
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 27
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 05-25-17 5:31 pm
Joined 04-24-17

Review Comments 225

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Conmaniac you can release your damn EP maybe ill review that instead. got a final in 5 hours and then im free sailing for the whole summer so I'll finish it then. not gonna send you my crappy doc full of unfinished thoughts
    May 10 07:54 AM
  • sixdegrees looks like a nice girl
    May 10 07:31 AM
  • Frippertronics i'm going to sleep and if you don't manage to unJUST yourself, you'll be dealing with a big 1
    May 9 09:01 AM
  • Frippertronics go to the forums, specifically the "ask the meds" and ask to get unbanned you moron jesus
    May 9 07:21 AM
  • Frippertronics learn to read
    May 8 08:24 PM
  • Frippertronics maybe that person should head on up to the forums to make their appeal since it's been close to over a week now
    May 8 09:05 AM
  • Frippertronics good enough to get the rating removed, now go get the old account back if this is who i think it is brotha
    May 8 07:07 AM
  • Frippertronics if only i knew who you were, comrade
    May 8 06:06 AM
  • Frippertronics hmmmm, not happening with that behaviour, you little fripp
    May 8 05:00 AM
  • Frippertronics i thought you used my name instead of ****, you fripping dork
    May 7 10:45 PM
  • RoundOnEndHiInMiddle likewise. such a great comp. ive had it on repeat since wednesday
    May 5 07:05 PM
  • Jom Aye, with all the approval queues being down, we needed to wait for things to get fixed before pushing the changes through. Everything should be all square now. Cheers!
    May 5 04:23 PM
  • hal1ax haha. alright alright u want esoteric. let daddy think
    May 3 06:39 PM
  • hal1ax ugh idk originally i kinda wanted to just sabotage u by picking a rly stupid name but u seem prty cool so i don't want to do that anymore. so if u want to just pick a name that's cool lol. but ya i guess ill keep thinking. more cyptic?
    May 3 05:49 PM
  • hal1ax caught between a thot and a hard place: a sach story
    May 2 09:46 PM
  • hal1ax we can collaborate if u want
    May 2 08:47 PM
  • hal1ax oh shi. forgot about that... ok let me ponder a bit
    May 2 05:12 PM
  • demon4u goddamn i gotta stop self-harming
    April 29 02:35 PM
  • demon4u u ever been so ****ing broken that you can't even cry and can only muster the same bleary-eyed stare?
    April 29 02:18 PM
  • demon4u i think friday's gonna be the day
    April 29 01:48 PM
  • demon4u that no gets closer to a yes every time i ask myself tbh
    April 29 01:42 PM
  • demon4u i got nothin
    April 29 01:37 PM
  • demon4u mayb the mods sending me a msg
    April 29 01:34 PM
  • demon4u i've been trynna write reviews but the mods keep deleting them :'(
    April 29 01:32 PM
  • demon4u i have no pills on me atm
    April 29 01:26 PM
  • demon4u dude help me
    April 29 01:24 PM
  • Voivod We are native Greeks, but we are shoutboxing in Greek via the Latin alphabet, as the Greek one is currently not available.
    April 27 11:45 AM
  • famousghost indeed
    April 27 10:09 AM
  • famousghost nop
    April 27 09:19 AM
  • Artuma exactly what i mean. i don't wanna talk about music with them cuz i'll end up s***ting on their favorite artists and they get upset and that's really uncomfortable for me too
    April 26 05:48 PM
  • Artuma i think it's better i never talk about music with any girl so i dunno
    April 26 05:40 PM
  • Artuma thanks man
    April 26 05:38 PM
  • hasan thank you my bro if you are not saying a joke please do not join isis you have family and friends who do not want you to
    April 26 05:29 PM
  • minty901 i aint mad
    April 26 12:55 PM

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