
Reviews 1
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 76
Album Ratings 2331
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 07-09-22 11:25 am
Joined 04-13-14

Review Comments 12,134

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  • Pheromone i miss u
    June 16 08:16 PM
  • Pheromone how you doing homie
    February 7 08:17 PM
  • Sunnyvale I've spent some time with that Matt Dorrien record now. Can't say I'm convinced by a lot of the first half, it's pleasant but feels a little corny. Really comes into its own in the second half though, I really like the old-school, nocturnal, jazzy vibes there. Some major hits there earn a 3.5 for now.
    June 16 11:59 PM
  • Sunnyvale Yep, I figured that out! I did give it a listen last week and need to come back to it.
    May 26 05:33 PM
  • Sunnyvale Thanks, will definitely check!
    May 16 03:05 PM
  • Pheromone how are you my friend
    April 28 03:23 PM
  • theBoneyKing Just dropped a review of Ethel Cain - Inbred, please read to understand why your 3 rating is incorrect ;-P
    March 21 12:50 AM
  • robertsona invited julia kwamya to play my sister's apartment, thought there was an off chance you'd enjoy this vid Mar 06, 3 27 45 PM.mp4
    March 8 12:17 AM
  • Pheromone yeah i had chamber pop on my bad boy, what about doofcore?
    February 22 02:15 PM
  • Pheromone Lark vote slowcore please and thank u
    February 20 04:40 PM
  • Trifolium Oh nice! Loved some of their stuff, certainly looking into this one. Goodnight!
    February 11 10:46 PM
  • Sunnyvale Nice! Well, better pump one out then so you have a comment section to rave about it in, haha
    February 11 07:00 PM
  • Sunnyvale Cheers man! Yeah, it truly rocks, probably gonna review it.
    February 11 06:53 PM
  • Pheromone I thought that Rolling Stones one was a bit rash too! I think it's a great album but with a band like spoon making such a bold statement when it's not straight up OKC levels their opus is a strange choice. Especially with a 4.5 rating. Er, I can't remember the publication, spin? I think. Didn't read the review though.
    February 11 03:41 PM
  • Pheromone The reviews have been surprisingly rave (save a couple) which was a welcome surprise. I also love it! I've always been a bit more into their more-reserved stuff and this is certainly not that but I do love it - 2:30 on satellite is on right now hnnng. I'd toy with a 4 after enough listens
    February 11 11:29 AM
  • Pheromone Lark what do you make of the new spoon
    February 11 11:13 AM
  • DoofDoof I needed to friend more female users ;)
    February 9 01:15 PM
  • DoofDoof What is your username there?
    February 9 12:25 PM
  • Trifolium Hello Larky!!! Although you're not sure you'd appreciate that (????), it's Enjoy and lots of love and hearts ????
    February 8 10:22 PM
  • DoofDoof Also: the quickest visual way I find to see a lot of what is out on a Friday is just go to the AOTY site main page on a Friday morning.
    February 8 01:28 PM
  • DoofDoof Actually clicking the top right ?rating? button in the results page is what I use - you just get an alphabetical list of all the 2022 albums you have put on your wish list that way
    February 8 12:11 PM
  • DoofDoof Hi, yeah best thing is wish list them then search by release date ?2022? in your music, then click on the date icon in the search results twice. That will bring back your 2022 wish list but not in strict release date order. Not sure you can get that level of detail.
    February 8 12:07 PM
  • Icebloom Hey, thanks for the Richard Hawley rec! (You urged me to listen to it in the comments of one of my lists). It's a beautiful album; so melancholic and warm and romantic. I've settled at a 4.0 for now, but I can definitely see it grow even further. Good stuff!
    January 15 06:39 PM
  • theBoneyKing Hes 50. Both my parents are pretty cool especially with music, both listen to and actively seek out lots of modern stuff and have great taste with older stuff too. They were pretty big influences on my taste in my formative years.
    January 15 12:18 PM
  • theBoneyKing Oops, something got cut off. I think I just was saying that kind of stuff.
