
Reviews 6
Approval 90%

Soundoffs 15
News Articles 51
Band Edits + Tags 12
Album Edits 49

Album Ratings 671
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 11-26-13 7:20 pm
Joined 09-04-09

Review Comments 1,462

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  • Voivod Not yet man, I can't find a physical copy atm
    March 23 05:21 PM
  • Palimpsest I pos'd your Tyranny Of Souls review because it's really the only other album I'm familiar with.
    March 12 08:49 PM
  • Waior haha, never said it was bad at all.. i haven't even read it, i just dislike the album. i can read it later if i'm not busy tonight and let you know what's up though!
    August 22 11:08 PM
  • ShadowRemains i think you changed it, but i can't remember what the typo was, its fine now anyway
    March 31 10:52 PM
  • BallsToTheWall out of town dude i CANREAD IT ON SUNDAY.
    March 25 02:37 AM
  • Observer It wasn't me. Only the mods can news posts. Those that are posted by staff and contributors are instantly put on the front page, whereas normal users have to be checked by the mods. As to why one of the modsd your post, I'm not sure.
    March 23 01:36 AM
  • Apollo I like how you have rated an album that isn't even released yet? wtf dude?
    February 9 04:52 AM
  • Knott- no seriously, i was kidding. nobody i know pledged. i dont know how it works at all. i dont know if you can pledge any more. and yeah a pledge is a donation. i think.
    December 31 04:08 PM
  • Knott- i umm didnt pledge. hah. my.. brother.. did?
    December 31 11:01 AM
  • Hawks I can't remember if I pos'd or not haha, but I think I did. It's pretty good overall you just gotta get away from the track-by-tracks. They're not very well received here.
    November 21 11:30 PM
  • Irving Yeah, but bear in mind that review is as tough as nails to read. I guess the whole idea is similar to my very first review (for Iron Maiden's The Final Frontier, which I think you read). Now, it's not entirely unacceptable really, but I think that just finding cohesive themes makes for more engaging writing, and one that is more accessible for most - if not all.
    November 3 04:29 AM
  • Xenophanes Yeah, we're cool. Just be a little more conservative on those matters, as asking random people to pos a review is no way to get said pos's. A good review will receive them on it's own merits. I read it, and did pos your review regardless. It's a little short, and the small paragraphs could use some refinement as they break the review up too much. All things aside, it's still an impressive review, and a unique choice which I wholly enjoyed. Good work.
    October 31 04:40 PM
  • Xenophanes I never even read your metal gear solid review. It's kinda rude and upfront to ask me to pos it. I'll get to it later and tell you what I think.
    October 31 02:58 AM
  • AngelofDeath Pos'd. Still needs some punctuation fixes, but other than that, solid review.
    October 30 08:54 PM
  • Yordy Done. Good review man.
    October 30 08:25 PM
  • Fugue you go dude, but like I said before idk if they can do anything about it if it's not an obvious troll neg.
    October 30 08:10 PM
  • Fugue Yeah if you complain on the forums I think the mods can check and see whether or not it is a troll neg or not. I don't think they can tell you who it's from though so if they decide it isn't you'll just have to live with it, 9/10 is a good score though dude, I'd be happy with 9 pos' for every review I wrote haha.
    October 30 07:59 PM
  • Classikmetal yeah, The Final Frontier rocks so far...takes a little while to get adjusted to, but that's what happened to me with AMOLAD. By far the best in the past decade, very close to Brave New World.
    August 17 03:58 PM
  • Classikmetal UP THE IRONS!
    August 17 03:34 PM
  • Edwin That was supposed to say 2000 and onwards haha.
    August 17 01:51 PM
  • Edwin Was that gig on their Final Frontier tour? I'm probably in the minority, but I'm really excited about a set list featuring a lot of their 2000 , newer songs. NOTB was the first album I bought of any band, and it's probably my equal favorite along with Seventh Son. I love all their albums though.
    August 17 01:50 PM
  • Edwin Fantastic to see another devoted Iron Maiden fan around here. I'm seeing them in February, no doubt it'll be the best two hours of my life. What's your favorite Maiden album?
    August 17 01:23 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 lol **** you reminded me. I am not done with the series, I just have to stop being so lazy and actually take out my old laptop and post Somewhere and Seventh Son. Haven't heard Final Frontier yet, But I'm downloading the leak tonight and prolly listening tomorrow
    August 15 10:24 PM
  • ironmaiden1204 SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTT MAN!! u so lucky cuz i wasnt able to make the show on the 12th:(
    August 1 07:21 PM
  • ironmaiden1204 hey remembered u went 2 see maiden. how was it?
