Kars Landman

Reviews 8
Approval 93%

Soundoffs 110
News Articles 40
Band Edits + Tags 33
Album Edits 41

Album Ratings 1267
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 09-03-19 6:35 am
Joined 03-14-14

Review Comments 5,242

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Hawks Lol I'm in a huge rap mood lately bro might be a while lmao.
    May 6 02:08 AM
  • budgie beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans
    May 4 06:33 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki arrrgh matey an' we work to bring u dat famous ol' spice
    April 18 05:37 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki Kars Landman, so you could say youre a land lubber
    April 18 11:28 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki PUPPY!!!!!!!!!
    April 17 06:57 PM
  • bighubbabuddha **** beardogs can speak, damn what an awesome world
    April 17 06:54 PM
  • bighubbabuddha good beardog
    April 17 12:19 PM
  • budgie bears bears bears bears bears bears bears bear bears bears bears bears bears bears
    April 17 06:05 AM
  • trilo yeah same with my local store. some good ones from Sennheiser, Audio Technica and all that but these more "boutique" brands are online only. definitely an element of blind faith to it but i have yet to be burned, and honestly when these Rognirs die i might just grab another pair lol they are too good
    March 11 07:32 PM
  • trilo lot of research brother. head-fi is an excellent site for digging into all things headphones, plus places like youtube, reddit etc. always hit up a local store to try or buy from a place with returns.
    March 11 07:09 PM
  • tyman128 Yessirrrr, love to see it
    March 11 03:28 PM
  • Dmax28 I'm glad you found Anthriel. That really is the embodiment of a hidden gem
    February 17 10:09 PM
  • peartnoy Yo Beardog. When are you giving At The Center of it All - Chapter 1 a listen? Really curious to read what you think of it compared to our older material ;)
    October 1 02:26 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey Kars, just wanted to let you know that the new Rota Fortunae album is out now if you wanted to give it a listen. I made a list with a couple links to the stream and would love to hear your thoughts on it:
    June 7 02:53 PM
  • tyman128 Hey man, sorry about the delay in the review. I've hit some major writer's block and I'm dealing with college prep (since I leave to campus in just under three weeks now). I promise Imma get that review out there, but I don't want it to be a half-product where I struggled to make something great for your record
    July 30 04:41 PM
  • tyman128 man, it?s really solid metalcore shoegaze stuff, i think you?ll like it!!
    March 13 11:33 AM
  • tyman128 hey man, it's been a while, how have you been?? have you checked out Loathe's album this year?
    March 12 11:27 AM
  • BenThatsMyJamin Ah I was gutted to miss them as my train was delayed to the London gig! What was it you didn't like about their live sound? (I'm in the same boat as you re: liking Air but not rly liking the new one)
    November 30 01:46 PM
  • BenThatsMyJamin Hey man, did you see Astronoid live at the Periphery show in London?
    November 18 02:09 PM
  • MotokoKusanagi oh are you not playing on NA servers?
    November 11 03:08 AM
  • MotokoKusanagi what's your league username
    November 9 09:13 AM
  • Trifolium Hi! Come share your fave album with us here, would be cool:
    October 15 07:49 AM
  • FukkenKrist Excuse me, how do I make my avatar show up on the review site
    September 16 07:33 PM
  • tyman128 that?s awesome man, I think I found your account and you have two follow requests. One from my main (tyler.white.17) and one from my music profile (tyler.white.guitar)
    August 14 04:12 AM
  • tyman128 hey man, I?m going back through your album again and it?s just as amazing as the first few times through. You thinking of ever putting it out on spotify and Apple Music?
    August 13 06:39 PM
  • tyman128 love that song man, I was singing along on the first listen
    August 8 09:18 PM
  • tyman128 awesome man!! loved hearing those lyrics of ?the lamb has overcome? it was a pleasant surprise for me and beautifully placed
    August 8 06:37 PM
  • tyman128 one question tho, based off of the lyrics, are you a christian??
