Camila Cabello



by Sowing STAFF
June 29th, 2024 | 115 replies

Release Date: 06/28/2024 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A sugar rush.

If you were introduced to Camila Cabello around the time of her debut record, and haven’t paid much attention since ‘Havana’ was dominating streaming services, then you’re in the same boat as most of her dedicated fanbase when it comes to C,XOXO. That is simply to say that Cabello’s fourth LP is such a stark reinvention of her craft that the music is barely recognizable as her own – and that’s a good thing. She’s no longer the purveyor of comfortingly familiar Latin pop; now, she resides somewhere in between Charli XCX’s tricked-out hyperpop and Ariana Grande’s sweet, addicting hooks. Synths tremble and soar, wrapping themselves around gorgeous piano keys, and bite-sized intro tracks are sprinkled throughout the experience all while guest rappers fade in and out of the mix. C,XOXO is a bit messy, to be clear – but the controlled chaos is a welcome transformation on the heels of a career that has been largely devoid of anything…not neat. Camila Cabello has crafted her statement album. While that doesn’t always equate to “best” (although in this case, it does), the statement is to embrace change, to challenge yourself, to be completely true to who you are, and perhaps above all, to just have fun with it. As such, C,XOXO ends up being a summer banger from one of the most unlikely sources.

The mission is clear from the onset of ‘I LUV IT’, which contrasts repetitive titular chants against a layered chorus that samples Gucci Mane’s 2009 track ‘Lemonade.’ It’s far from the style that Cabello made her name with, and it immediately paints C,XOXO in a different light. The Playboi Carter feature neither bolsters nor detracts from ‘I LUV IT’’s momentum, placing it squarely between the album’s worst (Drake’s random insertion, ‘Uuugly’, is a total slog even at two minutes) and the release’s best cameo (Lil Nas X adds a jolt of adrenaline to the conclusion of ‘HE KNOWS’). Camila is at her best when she’s attacking her new surroundings solo, however. Just listen to ‘Chanel No.5’, where the noticeable structure of her intentional repetition is naturally balanced out by the hazy, almost drunken state of those off-kilter piano notes. Even amid the oft-inconsequential lyrics, her convincing delivery somehow manages to make lines like “cute girl with a sick mind, I know just how to play my cards right” sound confessional and “she’s an extra, I’m your leading lady” seem all the more empowering. Meanwhile, ‘Twentysomethings’ almost accidentally delivers a mantra of young adulthood, with “Twenty-somethin's in love, in lust, in confusion / Dancin' while our hearts are bruisin’’ sounding like the kind of line that could be screamed from the backseat of an Uber after another emptihearted night spent trying to party the loneliness away. It’s all highlighted and compounded by the defeated exhale of an admission, “Don't know what the fuck I'm doin'.”

C,XOXO isn’t a deep record, though. It hangs its hat on being just the right blend of weird and infectious. It’s an album that wants you to stop and notice that really strange inflection, that unanticipated glitch, or the chance piano that cuts through the discord like a shimmering melodic ray. The album won’t make anyone forget about BRAT, but it also wasn’t designed with the intent to carry that sort of cultural significance – this is very much a bratty, fun-loving thirty minute long sugar rush that is catchier than it is cathartic, ephemeral but unforgettable. There’s perhaps no better example than ‘DREAM-GIRLS’ – the hook-laden, reggaeton-infused late record banger that feels like C,XOXO’s most instantly gratifying melody amid its newfound glitch/hyperpop bend. The pleasure here is derived from just how well Camila balances her ambitious new approach with her penchant for crafting effortlessly addicting melodies and choruses. C,XOXO is Cabello betting big on herself, and that gamble has paid off with her liveliest and most adventurous outing to date.

This album is imperfect by all measures. It's derivative at times, its attention seems scattered, and it can feel intentionally immature – particularly in the lyrical department. Yet, there's a magic to this that is undeniable. It comes partially from Cabello’s innate charm as a songwriter, as well as her beautiful voice. However, the driving force behind C,XOXO is her willingness to throw away everything that got her to this point and start anew. It’s the sort of move that gets hailed as admirable and inspiring when it works, or panned when it falls short of expectations. Fortunately for Cabello, C,XOXO represents so much about what’s right with pop music in 2024. It’s sonically daring, and challenges itself to be both unique from the scene and true to its creator. On the closing track ‘June Bloom’, Camila sings “I guess I'll fuck around and find out.” Let’s be glad she did.