    January 15 12:01 PM
  • theBoneyKing Been jamming the Erika de Casier album a bit. It's a nice jam, not totally my vibe though I have a bit of nostalgia for that kind of r
    January 14 05:30 PM
  • DoofDoof New tracks are pretty decent on the Feiner
    January 13 05:06 PM
  • DoofDoof Good spot, I had seen the album was now on Spotify but had never bothered checking the tracklist
    January 9 02:03 PM
  • DoofDoof Liked the rec - have you tried any of his other albums yet?
    January 8 03:32 PM
  • Sunnyvale Cheers, will keep that in mind!
    January 8 03:27 PM
  • Sunnyvale Hey! I've heard a fair amount of his songs but never done a deep delve, I'll definitely get around to it one of these days.
    January 8 02:12 PM
  • Sunnyvale Thank you! The Nick Drake and Elliott Smith similar artist note piques my interest, listening now.
    January 5 02:55 PM
  • DoofDoof Happy new year - that goes straight to the list for tomorrow :)
    January 4 05:43 PM
  • theBoneyKing Thanks Lark! I had heard of that and actually heard it a couple times earlier in the year when my dad played it in the background but never dig deeper into it so I will give it another proper go!
    December 26 03:41 PM
  • Trifolium On another note: the Clara Malaterre EP I recently reviewed might appeal to you as well. Stunning performance, wonderful folky diverse chansons.
    December 17 10:58 AM
  • Trifolium Wow that is an amazing list, love it! Certainly will check some of the ones I don't know yet!
    December 17 10:53 AM
  • Trifolium Some of it is so nice Larky, of the Nation of Language one you recd me. Sunny stuff! I think it'd be a good car-album if you know what I mean! Thanks for the rec!
    December 17 10:35 AM
  • Trifolium Hi Skylark! Nice, on the list it goes. That description sounds very promising to me, curious now! I'll let you know what I think! Trif out~~~
    December 14 02:30 PM
  • Pheromone Hello! It works like a kind of s*** messaging social media / group chat - there's one for sput but I don't often frequent these days BUT it has a bot which lets you all queue music / chat over message while listening together. It's pretty dandy
    December 11 10:30 AM
  • Pheromone It's... good! I haven't checked it much since the first couple days I was jamming it. It's pretty nostalgia-heavy housey wousey idk it's good it's worth a check it's like 19 minutes if i remember. Do you have discord by any chance, me and anat are gonna do a little music party (if you remember plugdj type thing) and jam some 2021 stuff later on the sput server
    December 7 06:17 PM
  • Pheromone ok i am listening to elliott smith today as i am sad but TOMORROW i will listen and will not betray you - yes come to mine for christmas dinner
    December 4 03:19 PM
  • Pheromone oh my that's true rec me something im readdy
    December 4 01:24 PM
  • Pheromone why am I not one of your favourite artists
    November 30 09:52 PM
  • Pheromone
    November 30 09:51 PM
  • Bedex omg i had no idea i'm getting on it right this minute thanks for letting me know!!
    November 24 05:01 PM
  • Pheromone Ah s*** I'm a fanny I forgot about that - well, come move to Brighton, I can find you a bar job and a couple old LP's !
    November 10 09:12 AM
  • Pheromone still working at the church?
    November 9 02:30 PM
  • Pheromone had a sort of mini breakdown in a seminar today and an all round stressful morning and then bottle up and explode randomly came into my head and i was like oh yeah you beautiful soul
    November 9 02:21 PM
  • Pheromone elliott smith is so good
    November 9 01:35 PM
  • Pheromone oooooooooooo hey must be a devil between us in brighton and den
    November 9 12:23 PM
  • Bedex u rated Sofia Campos i heart u
    October 14 12:41 PM
  • theBoneyKing Been jamming Paranoid Cocoon the past week and am quite enjoying it! The last two tracks and "Gone the Bells" are especially lovely.
    October 4 12:01 AM
  • Pheromone hello i love and miss you how you finding this month in MUSIC
    September 28 05:21 PM
  • theBoneyKing Promise you I will get to Cotton Jones, just been busy the past couple weeks.
    September 18 09:50 AM
  • theBoneyKing That album's actually been on my "to listen" list for a long time and was recently thinking about finally going for it so I'll take that as a sign!