    August 8 03:31 PM
  • tyman128 DUDE WHAT THE HECK?!! that new song is fantastic man, freaking DIG IT you know I love your last album, but this song is better than anything off of it (and you know how much i love FtW). And your vocals, my gosh they have improved and they fit much better herefreaking proud of your work man
    August 8 12:03 PM
  • tyman128 hey man, just wanted to congratulate you, your album took 9th on my album of the year list. Fantastic album dude, hoping to hear more from you soon
    December 30 08:29 PM
  • osmark86 if you want an av, use the "quick links" in your profile and click "help forums". log in at the top of the page as you would normally. click "user cp" (top bar). click "Edit Avatar". there you go mate ^^
    December 7 08:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD aahah ok its somewhere on my digs list and still don't quite know what to expect X)
    December 5 09:16 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD What jazz punk record?cheers
    December 4 03:01 PM
  • Hawks Hahahahahahahahaha
    November 28 07:46 AM
  • tyman128 yea dude, no worries, it was really fun to write up
    November 18 07:35 PM
  • tyman128 okay, just thought you should know, your album has been on repeat since I?m probably gonna review it soon, and I?m pretty sure FtW is in my top songs of the year
    November 18 01:05 PM
  • tyman128 quick question, how fast do you write out the drum machine beats and such? and what do you use for the drum sims?
    November 17 08:53 PM
  • tyman128 alright, so I?m going to be writing a review for Silent Planet this weekend because I had claimed I would do it somewhere in a list. But after that, you?re album is up
    November 2 09:36 AM
  • tyman128 sweet, you got an email I can send it to? It may show up tomorrow because my garageband is acting all glitchy right now
    November 1 12:38 PM
  • tyman128 random question, would you mind if I sent what I think is the intro to FtW, listen to it, and like tell me how close I am haha
    November 1 12:24 PM
  • tyman128 I know it?s not note for note, but what the intro for FtW is funnnn to play
    November 1 12:17 PM
  • tyman128 that?s great to hear! thought FtW was Drop C, just wasn?t sure of the restI may try out learning FtW, but I?m not very great without tabs haha, still worth trying
    November 1 11:52 AM
  • tyman128 another question, what tuning do you play in? it either sounds like Drop C or Drop B, but I can?t pinpoint it
    November 1 11:12 AM
  • tyman128 as a suggestion, I say you should continue down the path of Follow the Wolves. The drumming, guitars, and bass all flow very well and it seems like you were the most comfortable vocally in that song. Everything about the song just feels very relaxed in terms of songwriting, by far the best song on the album to me
    November 1 10:53 AM
  • tyman128 haha, the verse just has that bass driven , eerie vibe to it that I like, really well done stuff man
    November 1 10:45 AM
  • tyman128 gotta be honest, Follow the Wolves is probably one of the best riff reliant songs I?ve heard all year. It?s definitely got that B.B. riff style as well as a borderline Korn-esque verses sound, I dig it
    November 1 10:28 AM
  • tyman128 yea, I?m a huge fan of alt metal riffs and stuff (interestingly since the bands that create those are generally hated here) so the riffs that you?ve made have all been really catchy and fun to jam. Your vocals aren?t all that confident, but they should be, because they sound great for this style that you write. Also, those drums, although programmed, are pretty sweet and fit so well and sound extremely raw and real
    November 1 10:20 AM
  • tyman128 dude, the riffs for Beyond the Graves and Follow the Wolves are sick. I?m really digging this album, may end up giving it a 4.5
    November 1 10:11 AM
  • tyman128 thought so, but that?s not anything bad. In fact, for a while, I was convinced they were legit. Also, off of the first full listen I?ve given this, it?s at least a 4, no doubt man
    October 31 08:48 PM
  • tyman128 quick question for your record, are the drums computerized or are you playing drums?
    October 31 07:26 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD eheh I hope so!
    October 30 12:17 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Oh! Nice first rating m/ War Moans may be a little less heavier but equally good.