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Staff Reviewer
June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.9

Lovely stuff

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Credit that she's making efforts to experiment with her sound, even if she doesn't pull it off all that well.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

While I agree that this wasn't flawlessly executed, I do think it was well done and marks her most interesting, engaging, and fun record to date. She pulls it off, easily, IMO. But I also know that an album like this is always going to be met with some derision.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

The best moments on here is when she got weird and really jumped into the hip hop meets electro pop vibe she was going for.

I just found a lot of this lacking charisma. And I feel that's needed for this style.

Staff Reviewer
June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.7

I think Miley Cyrus genuinely did something with the hyper-trash of Dead Petz and it’s something that I feel the world deserves more of for better or worse. Is that what this is? Because Charli isn't that. Hell Charli isn't half as interesting as terminally starved poptimists so desperately need to believe idk I'm rambling back to hillbilly ritual music with me

Staff Reviewer
June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

get ur mind out of the gutter, boi

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Everything that Camila Cabello produces or touches turns to shit faster than she can bring up how she grew up in Havana bla bla bla

June 29th 2024


i listened to the singles and was not a fan at all tbh.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

I think this is noticeably better than the safe pop of her previous LPs. This tries a bunch of stuff, and while some ideas work better than others (the Drake-led mid album lull is real), I can easily listen to 80% of this and have a genuinely good time.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Lovely review, but I don't get this. It sounds like every eventual soulless derivation popular music descends into, a simulacrum of pop parts soullessly jammed together to prop up just another charisma vacuum with an eating disorder. I think only Bebe Rexha is as soulless in the modern pop scene tbqh

Also, in your first paragraph there's this sentence: "C,XOXO is a bit messy, to be clear – but the controlled chaos is a welcome transformation on the heels of a career that has been largely devoid of anything…not neat." Double negatives make this difficult to pull meaning from this sentence, are you saying her previous albums were overwhelmingly neat or not neat?

edit: ohhh I reread it and I get it now

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

The discourse that this was a Charli rip off always seemed disingenuous. Didn't I luv it come out before 360 did?

Just a victim of a long rollout.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

I also kinda liked her last album. It felt humble.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

"Lovely review, but I don't get this. It sounds like every eventual soulless derivation popular music descends into, a simulacrum of pop parts soullessly jammed together to prop up just another charisma vacuum with an eating disorder. I think only Bebe Rexha is as soulless in the modern pop scene tbqh"

Nail on the head.

Staff Reviewer
June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0


Staff Reviewer
June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 3.7

I went into this having only heard "I luv it" and was expecting/hoping for My Teenage Dream Ended with a higher budget. I was pleasantly surprised by how despite not living up to those expectations for me, it still felt like it worked on its own merit most of the time. there are quite a few "why" decisions here (the drake-only song?? the interlude where blb kosher explains how grateful he is to be on the album and then never appears again?? the worst carti feature I've ever heard??) but so much of it is so pretty and builds out these really nice little contrasting reflective moments with great sample choices and structures itself in a minimal but still interesting way. it reminds me of motomami (my AOTD so far). she wears her influences on her sleeve for sure but I still think it's pushing forward in relatively unique ways. one of the best pop albums of the year

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Admittedly Chanel no.5 has a motherfucker of a beat, Camilla just completely stumbles all over it. I'm probably a hypocrite for how much that 'peakaboo thong' line offended me

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

Completely agree with granite about this album's merits, although I'm also glad they brought up the interlude with BLP Kosher because that moment is sort of silly without any additional context. Regardless, one of the strongest pop albums of 2024 for me personally. This is immediately engaging/fun, and different enough to be interesting.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

"Does she get this wet for you baby?"


Production is pretty great, and Pretty When I Cry is an honest to god banger, but wow when Camilla isn't being utterly characterless she's wayyyy too horny. If Charli is trashy and its kinda sexy then Camilla is going for a lot lizard type thing

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 4.0

The horniness is fine because lots of great music is. Definitely concur that subtlety is often lacking, though.

June 29th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Hmm should probably clarify that my problem is not that she's horny it's that she talks about it with all the authority of a virgin. She talks like she fucks without any of the posturing of someone who fucks, she's trying to be hedonistic and vapid but she doesn't know how

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