    September 6 05:11 PM
  • DoofDoof Definitely some Red House Painters overlap with the sound of that one, but the band came from doom metal origins
    August 27 05:05 PM
  • DoofDoof I would be really intrigued what you make of the album 'Wider than the Sky' by 40 Watt Sun - needs a few spins and might be either too depressing or vocal led for your tastes but if it clicks you are in for a treat
    August 27 05:04 PM
  • theBoneyKing Dude you gotta check more McMurtry, the man is a legend!
    August 22 12:16 PM
  • Trifolium Absolutely, that happened for me too. It is seriously GOOD. Oh man. Can't stop listening to it! Album of the year so far for me as well.
    June 10 09:09 AM
  • theBoneyKing Yesssss man, Mills is amazing. Ive been quietly shilling him here for years. Heigh Ho is def his peak so far for me, so many great songs on that one, but all his stuff is great. Btw Ive heard of Fussell, may check at some point.
    May 15 01:27 PM
  • Pheromone oh god not you also!! a 3 is good! (in a sort of i probably will never return, except for the opening 3, to it again sort of way) (i love you)
    May 14 01:53 PM
  • zakalwe Hello mate yes its quality. A very enjoyable listen, will enjoy listening to it over the spring/summer.
    May 11 04:35 PM
  • Trifolium Yes I did! I liked big stretches of it, but sometimes the flute especially could become a little too sweet sounding. Yet it certainly was a lovely record!
    May 11 01:37 PM
  • Trifolium Checking your - age old by now - Virginia Astley rec, love the cover already with the flowers they're cuuuuuute!
    May 6 09:30 AM
  • Pheromone okay, but i didn't know how to break it to you - i like the rest, i even LOVE some of the rest, but 76 minutes lark?!
    May 4 07:23 AM
  • Pheromone literally one song into the bruno pernadas and am already a bit in love
    May 3 12:04 PM
  • Pheromone love you love u luv yew
    May 1 12:05 PM
  • Pheromone what was your aoty go on go on go on - also nice 4.5 on mojave 3 i wish i loved it (also p.s. check spokane - the proud graduates)
    April 30 05:21 PM
  • Pheromone it was on and i felt the need to tell someone and you are someone hello how was your week?
    April 30 08:59 AM
  • Pheromone Jose Gonzalez Heartbeats will always be so beautiful wont it
    April 30 08:51 AM
  • theBoneyKing That new Israel Nash is an absolute beaut.
    April 30 02:07 AM
  • zakalwe YES LARK! I love the chaps earlier albums and didn?t know he had a new one out. Thanks mate.
    April 29 08:25 PM
  • Trifolium Hello Larky and thanks for the rec! That sounds like the perfect Sunday morning reading accompaniment, and luck has it that it is Sunday tomorrow! I'll let you know what I think!
    April 24 09:03 PM
  • Pheromone hello mate, sorry been a busy few days (weeks). i did! i checked it on a drift-off-to-sleep kinda vibe and really really enjoyed it. that was a while ago now and i really need to return to it
    April 24 07:32 PM
  • DoofDoof early rating after one listen - it is lengthy! some great tracks on there and it has an overall atmosphere too I think despite all the different vocalists
    April 22 03:07 PM
  • robertsona thanks for rating Kween Kwamya ?? she rules but seems too exhausted from 8 (!) years of figuring her s*** out to fully promote it?definitely tell your friends !!
    April 20 12:24 PM
  • theBoneyKing Yeah Hospice is really, really wonderful. It seems many people here like their other stuff more but at least as of now that one definitely hits the hardest. I guess in some ways it's a bit too obvious, pretty much everything there clicked and hit hard right away, so maybe some knock it for that? Their other stuff is all great too though. The new one might actually end up my second favorite from them, though I've only spun it a couple times.
    April 19 10:45 PM
  • theBoneyKing I've been going through the Antlers discog and mostly loving it! And yeah that Ryley Walker is great.
    April 19 09:34 PM
  • theBoneyKing Nice Dogwood tales rating!
    April 19 06:30 PM
  • JesperL ah dope! i definitely shall hehe, last friday's best find is lunation fall - near. one release from last year i highly rec is iress - flaw, easily one of my fav 2020 albums
    April 19 01:55 PM
  • JesperL nice, on it! and yvw, always happy to spread the word of hashtag bandcamp gaze haha
    April 18 05:53 PM
  • JesperL i was indeed, thank you! wasn't sure what to expect with that.. interesting album cover, but v lovely stuff!