    October 25 10:21 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD @Beardog Mutoid Man is quite awesome friend. Converge's drummer, Cave in's vocalist/guitarrist and Ballou producing...the rest is just fun m/ not serious stuff but it bangs hard.
    October 25 10:20 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity i'll try and give it a crack sometime, even though I'm probably not the target audience for this type of music.
    August 10 10:21 PM
  • BlackMalachite Finally got around to checking your new release. Solid s*** man. 3.5
    August 10 12:48 AM
  • DungeonBoy of course dude, I already added it to my bandcamp wishlist to remind me to check it out ;)
    August 2 12:38 PM
  • SitruK6 hey dude, just wanted to say sorry for being harsh yesterday. idk i probably didn't get what you mean and just wasn't in a very good mood so it came out like that. no bad blood on my part. M/
    July 30 04:03 PM
  • BlackMalachite I'm scoring my own movie, idk if you saw the list but there's an animation team working on a movie using the plot of my Space Opera.
    July 24 03:48 PM
  • BlackMalachite Thank you so much man, I really appreciate that
    June 1 03:08 PM
  • BlackMalachite Thanks man, honestly I've been at a tough crossroad in my life and my depression came back. I've been drinking a lot
    June 1 07:51 AM
  • BlackMalachite Hey man I really like the sound you were going for with this. If I was going to recommend anything it'd be a bit more bass, but this should be interesting!
    March 5 04:58 PM
  • KjSwantko Thanks for your insight on my list, man. Greatly appreciated as I don't know what the hell I'm doing haha.
    January 10 04:02 PM
  • Final Origin Just finished listening to the whole thing, I've got to say it was ****ing awesome. The title track is an absolute beast along with Dew and Moon's Light, so much energy and variety in those songs. Your compositions are so detailed and your synth work is astounding. Some tracks like Entrance did have sections that I felt were a bit too long and could be cut short, but other than that some stellar stuff man. Get that s*** released as soon as you can cause its great!
    October 9 08:43 PM
  • Final Origin Sweet dude, if you want some opinions on it send over a link and I'd be happy to listen to it!
    October 8 09:18 PM
  • Final Origin Yeah definitely keep the vocals off, you already have a lot of interesting things going on in the tracks that there is no need for them! Hope you get the time to listen to my stuff and hopefully be interested in reviewing it
    July 29 05:57 PM
  • Final Origin Heard your new stuff, Gataar was a ****ing jam man. Your right about stepping up the tracks, they are sound much more detailed and epic, looking forward to how that album turns out, I would actually leave the vocals out, they are perfect as instrumentals!Also, trying my luck here, how would you feel about review my latest album? Would love to read your opinion on it!
    July 28 12:21 PM
  • BlackMalachite Thank you man! I can't wait to see what you rate it, I'm seriously super proud of it.
    July 27 10:22 PM
  • BlackMalachite Figured I'd message ya, but I'm streaming my new album early for a few people -
    July 27 07:54 AM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 10:14 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 10:14 AM
  • Snide I'm down to listen to it.
    March 27 07:32 PM
  • TVC15 Your hard work is appreciated, hope more people listen to it! :)
    March 21 03:53 PM
  • TVC15 Frankly I don't really like how Until it Breaks sounds. Again it may be cos I'm too used to the original but this song especially doesn't sound natural in a metal context. Not that you didn't do a good job with what you had to work with, just that I personally like what I heard cos of the previously stated reason. On this first listen I think I actually like this Powerless remix more than the original tbh
    March 21 12:15 AM
  • TVC15 I quite liked Skin to Bone and Roads Untraveled although I wish Skin to Bone maintained some more electronic stuff and the strings weren't as loud (although they're probably that high in the mix because it carries the melody anyway so w/e lol).
    March 21 12:05 AM
  • TVC15 This ending to Victimized is gnarly
    March 20 11:48 PM
  • TVC15 Hmmm maybe it's just that I'm too used to the original album but for stuff like, say, Castle of Glass would have benefited with a more subtle approach instrumentally especially since the soft vocals don't compliment the aggressive instrumental
    March 20 11:48 PM
  • TVC15 Holy s*** I can believe you were working on this for like 2 years
    March 20 11:25 PM
  • TVC15 I'm starting to listen to your Living Things remix album rn. Couldn't do it earlier as I was at school. Digging this Lost in the Echo so far!
