


by Eames USER (6 Reviews)
March 20th, 2019 | 12 replies

Release Date: 2019 | Tracklist

Review Summary: So good it’s bad

It’s easy to forget that Ladytron sounded very different at the start. There was no polished production, guitars or tall walls of sound. It was harsh minimal bleeps and bloops reminiscent of 8-bit gaming consoles, early synthesizers and Perestroika’s Eastern Bloc. A sound of nostalgia for a time where analog and digital still existed side by side. The later leap between Light & Magic and Witching Hour was so big that without vocals and signature “aaaAAAA’s”, you wouldn’t know it’s the same band. The change between Gravity The Seducer and Ladytron is not as big, but it’s welcome. The band is at a stage where where many other experienced bands were in – after making a polarizing experimental album, they’re looking back at their roots while embracing the new. In Ladytron case, this means removal of guitars, return of Retro (capital R as in Very) synthesizer sound, mixed with 80’s tinny beats, all wrapped up in a familiar soft, ethereal sound of the Gravity. When an album ends up as self-titled, it’s either because a fitting name didn’t come up or because it’s meant to signify a change in sound, to make a statement “this is us now”. Ladytron fits the latter perfectly.

While the album as a whole has a strong unified aesthetic, unfortunately there aren’t any strong tracks. If you didn’t like Gravity because of this, you may be be even more indifferent here. Ladytron were at their best when crafting memorable electro pop singles. The tracks here aren’t catchy enough to be played on repeat nor are they experimental enough to reward repeated listens either. It’s a great background music for hip stores and fashion shows. The intro hook of “The Island” is as memorable as it’s going to get. Well, “Horrorscope” will raise your eyebrow with its short repeating lyrics and dissonant vocal harmonies of Mira and Helen singing together. That track embodies the whole album – you can’t tell whether to love or hate it.

Finally, while the “retro aesthetic v2” gimmick earns points for being interesting, it’s a question of how well it will hold up in the future. 604 still sounds cool 18 years later because its “retro aesthetic v1” was almost ironic, like Vaporwave. Lo-fi production helped it mask the imperfections just like stylized cartoon graphics help some video games to forever look good. Meanwhile Ladytron imitating polished production may go out of style just like Synthwave. That, and a lack of memorable tracks that 20 years later would receive comments on their Youtube videos along the lines of “who’s listening to this in 2040?”. I don’t want to end the review on such a negative note though. Ladytron is definitely a grower and it grew on me over the past 2 months and 30 listens. It’s not a lazy effort, it’s not safe or by-the-numbers. It has a heart and soul. But those heart and soul are even weirder than Gravity, so you should check this one for yourself. Great cover art, by the way.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
March 20th 2019


Pretty nicely done my man. A few technical issues here and there but it was a solid piece. The music doesn't sound too engaging to me but appreciate the effort put into writing this.

March 20th 2019


Album Rating: 3.0

Technical issues?

March 21st 2019


After Witching Hour these guys went downhill quick

March 21st 2019


Album Rating: 3.0

You can take Velocifero from my cold dead hands

March 22nd 2019


This ain't it fam

March 22nd 2019


Album Rating: 3.0

very repetitive but they do it well

October 28th 2022


Album Rating: 4.5

Sadly underrated album - great from beginning to end. New single is also wonderful.

Staff Reviewer
January 19th 2023


The new one is Beach House worship and not very good.

On the other hand, Misery Remember Me is one of the best songs released this year so far.

January 19th 2023


Album Rating: 4.5

Not sure about the Beach House worship thing. Ladytron have been around for a lot longer than Beach House and the new album sounds far more like an evolution of their previous releases than mimicry of any other band.

I am enjoying the album quite a bit, and yes - Misery Remember Me is a great song.

Staff Reviewer
January 20th 2023


I knew someone would come up with the "they were around before BH". Yes. But they were also doing something different before Beach House, didn't they?

OK, maybe worship was a bit too much, it still sounds like them but take the last BH album from last year and hear the similarities, it's almost uncanny.

January 20th 2023


Album Rating: 4.5

Different people different ears I guess. OTM was my favourite album from last year and it never occurred to me listening to Time's Arrow that they were alike. I'll listen again with that idea and see how I feel. They're definitely similar genres.

Staff Reviewer
January 20th 2023


I have the feeling both bands have somehow crossed paths with their respective last releases. It's probably unfair to just say one ripped off the other, so I'll take that back.

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