    April 17 07:21 AM
  • theBoneyKing Ive been meaning to get to that, will do soon.
    April 15 09:40 PM
  • JesperL nice!! agreed on treading lightly, would be cool if she explored that direction a lil further in the future. i checked julia brown, rly sweet stuff n will def stay in rotation as the weather gets better! i'll leave you with one more rec: night flowers' first album. esp the back half of that one is dream pop perfection :]
    April 13 11:34 AM
  • JesperL ah dope, autumn's first album is probs my fav ethereal wave. and sweet, if you haven't heard it yet i highly recommend fazerdaze's full length, easily one of the best/most summery recent dream pop albums!
    April 12 06:20 PM
  • JesperL my god between ur digs (vansire/slow crush/bathe alone) and recent widowspeak/beach fossils ratings i just wanted to say ur listening to a lot of amazing stuff haha, on a nu-dream pop kick i assume? :]
    April 12 05:38 PM
  • Pheromone Lark, I basically think you might hate it, but check For Those I Love s/t and the clip on Jools Holland, tis' a heartbreaker.
    April 12 09:17 AM
  • DoofDoof Nice Green to Blue rating
    April 10 05:46 PM
  • Pheromone Oh man, it most definitely will not! Basically it is just some weird big groupchat social media thing (I'm so out of touch that I've actually used it for a while and I still don't really understand what it is) but there's a sput casual convo discord and would be nice to have you around if you ever want an excuse for further procastination n if sput is ever down x
    April 7 11:22 AM
  • Pheromone do YOU use DISCORD jeeze
    April 7 11:18 AM
  • Pheromone it's on but i may sleep i warn i love it so far
    March 29 11:40 PM
  • Pheromone not at all - i have had the busiest few weeks, but imma try and slip it in soon, keep the good year in music vibes rolling. how have you been?
    March 29 11:30 PM
  • Pheromone yes! I was super meant to rec you it and actually thought I had done. Its worth a try for sure
    March 29 03:53 PM
  • Pheromone "Dear Tommy was said to be completed[4] and Chromatics announced the LP in December 2014" lol it's pretty much the same as this wrens one then, been announced since 2014. Virtual hug in simultaneous support. Yeah my philosophy this year is to keep an open mind about old acts that have withered off (i.e. Notwist's was great), hence I plan to check that Death From Above album I digged just then, though I expect it to be a slog. Not a huge beach house fan but it'd be nice to have a super big drop.
    March 27 11:02 AM
  • Pheromone I'm still anticipating a Wrens album to come out soon (i think i have said this for too many years straight). I am excited, though not necessarily optimistic, for the new godspeed, and other than that I'd have to take a proper look at upcoming releases, which I might do in a little. How about you?
    March 27 10:50 AM
  • Pheromone good music year good year for music
    March 27 10:42 AM
  • Pheromone do you use discord?
    March 16 10:23 AM
  • Pheromone Fair enough, it's easy to fall out of a routine with music / etc - Hope your leg pain is sorted soon enough, I had shin splints last summer when I was doing a lot of running so that ****ed my schedule completely, luckily I could walk still, rip lark's leg we pray for it. Chin up luv x
    March 11 10:48 AM
  • Pheromone LARK of sky where have you been
    March 10 05:05 PM
  • Pheromone oh yeah the notwist - I haven't heard the new weather station (been a busy busy busy boy this the past week), how is it? I'm fundamentally chuffed for the new arab strap in 2 days, it's been a damn good year for music imo so far, but I saw elsewhere you do not necessarily agree?
    March 3 06:46 PM
  • Pheromone Yeah man. It's my AOTY so far, I'm putting together a lil review for it so I look forward to it just being me and you hyping it this year.
    March 3 03:49 PM
  • Pheromone **** me lark how good is that new notwist album i am in love
    March 2 09:20 PM
  • Pheromone Hell yeah bro I've only just started using it again recently so its mostly a depressing reminder of what I listened to in 2013/4 I.e. a lot of brand new
    February 24 09:28 PM
  • Pheromone Yeah man frip is a big og, wonder where he's at now adays. Think I have him on lastfm lol maybe I should stalk him more. Also will get around to your recs soon I promise !!!