    August 1 04:33 AM
  • Yeahtoast Man, best gig EVER. Seriously.
    August 1 12:25 AM
  • Yeahtoast "Wow" is all I have to say.
    July 31 12:34 AM
  • Mikesn Not bad. They definitely have potential
    July 27 08:01 PM
  • Mikesn Haha will do. I have a bad feeling about Time. I remember reading that Jari's done hundreds of tracks for every song and they'll all be really long and epic sounding or something like that. Seems like he's overthinking it, I hope it isn't overblown.
    July 26 03:59 AM
  • Mikesn You guessed right, but I haven't listened to it in like 1-2 years though so it probably isn't an accurate rating lol. I've been listening to a lot of albums I haven't listened to in a while lately so maybe I'll give it another listen. Do you know if they've made any progress on Time? s***'s taking too long to make
    July 24 08:44 PM
  • Yeahtoast Ugh dude I really hope it's not Sweet Savage, saw them with Metallica 2 years ago, they were ok but I wouldn't want to see them again haha, hope it's someone else! But I haven't heard anything. Eh yeah we'll probably head there for a few scoops before hand and who knows indeed :) only one of my mates managed to score a ticket which was a bit of a bummer but sure **** it, it's Iron Maiden!!
    July 23 02:09 AM
  • Yeahtoast Also, I'd like to hear The Final Frontier without all the effects that are in the video.
    July 23 12:17 AM
  • Yeahtoast Ahhhhhh ok now I get ya! Fair enough, we'll just have to check the whole thing when it comes out. Yeah man, Isle Of Avalon is supposed to be a really good one, here, check it out: (yes, I am immensely cool I get the Metal Hammer newsletter muhaha) no I haven't actually pre-ordered man, I hope I'll have enough mulah to get it though. Do you think it'll be their last?
    July 22 03:29 PM
  • Yeahtoast Still have no doubt the album will be amazing though ^^
    July 22 12:52 AM
  • Yeahtoast Ummm I was led to belive the song title was "Satellite 15... The Final Frontier", as in The Final Frontier and Satellite 15 was the same song =S but I stand to be corrected! Eh the song and video are both pretty cool I thought. Took a while to grow on me but the chorus is quite catchy now! El Dorado, meh, only gave it a quick listen, I'll give it some more time to grow on me too, wasn't overly impressed first time round, some nice riffs but thought The Final Frontier was better. Your opinions?
    July 22 12:52 AM
  • Yeahtoast Dude, have you heard the title song from The Final Frontier?
    July 21 04:39 PM
  • ironmaiden1204 Hey, on august 10 dave mustaine is having a book signing in new jersey nd im gonna be able to meet him!!! then 2 days later im goin to see slayer, megadeth, nd testament in concert!!
    July 18 07:03 PM
  • ironmaiden1204 hey dude. wats ur psn username? mine is goldman6192
    July 17 08:11 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 a. yeah I'm on facebook, Craig Hoberman is my name, im the little dude with the guitar (that pic was taken 4 years ago). And yeah, DEFINITELY should have played Rainmaker. Just wish there were one or two songs from the best Maiden album. At least I get to see Hallowed be Thy Name, Iron Maiden, Wrathchild and Fear of the Dark. Even if the rest of the set list was them playing a 45 minute version of Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter, I'd still go. Those 4 songs are worth over 100 dollars live.
    July 7 06:58 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 As far as El Dorado, I liked the song. It was pretty catchy and nice, nothing spectacular, but I will definitely enjoy them playing it live.
    July 7 03:00 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Well I disagree with the setlist; some of the new songs they are playing are great, some aren't. But come on! s*** from Dance of Death over stuff from Powerslave? NO SONGS FROM POWERSLAVE? OR SOMEWHERE IN TIME? No Trooper! Blasphemy! I love that I'm gonna get to see Fear of the Dark, Iron Maiden, Hallowed and a few others live, but yeah. And come on? If you want to play a classic, don't play Running Free.
    July 7 03:00 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 The only problem is their set list isn't so great, but their phenomenal performers, so all is well :p. Thanks, have fun seeing them too
    July 6 02:44 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I've actually deciding to revisit them, after I see Maiden. Im going to post Somewhere the day after, or nearly after Maiden concert, and Seventh Son a little later
    July 4 10:03 PM
    July 3 01:53 AM
  • Zoo since you probably like dual lead stuff, check out The Absence
    June 15 05:06 PM
  • cjgone Time will definitely be a 5 when it comes out sometime in the next decade.
