned bands but it's easy to see how Laurestine can be so easily swept up in.

You may think the vocals set it apart at least in some way but this isn't really the case. In fact, it's almost as if the record could have been entirely instrumental without missing out on anything. They're so buried and samey that they sound like little more than a texture in the mix. This is fine, however - be it a huge string section or a massive tremolo-picked wall of guitar, there's always something beneath it all to make any given moment a memorable one. The album feels like one massive soul-stirring climax strung between short lulls and though many feel like the last, it doesn't affect its poignancy.

Some are more memorable than others - "The Keepsake" perhaps being the highlight track due to the immediacy being used to greater effect, the climax revelling in the sense of powerful melancholy that this album frequently utilizes, and cleverly placed right in the center of the album to keep the interest flowing. It's true that the other tracks aren't unlike this one, but it proves how pivotal the balance between the building of tension and delivery can be in music like this. For the most part they nail it each time, but it's the few dips that can stop the immersion that's so important in a record like this one.

Laurenstine spends more time building but not quite enough time reaching satisfying climaxes. What's worse is that the drums, perhaps one of the weaker points of this recording, sound very one-dimensional and don't do much to build tension due to feeling so repetitive. There are a few moments in this album that wander into a needlessly long lull - the track "Here After" feeling twice its length due to feeling like it goes nowhere; only to then be followed up by a large introduction on the following track, "Relinquish". Thankfully the latter half of this track picks the pace back up to where it needs to be but the path to get there was rather needless.

These pitfalls, however, do not dampen the overall experience in any significant way, and it's still all too easy to get caught up in the excitement this record admirably conjures. So Hideous' ambition is commendable and the results have almost entirely paid off in spades. It's easy to see how this album could have been improved by tighter structuring and perhaps a better mix, but the way this record triumphs is undeniable. It almost flies by without a hitch, and though it doesn't take the listener on a sense of 'journey' like a band such as... say, Mono would, the fleeting nature of the music serves to make it more striking. Laurestine is almost completely engineered to be swept up in, and So Hideous pull this effort off with dramatic effect.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

stream here:

if you're a fan of cinematic post-rock bands like mono you owe it to yourself to try this

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

lol already negged, ok

October 15th 2015


yea ghost negs running rampant on this site

October 15th 2015


"all too easy to lose yourself"

youre missing the "in" off the end. first paragraph

October 15th 2015


i cant imagine this coming close to their last album but still excited to listen to it properly. their last album is one of the best albums ive heard in years. thanks for the rec noctus.

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

you don't end with prepositions u weenie

October 15th 2015


although its not the end of the sentence, "in which to lose yourself" would work better. either way there needs to be an "in". i just offered a solution that required he least editing.

October 15th 2015



Staff Reviewer
October 15th 2015


EDIT: damn, minty beat me to it

not sure what's with all the negs tho :/

another small suggestion: in paragraph 2, you start the first two sentences with the word Artists. I'd change that up a bit and it would read more smoothly

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 3.0

so excited to jam dis

good review nocty boi. feel like you mentioned mono a few too many times, i'm sure this album warrants it though

October 15th 2015


ive only listened to relinquish mostly but judging by that song this album sounds A LOT like mono's for my parents album. they are so freaking similar.

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

I still need to listen to Mono :-(

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

nah i didn't review enough to keep the contrib status

or maybe i'm just a bad reviewer considering all those negs

kind of remembering why i stopped

fixed errors, thanks guys

October 15th 2015


damn CaptainDoo still exist sup

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

i appreciate it but i reckon this'll be my last review, i only made it because i wanted people to hear this

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

whats with all these negs, damn

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

>:-( do you still write for that other site whatsitcalled?

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

i was expecting a higher score considering your comments in the album stream thread

also putting the band name in bold print is pre old school bruh

October 15th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

ghost negs don't exist in contribworld, you better keep reviewing more to get the status back. also pos'd always nice to read your reviews :]

i like this band a lot, need to check this out

Staff Reviewer
October 15th 2015


don't let the negs get you down I'm sure some of them will disappear with time (troll negs usually do). even if your sole purpose in writing the review is just getting more people to listen to it, I'm sure it's aggravating working hard on a 7 paragraph review just so a couple jackasses can neg it without giving it the time of day.

review is good, pos. not familiar with this band but I'm definitely interested now

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