
Soundoffs 24
Album Ratings 1253
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 06-12-15 6:00 pm
Joined 04-23-13

Review Comments 1,821

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  • YoYoMancuso would you happen to be the same gentleman who just bought our entire discog on bandcamp
    April 16 08:35 PM
  • Flugmorph glorious dandy i want u back with us :'(
    January 19 08:05 PM
  • Yuli yooo if u like the clinical, precise feel of garden of u may also enjoy A U R O R A by Ben Frost
    November 19 01:19 AM
  • Rowan5215 ey bud
    July 16 01:47 PM
  • LivingThrowaway there ya go.
    June 28 08:31 AM
  • LivingThrowaway on the way brutha...
    June 28 08:30 AM
  • Koris Hellyeah, I've been enjoying it a ton right now. Also, awesome Space Dandy avatar... that show kicks ass :]
    June 25 07:01 PM
  • PunkMoon It starts out with Mike revealing a truly disgusting anecdote, but then then he reveals himself to be one of the sweetest, most thoughtful musicians on the planet. He just misses D. Boon so much.
    June 20 06:11 AM
  • PunkMoon You listen to Marc Maron's interview with Mike Watt?
    June 20 06:01 AM
  • Flugmorph Great dandy avatar dude, i love the Show :)
    December 5 10:34 AM
  • Gwyn. i don't watch the anime at all anymore lol i just read the manga. mostly out of nostalgia since i used to be obsessed with that show like a lunatic years ago and because i'm obsessed with hinata(chick from my avys obvs) still. should've ended years ago tho
    May 19 10:41 AM
  • Gwyn. yeah she is
    May 19 10:37 AM
  • MuhNamesTyler Yeah, interviews suck all the way around. Chipotle is pretty sweet although I'm highly suspicious of them when I ask for double steak on anything.
    May 16 05:22 AM
  • MuhNamesTyler What was the job?
    May 14 10:41 PM
    May 9 03:51 AM
  • Yuli Hey man, it's funny that you ask because I'm writing my review now! The album's a lot of fun. I don't think it's as potent as Option Paralysis was, but it's more experimental, which is probably why.
    May 3 09:53 PM
  • Kman418 also getting yer wilhelm scream on i see nice
    April 28 06:58 AM
  • Kman418 i dunno it might just be because of the hype but honestly it's my favorite thing they've released, there's not a single track on it that i don't love. i don't love egn quite as much as everyone else btw, but it's still an awesome release
    April 28 06:58 AM

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