    June 8 05:27 AM
    June 8 02:30 AM
  • vanderb0b Hey man, thanks for all of the rec's that you gave me a while back. I thought that you might like this band. They're a bit like Russia's equivalent to Iron Maiden. Cheers!
    June 4 01:30 AM
  • ironmaiden1204 nah we can play on psn tgether
    May 29 08:53 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Dont know when, but I promised I would finish their classic era by the end of the school year. Somewhere in Time is almost done, but I need to get around to editing it. The next review you see from me will be that album though. I just need to edit it... btw... little hint... Somewhere in Time's rating might surprise you compared to the rating for Seventh Son. :)
    May 27 07:19 PM
  • chrisggib well, i like the better metalcore like killswitch, AILD, but i prefer the thrashier stuff like god forbid, shadows fall or unearth. what i dont like about it is that bands just keep writing the same thing like AILD after they get like, one good idea
    May 25 10:27 AM
  • chrisggib yeh but, its still metalcore
    May 23 09:13 PM
  • ironmaiden1204 UP THE IRONS DUDE!!!!!! lmfao 666 review commentsXD. u got ps3 or sumthin?
    May 23 06:42 PM
  • BigHans Dude. UP THE IRONS.
    May 21 08:20 PM
  • JamieTwort Cool, I shall check it out. I wouldn't say that the latest Def Lepard album sucks, it's just nothing new and pretty average when compared to their '80's albums. Maybe i was a little harsh, it might just be worth a 3, it's better than their 'X' album that's for sure!
    May 21 05:38 PM
  • chrisggib powerless rise is.....decent. its an ocean between us part 2, so i wont give it the attention, but for them its great i suppose. i guess if you're really into metalcore its like perfect, but again, heard it last album
    May 21 03:03 PM
  • JamieTwort Is The Powerless Rise really worth 5? I haven't heard it yet, maybe i should check it out as i liked Shadows Are Security.
    May 20 03:36 PM
  • chrisggib ill get round to it, i really like an ocean between us. right now im busy obsessing over the new exodus album so AILD might have to wait
    May 12 04:22 PM
  • chrisggib new as i laying dying, any good?
    May 10 08:06 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I'm re-doing "Somewhere in Time" this weekend. Falling around the 4-4.5 range, some of the songs are ****ing unreal. I'll try to have it up on sunday If I can.
    May 6 06:27 PM
  • JamieTwort Good to see you rated so many Iron Maiden albums '5', The Number of the Beast, Peice of Mind and Powerslave are my personal favourites. and i'm liking some of your lists!
    May 6 04:19 PM
  • 0ricky7 you listen to some s*** mate half the dung you write about you dont even own
    May 5 03:43 AM
  • VixSin Hey there! I haven't been on Sputnik recently so I totally missed your comment on my profile. To answer your question, I hail from Richmond, Virginia. ~V
    April 30 11:20 PM
  • chrisggib agreed, it made me hate lostprophets. as for coheed and cambria, although i prefer no world for tomorrow right now, i know that in about a week im gonna find this their best album. i love world of lines though
    April 29 06:00 PM
  • chrisggib start something made me fall in love with music, liberation transmission broke my heart, i personally think the betrayed is awesome, but its no start something. i got the new coheed and cambria yesterday, much better than i expected, you heard it yet?
    April 28 04:11 PM
  • linchpin313 like i said... it wasnt about you!! it was a quote!! somebody quoted me asking what i meant by what i previously said on page 1.
    April 28 10:58 AM
  • MoosechriS Hey dude gonna have to log out got a massive amount of chinese food on the way and i've got to psych myself up for the onslaught :)
    April 27 04:43 PM
  • MoosechriS I'm hitting my mid 20s in august :-s (Slippery Slope lol) Hit the settling down age and me and the missus are looking for a place to live. Notice you didn't have "piece of mind" on your list thats got to be my fave maiden album. Although number of the beast still has Hallowed Be Thy Name!!!!!!!! which is EPIC!!!
    April 27 04:39 PM
  • MoosechriS Just check out that list you mentioned and i must say AWESOME!! :) i own 23 of your 50 i don't think i could do a faves list i might try i'm a bit too scatter brained with my listening though lol. I'm an old fart at the ripe old age of 24 how bout yourself?
