Oneohtrix Point Never
Magic Oneohtrix Point Never



by Erwann S. STAFF
October 30th, 2020 | 163 replies

Release Date: 2020 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Relaxing on an established audience

Even more so than his latest record Age Of, Magic Oneohtrix Point Never feels like Daniel Lopatin's contemplation of his own legacy, a retrospective work self-referencing past projects. It features the manufactured aura of Age Of and Garden of Delete while still emphasizing the experimentalism that made Replica and R Plus Seven the bizarrely obsessing objects they are. To achieve a merging of one's influences, one has to return to initial stimuli. Lopatin came back to the radio station. If modern radios consist of a gigantic playlist of anything popular, OG stations used to carelessly switch genres to take advantage of a wide listener base. Although his other albums also throve on eccentric shifts, this time OPN deliberately sticks to a switching soundscape thanks to a new approach of his. This radio concept is majorly brought by two elements: the seemingly free-flowing procedure, and the "Cross Talk" segments. Functioning like commercial breaks, these short interludes act as breathers among the warbled sceneries.

Apart from these lulls, the album indeed operates as a whole rather than as separate tunes, each song bleeding into the next one in a succession of white noises and progressive electronic antics. Of course, as a Lopatin album, Magic contains its fair share of the a e s t h e t i c he helped create with 2010's Eccojams. The first proper track "Auto & Allo" features pitched vocals and these now-classic Mega Drive-inspired bleeps and bloops, but where the song differs from his past material is in the implementation of baroque strings juxtaposed with electronic textures. Similarly, "Bow Ecco" is a literal bow to Lopatin's eccojams period, as is "The Whether Channel" and its unstructured take on hypnagogic music.

The album nevertheless moves beyond these shticks, and it is when this aesthetic is mixed with poppier elements that the album reveals its nature. "Long Road Home" is a synthpop tune embellished by a vaporwave aesthetic and baroque strings. Likewise, "I Don't Love Me Anymore" uses both Lopatin and Caroline Polachek's robotized vocals in a sort of ballad borrowing as much from traditional chamber pop than from electronic futurism. What's surprising is the addition of unbridled beats that accelerate the rhythm in an exciting jolt of energy that might be Lopatin's boldest take at a dance track yet. These increased pop elements shine most on the The Weeknd feature, "No Nightmares". Channeling 80s cheesy pop, its dreamlike atmosphere is supported by silky vocals and muffled drums. In moments like that, Magic is the most direct OPN album, because some of its songs are, well, songs. Even though all tracks are delivered in his trademark glitchy method, songwriting and structure are given the highest focus ever on a Point Never record.

Make no mistake though: this is not a pop album. It's the poppiest Lopatin has ever been with the Oneohtrix moniker, but the way the progressive electronic foundations fiercely fight the synths’ poppiness make this album an abstruse one at its core. Indeed, this is, first and foremost, a progressive electronic album. Some tracks are more evident than others when it comes to such heritage ("Tales From the Trash Stratum"), but almost all of them are built around an assemblage of moving timbres and trance synths. Of course, OPN has already crafted progressive electronic albums but never has he used this template to incorporate all his other influences. "Lost But Never Alone" nods to Garden of Delete era with its fierce inclusion of rock elements into a psychedelic electronic tune, while "Nothing Is Special" incorporates an atonal sax onto chirping electronics.

So. This does sound all over the place, doesn't it?

It does, but this is precisely the desired effect. As a radio station moves between genres and moods, Magic flows between Lopatin's influences and loves. The most impressive feat is the overall cohesion that emerges out of this project, succeeding at embarking the listener on a cosmic journey waving multiple influences. Everything is there: static breakdowns, sound collages, sudden silences, and synth arpeggios. It's a mess. But what a beautiful, hypnotic mess.

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Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

Wanna get lost in t e x t u r e s? Listen to this


October 30th 2020


Figurative pos m/

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 2.5

man that weeknd track is so bad

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

I kinda like it tbh

the "noo-ooo-ooo-o nightmares" bit is stuck in my head lol

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 2.5

it just sounds exactly like the cheesy 80's trash it wants to be... so good for him, ig.

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

oh yeah if you don't like that kind of cheesy 80s stuff then no wonder!

hope the rest of the album pleases you though!

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 2.5

i just think synthwave and darkwave ran their respective courses back in 2015 or sumn. It's really time to move on with this 80's worship it's getting seriously old. Also, most people making this shit were born in like 1998.

About this new album, i dunno. It's way too over the place. There's many tracks i don't really care for, and too many interludes. that's a big negative in any album, imo.

I like Age Of better than this.

October 30th 2020


blows my mind more that he referenced a miami radio station for the album title and that’s sick to me

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.5

sweet, not just a good day for great new music but also a good day for great new revs!

few small pointers:

- 2010's Eccojams (add 's)

- '..and structure were given the..' i'd change were into are

- '..synths’ poppiness makes this album..' makes = make

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

The 80s worship is still alive and well in 2020, not sure when this trend is ever gonna end

I totally understand your point regarding the album. It's just that, after a few listens, the whole lot started to be a freeflowing journey in my mind. I get lost into it, and that's all I'm asking for an OPN release

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

oi thx Jesp, you tha dogg

Rel: I thought it was a Massachusetts radio station?

Demon of the Fall
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.0

Nice review dedex. I've only dabbled in this guy's stuff before but I'm kind of enjoying this. The fragmented nature of it works quite well for me thus far.

Which one of his releases is considered his masterpiece - or is there no obvious answer?

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 2.5

it can flow well, like i get it, it's the theme of the album: a radio station rotating tracks and ads and stuff. I just don't think the meat of the album is really all that interesting or even good, save a few tracks like long road home (which is the only great track here, imo), weather channel (if the whole album was more like this i'd like it more, i think), or the closer (with its epic air that geniunely feels undeserved).

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.5

@dedex: Magic 106.7? Yeah.

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

@Demon: Replica and R Plus Seven are my personal favourites

well, to each their own rabidfish, I feel that way about Age Of

thanks Boney, that's what I thought

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


I don't think I ever heard a full album by this guy, will sample some of them and go from there.

Great write up my dear.

Digging: Sparks - Kimono My House

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

Thanks bb ❤

Ok, I'll jump into Emma's discog if you do the same with Oneohtrix. Deal?

October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 2.5

number of interludes in Age Of: 2

number of interludes in M0PN: 5

that's minus 10 points. Just for that.

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


"Ok, I'll jump into Emma's discog if you do the same with Oneohtrix. Deal?"

Fuck man that's 9 albums vs. 4 lol.

Choose his best 4, and you got yourself a deal professor.

Staff Reviewer
October 30th 2020


Album Rating: 3.9 | Sound Off

Ok, go for:

Chuck Person - Chuck Persons' Eccojams (under another moniker, but it's the same dude)



R Plus Seven

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