    February 24 07:17 PM
  • Pheromone by the way you've god damn sailed your way into round 3 of the sput march madness you god damn legend
    February 24 05:32 PM
  • Atari will check my man. it's actually in my music library and looks familiar so must have caught my eye before :)
    February 24 05:21 PM
  • Pheromone my studying is super calm right now - start of term, and still on this faux year abroad so the work load isn't much at all. i just took your advice and went for a run, which I loved and also gonna watch the football - you'll be happy to know I am desperate for Atletico to wallop Chelsea
    February 23 07:26 PM
  • Pheromone Ah man, still working at ze church? Maybe I need to find some structure to keep me motivated. Happy Christmas also mate. December 25 12:57 PM
    February 23 12:57 PM
  • Pheromone Ahah it's the self-titled EP seperate from the full 'discography', they haven't got the EP as a standalone so I just chucked it in a playlist. German AND French lyrics. Will check smthn today, I am still really lethargic and only just woke up again (12:23). February 23 11:55 AM
    February 23 12:23 PM
  • theBoneyKing yeah that was one of my better late-year finds! Definitely a grower but it worked its way into my heart. "(un)knowing" is such a beaut.
    February 22 10:37 PM
  • Pheromone golly we really are presently moving from rec to rec without even checking any of the recs
    February 22 08:06 PM
  • Pheromone I don't! I love hi- I love that you love him. Check this playlist I made on spotify which is literally just one EP but it is super good EP and i love it and it is only 10 minutes
    February 22 08:06 PM
  • Pheromone yeah I also got the vibe he wouldn't want me to listen to him right now
    February 22 07:46 PM
  • Pheromone Aha I will definitely check soon - I know what you mean about being stuck in your head all day, I've had the opening to some Defeater song stuck in my head for weeks. It's almost a nuisance at this point. Check The Wedding Present right. this. instance
    February 22 07:37 PM
  • ReefaJones Start with Dots and Loops
    February 22 06:47 PM
  • Pheromone oh man that's super luvly - real nostalgic minimalist feel n i will check (hopefully) the album soon (ish). did you get around to that wedding presents?
    February 20 04:47 PM
  • ReefaJones Yeah it's awesome. Kinda sounds like the love child of Stereolab, Burt Bacharach and Elis Regina
    February 18 05:58 PM
  • DoofDoof I liked the Daniel Knox a bit more than you did, but in agreement, nothing to get too excited about from 2021 yet
    February 16 10:24 PM
  • DoofDoof I was reaaaallly 50/50 on coming back at all - little bit ashamed for a bit actually, but certainly a few users I missed talking to here. I think the trick is I will never get as 'intense' about this place again, will keep it light n frothy :D
    February 16 09:16 PM
  • Pheromone I haven't!! I will check - in a big music discovery mood rn
    February 16 12:34 PM
  • Pheromone north check that wedding present i just rated
    February 15 09:28 PM
  • Pheromone ambient inspired dream pop - im told there's a lot of similarities to ben howard, but i am dumb**** and have never listened to ben howard
    February 14 05:53 PM
  • ReefaJones Love Lhasa. Check out her first 2 also
    February 14 03:05 PM
  • Pheromone check that heavy frigate album i rev'd my favourite bird, it's anat's album
    February 14 09:46 AM
  • ReefaJones 4.5 sweet
    February 10 08:02 PM
  • ReefaJones In Spite Of Me, the title track and Let's Take A Trip together have to be my favorites. The album has just a ****ing dope atmosphere. Feels like you're sitting in some surreal, smoked out underground bar at 5 am
    February 10 06:53 PM
  • ReefaJones It do be pretty god damn good. It do be.
    February 10 06:47 PM
  • ReefaJones No problem. One of my favorite albums
    February 10 06:44 PM
  • ReefaJones Morphine - Cure For Pain and Carina Round - The Disconnection
    February 10 03:14 PM
  • theBoneyKing The Weather Station album is so good innit??
    February 9 04:48 PM
  • Pheromone I'm always here for a vent or a chat my dude - or if you wanna add me up on anything (discord etc), it's a tiring ol time n u r my luv. I'm back with the parents because I couldn't front the rent, but I've a place sorted for next year. It's a slog but eh, im keeping. **** all to do, mind. Maybe I'll listen to some Roisin Murphy...
