Review Summary: A good time kind of thing. Cool vibes and all that.
Paradigm Shift. A title made for a reason, coming hot off the negative press of The Path of Totality (their worst album by a landslide). Here’s where the tables needed to turn, and turn they did. Rather than trying their hand at another genre, this album is rife with old school nostalgia, utilizing a couple leftovers they learned from The Path of Totality. Razor sharp production and a few wobbling synthesizers can be heard. The quintessential Korn experience this time? That may be up for debate.
This is not their heaviest album by any means, yet many hard hooks are reminiscent of their 2003 album Take A Look In The Mirror. The smooth, melodic filter over every track feels directly pulled from that album as well. It’s a nice return to form, and with it comes their emotional, simplistic lyrics which can deal with heavy topics in a very watered down way. Great for singing along, considering the easily remembered words, yet there’s a feeling that they rushed their journaling time.
The critiques must continue. In their attempt to replicate their old sound, it sounds a bit forced and mechanical in this album. So-called darker bits are installed to serve the OG picture, but they’re squeezed out like factory made juice, as opposed to naturally bled. Emotion also suffers a tad, sounding like they’re rattling off a list of topics that they’d be expected to talk about. You can’t stop me blah blah blah.
Cool grooves and sick guitar hooks are the focus here, cause if it ain’t broke, use it. The typical Korn vibe is here, with repeated choruses, growls here and there, and some occasional wonky vocal moments which attempt to escalate the weird, dark energy Korn are oft known for. Only one issue. If you’re looking for a darker Korn experience, this is not the album. It’s much more about the predictable pop bits, that can bring [untitled] energy. While there’s the occasional breakdown, the dark aggression found in their earlier work has been rather snuffed to create a more friendly tone.
It’s a great album, yet not so powerful. There’s heft to these hooks, and doses of cool moments. It’s an album of moments, catchy bits, and oomph. It’s not a moment that’ll make you cry or keep you on the edge of your seat too much. It’s still quite enjoyable, with a few thrills and tricks in the bag, but perhaps not one you’ll keep in your personal stash for a lifetime.
Not to be a hater, especially since my own review is embarrassing, but this write-up feels a bit lazy my man. There’s a lot of awkward phrasing, a few sentence fragments, it’s quite bare on the details and also reads pretty flat. There’s no major errors or anything, but for short reviews I think you can really focus on density of information and quality prose. This feels dashed off without much thought or effort. No offense intended, just my impression man, I think you can do better.
As a KoRn megafan who also LOVED dubstep at the point when Path of Totality came's still down there with Korn III as one of their worst. There is an EPs worth of great material, they just couldn't stretch it to a full album. Narcissistic Cannibal is GOATed though.
Love the fact that this album signifies the start of the pizza contrib era...but I'm not really getting too much of a sense of the album with your review (putting my many repeated spins aside and just reading).
> There is an EPs worth of great material, they just couldn't stretch it to a full album. Narcissistic Cannibal is GOATed though.
Agreed, though I feel like the biggest problem is just that it’s not a Korn album. It’s a Jon Davis + collaborators album. Wrong audience entirely, shoulda just been a fun side-project and I think it would’ve been received better that way.
pizzamachine Contributing Reviewer March 15th 2025
Album Rating: 3.5
“Not to be a hater”
You are one. I haven’t seen you comment on my reviews in a LONG time but you came out of hiding to shit on my first rev as contributor. Very ironic timing eh
Rev was not rushed and y’all have some ridiculous opinions for real. It’s okay though, it’s Sput. Frags? Nah
“ Thought this was a fine bullet-point style review focussed on vibes and directed at folks who have already heard it all”
> You are one. I haven’t seen you comment on my reviews in a LONG time but you came out of hiding to shit on my first rev as contributor. Very telling eh
I’m not so active anymore, looking through your recent reviews we swim in very different musical circles for the most part so it’s not surprising to me that we haven’t interacted much before. Also tbh I didn’t realise until afterwards that you and Hawks were just promoted together, so I wasn’t trying to rain on your parade or anything. Congrats on that btw. If it’s not welcome feedback then it’s not welcome feedback, no sweat brother.
pizzamachine Contributing Reviewer March 15th 2025
Album Rating: 3.5
Feedback is feedback until it’s diabolical hate straight from the bowels of Satan’s pit, where demons dwell.