    April 27 04:29 PM
  • MoosechriS never got into coal chamber thought they were pretty bad. Logan Madder produced the last one and it sounded awesome, really like colin richardsons production on TFOOMH its got a rawer heavier tone. But Colin Richardson is like a production god to be fair.
    April 27 04:17 PM
  • MoosechriS Never posted any news i seem to get most of it off here already lol. Although i'm keeping my eyes peeled on Sorrows (Bleeding through
    April 27 04:13 PM
  • MoosechriS I'm gonna have to get a cover for my laptop if i keep seeing news like that :-s (drooling in anticipation) especially when they say it's going to faster and heavier :) Any idea whos producing? If you like the last 3 albums they've done you'll like their first although it does sometime feel a bit repetative to me. Still good though.
    April 27 04:09 PM
  • MoosechriS Which is your fave Devildriver album?
    April 27 03:51 PM
  • MoosechriS Ddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddeeeee!!!!! :) I love Devildriver Metal Hammer Gave PFV 9/10 think it can 7th in album of the year poll and..... they're already recording the follow up!!! :) I still prefer "The Last Kind Words" out of all their albums though. Converge are pretty extreme and intense love the energy on their albums its just crazy. I'm massively into The Dillinger Escape Plan also so i knew i'd like converge pretty much anyway.
    April 27 03:50 PM
  • MoosechriS I'd still probably end up buying everything if i got into them to be honest i get a bit obsessive when i get into a band alot :-s In the process at the moment of tracking down the rest of the Converge back catalouge aswell as Watain
    April 27 03:24 PM
  • MoosechriS havn't got terrorizer from that far back unfortunatley :( The new special edition of blackwater park has sounded tempting. I do actually own some opeth i've got Ghost Reveries
    April 27 03:10 PM
  • MoosechriS easy them 2. both got 9/10 Ghost Reveries got album of the year and watershed got 2nd in that years albums of the year. Really want to get into opeth but spending most of my time delving into as many black metal bands as pos at the moment. Been listening to Watain "Sworn To The Dark" all day. :)
    April 27 02:55 PM
  • chrisggib i dunno man, its just bland and generic, nothing stands out. at all. best album ive heard so far this year is probably the new overkill one or the new (dont laugh) lostprophets
    April 27 12:14 PM
  • chrisggib im sorry but, the more i hear of fever, the worse it sounds....
    April 26 05:10 PM
  • MoosechriS Over the under is probably my fave Down album too, although NOLA is a classic in it's own right. I'd probably say Bleeding Through were my favourite band ever but i've also really got into wolves in the throne room and converge over the last year. I'm guessing Iron Maiden is your fave band ever.... Just a guess :) nothing to do with the name, avatar or the leigon of Maiden albums that you've given 5 ratings lol.
    April 26 04:44 PM
  • MoosechriS Aint got a ps3 unfortunately i've got an xbox 360 which is gathering dust at my girlfriends house, havn't played it in about a year though. I'm doing a degree and working full time so don't get much time free these days. So when i do i preffer to spend it with the missus :)Although i have been tempted with the new pro evo a few times but still havn't bought it.
    April 26 03:03 PM
  • MoosechriS Havn't ordered the powerless rise yet but it's on my ordering list for when i get paid in about 3 weeks :) First album that comes to mind that got 10/10 from metal hammer is The Blackening by Machine Head and i think Down- III Over The under. also Viking Skull - Chapter I the first album to get 11/10 lol
    April 26 03:00 PM
  • MoosechriS yeah got that one :) they talked about Blood Mountain as possible album of the decade!? I Love mastodon but i wouldn't go that far lol. Dug out the As I Lay Dying Review for you this morning and it got 6/10. I've got a a few of AILD albums but never listened to them that much. I'm still buying their new one when it comes out next month. :)
    April 26 04:38 AM
  • MoosechriS I know already Crack The Skye got 9/10 it was also the metal hammer album of the year for 2009 :) and in my own opinion an absoloute classic.
    April 25 05:35 PM
  • MoosechriS I'll have to check that out for you tomorrow dude at my girlfriends house on weekends but i'll look it up tomorrow morning before i go to work and post it. I do actually think they gave it a 7/10 but i'll double check for you anyways :)
    April 25 01:42 PM
  • MoosechriS Only been buying terrorizer for about a year. Got pretty much every Metal Hammer Issue since about 2002/2003 and don't think i've missed a months issue for definite since 2004 (Massive Geek I Know lol). Based in England live in warrington and have over the last year discovered so many new bands because of this site :) how i'd not found out about this earlier i don't know :-s
    April 25 08:26 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 their great for the genre, but I'm not a huge drone/sludge/doom metal guy.