    February 6 11:52 AM
  • someone need some spicy juicy tasty recs of 50-100 ratings. could you throw me an album or two?
    February 6 01:29 AM
  • Pheromone What's the roisin thing?? I feel for you man, it's just a ****ing slog of a time - a cat would be cool, I've been in a weird brooding state for all animals (if that makes sense lol). What's your living situ, are you able to see people? AHHHH i feel like this never ends.
    February 5 10:22 PM
  • Pangea Hey Skylark, this is a quirky and maximalist chamber/indie pop album that's still warm and cute. maybe you would dig?
    February 5 05:20 PM
  • Pheromone I will say my doggo has been a great joy rn so get that little puppy tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, the tomorrow after, and if not that, the tomorrow after that (etc etc etc) - I will check out that Marissa Nadler album soon. I've decided im gonna get an early night n try and fit in a workout tomorrow morning before i get started on assignments. I'll let you know if that's the cure.
    February 3 08:02 PM
  • Pheromone I wish I could give you some advice that worked for me but I have been deadly fkn tired at all times the past few weeks. Haven't even got the energy to chuck a film on right now. If you find the cure hmu x
    February 2 07:39 PM
  • Pheromone Nothing really - I've been getting back into film recently, starting a letterbox account and all of that. But, in terms of shows, the only ones I adore are The Wire and Band of Brothers in a generic lack-of-plot twist. If you haven't checked either of those, do!! Also, are you much into film?
    January 28 07:33 PM
  • Pheromone post punk, gothic, americana as genre tags - that's tasty. I will do. Yeah man, it's draining, but oh well what can u do (other than sleep bleh)
    January 28 06:31 PM
  • Pheromone Have been a useless jammer recently on account of a lack of time - I'm free now for a couple weeks but having some awful issues with fatigue. Any recs?
    January 28 06:26 PM
  • Pheromone I haven't actually heard that one but I'll chuck it on - the musical-ness of his music is definitely a selling point. How is that viagra boys album in your dig? I've been putting off checking it coz i feel like it'd be pre poor
    January 28 02:26 PM
  • Pheromone i hope that 3.0 doesn't mean you're gonna interpret 'it is just your sorta thing' as a bad thing : ( : (
    January 28 12:06 PM
  • Pheromone check that recent daniel knox i rated it is just your sorta thing
    January 27 07:10 PM
  • Pheromone I know you too well - I know that if it was crack, however, you'd have at least 3 numbers for him
    January 27 04:06 PM
  • Pheromone You got a fast carI want a ticket to anywhereMaybe we make a dealMaybe together we can get somewhereAny place is betterStarting from zero got nothing to loseMaybe we'll make somethingMe, myself, I got nothing to proveYou got a fast carI got a plan to get us outta hereI been working at the convenience storeManaged to save just a little bit of moneyWon't have to drive too far
    January 25 02:27 PM
  • Pheromone breaking bad and grandaddy ?! you are a man of my heart
    January 20 11:28 PM
  • Pheromone are you giving in 2000 man
    January 17 12:21 AM
  • Pheromone ALSO YES! My favourite on the album is Miner at the Dial-A-View but the entire album ~hits~ n ~grows~ so perfectly. I hope you grow to love it ?
    January 14 11:26 AM
  • Pheromone haha me and my mates are growing impatient with mou too, sitting back against fulham when you have two of the best forwards in the league is a disaster. between simeone's atletico and spurs you and your dad are getting a fair share of defensive football.