    March 20 11:15 PM
  • Snide Hey man, my second album's out if you wanna jam it -
    September 22 11:06 PM
  • Snide Hey, it's Snide! Would you be down to check my debut out? -
    July 10 01:24 AM
  • bnelso55 Still looking for jazz/metal/rock bands? I'd recommend these guys, specifically the first and last tracks. Hope you enjoy!
    March 7 09:41 PM
  • Tunaboy45 Agreed, if you're gonna new a review at least have the balls to say why.
    January 31 07:26 PM
  • Tunaboy45 I haven't heard the full album yet so I can't say for sure but it seems about right to me. It's popular to hate post-Portnoy DT on here so any reviews above a 3 are bound to take some flak.
    January 31 11:31 AM
  • Tunaboy45 Not sure why your DT review got so many ghost negs, it's really good.
    January 31 10:48 AM
  • Insurrection Yeah I did a lot of searching and i managed to get a decent third party amp and cabinet. i just need to find the right impulse now and tinker with them
    November 22 04:57 AM
  • Insurrection Hey man, you mind walking me through this kontakt thing? honestly i never used the app before downloading guitar rig so i have no clue how either of them function really aside from slapping on a plugin
    November 19 10:30 PM
  • metalheadrunner Hey bear, it's actually in drop A and I already learned it (: thanks though
    November 2 09:24 PM
  • metalheadrunner Bear, I would agree. Red is best being heavy.
    October 28 03:16 PM
  • Greem Hi! Here?s my new album - I?ll be glad if you check it out. Thanks.
    October 5 12:19 PM
  • Final Origin Hey dude, finally released the new album, check it out! I put out a CD release too!
    July 28 04:02 PM
  • titanslayer Sounds good besides the midi guitar. But I guess you have to use what you can work. with I made a band page for you and added your album and remix. I won't rate tell you're done but it could probably be a 3 or a 3.5
    July 21 08:41 PM
  • titanslayer Neat. I'll try to check soon(ish)
    July 15 02:36 AM
  • titanslayer You should tell me when you finish your album. I actually like what I'm hearing a lot, especially the slower parts, and interludy kinda things
    July 1 08:07 PM
  • tresm87 Yea he was a fool. Just some troll.
    June 30 08:45 PM
  • titanslayer Okay I'll give it a look next week, I work on the weekends so it'll be a bit before I have free time again
    June 26 09:03 PM
  • titanslayer hopefully you'll be able to find someone who can play for you. I play guitar but I'm a probably not good enough to play anything like that (yet.)
    June 26 04:16 PM
  • titanslayer Do you have a guitar or a guitarist? I'm sure you can make the drums better but yeah midi guitar is hard to work with
    June 25 07:46 PM
  • titanslayer I didn't listen to the whole thing but from what I heard of the music you've released the symphonic stuff is really cool and you have some awesome ideas. But you're drums don't have enough kick ya know? And I don't really like you're guitar tone, it's pretty sterile. I'm sure most of that can be fixed when you find more time to mix and master everything though
    June 23 02:14 AM
  • beefshoes Yeah, I found it probably minutes after I posted to your shoutbox. haha I appreciate it nonetheless.
    June 13 03:57 PM
  • Greem Hi! this is my new album I hope you'll enjoy it
    May 25 07:18 PM
  • tresm87 Well I want it too, but he's just trying to **** with anticipating fans like us who can't wait.
    May 13 01:27 PM
  • tresm87 He didn't find it, he's just trolling to get people like us to get all hyped up for nothing.
    May 12 04:26 PM
  • pedro70512 or if the file is over 25MB,
    December 7 05:38 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey man, I saw your post on Final Origin's list and it reminded me that I dug some your music a while ago (from an unfinished album I believe), I was wondering how that project was going?
    November 1 01:26 AM

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