Soundoffs 24 Album Ratings 1253 Objectivity 73%
Last Active 06-12-15 6:00 pm Joined 04-23-13
Review Comments 1,821
| YoYoMancuso would you happen to be the same gentleman who just bought our entire discog on bandcamp
| Flugmorph glorious dandy i want u back with us :'(
| Yuli yooo if u like the clinical, precise feel of garden of u may also enjoy A U R O R A by Ben Frost
| Rowan5215 ey bud
| Koris Hellyeah, I've been enjoying it a ton right now. Also, awesome Space Dandy avatar... that show kicks ass :]
| PunkMoon It starts out with Mike revealing a truly disgusting anecdote, but then then he reveals himself to be one of the sweetest, most thoughtful musicians on the planet. He just misses D. Boon so much.
| PunkMoon You listen to Marc Maron's interview with Mike Watt?
| Flugmorph Great dandy avatar dude, i love the Show :)
| Gwyn. i don't watch the anime at all anymore lol i just read the manga. mostly out of nostalgia since i used to be obsessed with that show like a lunatic years ago and because i'm obsessed with hinata(chick from my avys obvs) still. should've ended years ago tho
| MuhNamesTyler Yeah, interviews suck all the way around. Chipotle is pretty sweet although I'm highly suspicious of them when I ask for double steak on anything.
| Yuli Hey man, it's funny that you ask because I'm writing my review now! The album's a lot of fun. I don't think it's as potent as Option Paralysis was, but it's more experimental, which is probably why.
| Kman418 also getting yer wilhelm scream on i see nice
| Kman418 i dunno it might just be because of the hype but honestly it's my favorite thing they've released, there's not a single track on it that i don't love. i don't love egn quite as much as everyone else btw, but it's still an awesome release