    January 14 11:25 AM
  • Pheromone jam women all day,,, alllll dayyyy
    January 14 10:43 AM
  • Pheromone im a spurs fan you see so both are big legends
    January 13 09:36 PM
  • Pheromone Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump ... opener alone should make it worth it
    January 13 11:30 AM
  • Pheromone Ay,,, I love Eriksen and Hojbjerg and you so I love Denmark. Oh god, you'd let me pick the big 1.8k??? ok give me a second
    January 13 11:30 AM
  • Colton I'm excited to revisit that one. Will tonight actually
    January 11 05:37 PM
  • Colton
    January 10 05:51 PM
  • Colton Haha yeah not sure about Hadestown right now. But it has the type of corniness that often grows on me. And tracks 1, 2 and 4 of YMIA are amazing
    January 10 05:32 PM
  • Colton I accidentally threw on Young Man In America instead of Hadestown but it?s amazing so far
    January 10 04:43 AM
  • Pheromone I did English in first year and became sick of the expected reading, killed my passion for the longest time. Glad to hear you're doing better, I've had a tough time of it during COVID as I'm sure everyone has. Just v bleh. I am! Essex originally (weirdly enough just down the road(ish) from Zak) but have been living in Brighton for 4 years now for Uni. What about you? You better be ****ing Northern
    January 9 08:13 PM
  • Pheromone Law, but i am in the midst of a year abroad at Prague (except it is online, and i am living in England and doing everything over email). ****ing awful. I can imagine working at a church is pre ~aesthetic~ especially for a national lover like you. Also, I always seem to do that lol, you should've kept it for prosperity reasons.
    January 9 10:10 AM
  • Pheromone I honestly adore that lyric so much - doing dry jan tho so maybe less so hehe. Ay, I didn't expect you to work at a church, is it a religious thing or are you grafting your hipster lifestyle? I have tons of exams still for uni (as im still somehow here) but as with everyone it's hard to be productive right now. Sending love dude, I hope the funeral went okay xx
    January 8 07:31 PM
  • Colton thanks man, been looking for something new
    January 7 11:19 PM
  • Pheromone Eek, similarly I have a s*** ton of work to be doing starting tomorrow which is haunting me like a thick cloud. Same with my holidays' but been on a lou reed binge today. What do you do for work?
    January 3 12:50 PM
  • Pheromone Happy new years bro x - how was your festive season?
    January 3 10:39 AM
  • Pheromone merry christmas north !!
    December 25 08:04 AM
  • Pheromone I might be nationaled out - is trouble different haha?
    December 21 11:09 AM
  • Pheromone Hello! I didn't want to reply before I had a chance to think on it - I think I think it's Little Faith. That's a gorgeous one. What about you?
    December 20 12:31 PM
  • Pheromone peep my high violet rating - i t h i n k youll like it : )
    December 17 02:59 PM
  • Pheromone oh dude exactly the same, I've had a real rough month as things go - but, we move! Matt Elliott at least is providing you some comfort in uncomfortable times. I've been good with music this month - the best thing I've discovered is this little EP by 125, Rue Montmartre - it's amazing
    November 25 07:58 PM
  • Pheromone North!!!!!! hows life
    November 25 07:50 PM
  • theBoneyKing Yeah plenty of good stuff on those! Certainly you'd get a better single album if you culled the best 15 or so tracks among them all but they're plenty enjoyable as they are!
    November 16 06:06 PM
  • theBoneyKing Some great stuff for sure!
    November 16 01:12 AM
  • Pheromone IM ALIVEalive and ready to listen to some scottish chamber pop - ill chuck it on rotation. Life is ok, but slightly hectic as things stand so this second lockdown is a bit blessed (but also not ideal)
    November 2 05:35 PM
  • Pheromone hows life beautiful - i see you have the new keaton 4.5'd - so good seeing him back to form
    October 28 08:07 PM
  • Pheromone gonna have to thank you personally for making me relisten to alligator - city middle has become an all time favourite mm
    October 21 06:31 PM
  • zakalwe Ha. Rough and Rowdy still my aoty absolutely love it.
    October 19 11:31 AM
  • zakalwe Hi Lark hope you?re well. Never heard it I will give it a spin soon as
    October 19 11:14 AM
  • theBoneyKing Its pretty darn great but I rate Recon Site a bit higher. What you digging these days? Matt B solo album is pretty great so far.
    October 17 11:11 PM
  • Pheromone Ah I've honestly been awful at checking new music this year - im usually quite slow but this year more than any other. The fiona apple has been my favourite though, thats an amazing album. What about you, any North certified recs?
    September 22 09:43 AM
  • Pheromone Ahah i feel like youre joking but also I cant quite be sure - this internet sarcasm thing is pretty hard
    September 21 03:26 PM
  • Pheromone Haha i know that I was only kidding- albeit in a sort of not obvious way
    September 20 06:31 AM
  • Pheromone I see you're a man of soft indie - may i interest you in an elliott smith?
    September 19 11:54 AM
  • Pheromone Good question! after a little bit of a think, right now we're looking at city middle, geese of beverly, slow show, brainy and the obviously gorgeous about today. How's that looking compared to yours? I've been pretty addicted to city middle the past week
    September 16 10:31 AM
  • Pheromone Honestly mate I think i might prefer alligator to boxer at this point. I always loved boxer but it was one of my weaker 4s but alligator blows my socks off from front to back almost. Thanks for making me recheck
    September 11 11:49 AM
  • Pheromone For sure - I've always been slower at getting around discographies as I like to spread them out a bit. Even with Elliott Smith, who has been pretty much more glorifed favourite for about 6 years, I was holding off with New Moon until (decently) recently. What I'm saying is that I'll message you in 8 years about the next National album I listen to
    September 1 12:56 PM
  • Pheromone Funny enough, daughters was the first one which really caught my attention and then one by one they all seemed to slide into place. I'm honestly thinking a 4 for it which is quite crazy considering I think I used to have it at a 2.5/3 about 5 years ago (before I justfiably removed that rating). I'll slowly but surely get to the rest of them - I'm not one for exploring entire bands discogs at one time, but I'll put each album on rotation over the year.
    September 1 09:50 AM
  • Pheromone growing fond of alligator over the past few weeks - fonder than I have in the past
    August 31 10:11 AM
  • Pheromone It better spark up or else we are over
    August 28 07:43 PM
  • Pheromone given the pinback album a spin yet bb?
    August 23 12:44 PM
  • Pheromone its real night time music
    August 15 03:04 PM
  • Pheromone aha im really glad man - I've been addicted to it for a couple weeks now. In terms of your 1700th you gotta check Pinback's first 'This Is A Pinback CD' (in other words, their s/t depending how you sway) - it's so beautiful man and unlike anything I had heard before or after. Give 'Loro' a listen and if you enjoy that you should love the entire album.
    August 15 02:52 PM
  • Pheromone got the review out x
    August 12 07:57 PM
  • Pheromone haha funny enough that's the review i am working on so i feel almost too compelled to keep you waiting. Give that album a listen though mate, it's incredible stuff
    August 12 07:34 PM
  • zakalwe Exactly the same with me about ten years ago when it all clicked. I bought bitches brew and kind of blue out of interest to see what the fuss was about and it opened up a whole new world for me.
    June 14 12:58 PM
  • Trifolium None of those were on my radar yet, will definitely give them a go. So much new stuff is coming out each week, how can we ever keep up with it!?
    June 11 04:15 PM
  • zakalwe Yes!!! My man!! Amazing album. The genre is a ridiculously mixed bag and there is quite a lot of outright nonsense but once you find the right stuff it can be incredibly rewarding. Jazz undoubtedly is responsible for some of the most beautiful music ever recorded and is an untapped mine of absolute gems. Shinya Fukumori Trio with the album For 2 Akis might be up your street lark dude.
    June 11 08:56 AM
  • Trifolium Ah, my bad! Definitely the new Agnes Obel, probably Craven Faults, T. Gowdy, Public Practice and Leafar Legov. I keep track of them in my Trif's 2020 list. Super looking forward to new Ulver too. Oh and The Necks was very nice as well, great jazzy stuff!
    June 11 08:45 AM
  • Trifolium Oooh that's so hard to say! I've not yet really delved into the individual tracks much. Usually listen to new music during work, so I don't pay attention to the track names, couldn't tell you any of them haha! But I really want to revisit that one, perhaps buy a physical copy of it (if it exists).
    June 11 08:25 AM
  • Trifolium Yeah the Matt Elliot one was lovely. Nice and dark and quiet if I remember correctly. Going in for more with that I've for sure, and I'll let you know what I think about your rec!
    June 10 09:36 PM
  • Trifolium Oooh! That looks good, will give them a go!
    June 10 11:01 AM
  • DoofDoof Video is class and I am not a big fan of the music video as a format in general :D
    June 9 04:49 PM
  • someone well Baxter Dury was a blast
    June 7 11:10 PM

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