    April 25 04:04 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 I like At the Gates a lot
    April 24 05:26 PM
  • chrisggib i just think they dont know what theyre doing anymore, i mean matt tuck's vocals were kind of the problem with scream aim fire, my main problem is the repetition in the songs, and the blandness of like, everything. the new stuff seems to have got rid of the whole "lets repeat every chorus 5 times" kind of thing, but its even blander. funnily enough, i quite like trivium, weird eh? thing is, the poison and ascendency were the first metal albums i got into, so i kinda feel betrayed by bullet =(
    April 24 02:43 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 its still pretty good, but "The Gallery", "Damage Done", "Character" and "Fiction" are there best, oh, and "The Mind's I" is excellent as well.
    April 23 02:57 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 absolutely. i may be doing dark tranquility a little bit, or even Nick Drake.
    April 23 02:45 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I was in A maiden sort of mood so decided to review them, thats all. They are an astounding band, not my fave, but awesome.
    April 23 01:52 PM
  • JamieTwort Yeah Opeth are amazing! I've got all their albums and love every single one of them, I think Deliverance and Damanation are quite under rated. And yeah i agree that they deserve more recognition.
    April 23 09:51 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 Maiden's top 10, but not number 1 haha. My favorite band of all time is either Metallica or Opeth, but Between the Buried and Me, The National, Sufjan Stevens, Nick Drake, Cynic and Godspeed You! Black Emperor are up there as well, with Iron Maiden.
    April 23 01:06 AM
  • ExcavatedSkull00 DUDE im goin into town tomorro man then on to New.C won't be free 2 after about 3 oc.
    April 23 12:06 AM
  • ExcavatedSkull00 sorry old dude i have been bisy EMP.COM is the name of that metal t shirt mag
    April 22 11:37 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 **** it. I aint gonna wait till my laptop is fixed, Im gonna re-do them. After I do a few emo albums. Its gonna be around a 4.5 for Time and 4 for Seventh Son, as far as right now.
    April 22 05:25 PM
  • Yeahtoast Heaven and Hell should be quite fun as well actually haha
    April 16 11:25 PM
  • Yeahtoast Can't wait dude, should be sweeeeeeeeeet :D
    April 16 07:12 PM
  • Yeahtoast Gots ma ticket ;)
    April 16 05:47 PM
  • ExcavatedSkull00 yea man im lovin this u should hav told me about it befour (u naughty boy)
    April 15 11:58 PM
  • ExcavatedSkull00 Thanks man this is good owl crack LATERS!
    April 15 07:55 PM
  • chrisggib well, ive heard the three songs they put out, as well as sound clips of all of the other songs, and that was....painful.
    April 15 01:45 PM
  • Willie I'll see what I can do. I have to focus on recent releases first. Why don't you write one?
    April 14 05:36 AM
  • impoppy Ive already got a t-shirt. Im seeing them live for the second time next month with demon hunter. pretty pumped for that.
    April 13 04:25 AM
  • impoppy to be honest i haven't. ive just heard that one song they put out. so im just basing it off of the sound of that song, and when the cd comes out i'll adjust accordingly haha. i didnt even remember doing that. mustve been out of it.
    April 11 10:44 PM
  • Yeahtoast I may not be able to get a hold of one Friday, but I'm sure I'll get one!
    April 11 08:48 PM
  • Yeahtoast Probably won't be Friday my good man, money will be a problem :/ should make it though!
    April 11 08:22 PM
  • Yeahtoast Maiden in the o2 in July, I am so there!!!!
    April 11 06:06 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 oh haha thanks, the reviews were done a while ago, but again I still have to get my laptop fixed, which i'm hoping to get a new cable SOMETIME (HOPE), but then they'll be posted one a day, don't know how long this will take though.
    April 10 08:19 PM
  • LepreCon Hrm, mods are very specific about what makes news and what doesn't, you'd have to ask them. Also I'm from Kilkenny originally and I move between Dublin and Cork when the times call for it
    April 9 04:43 PM
  • LepreCon Too region-specific I guess, not many Sputnikers live in Ireland
    April 9 04:06 PM
  • ShadowAmI i will only rate an album after ive listened to it at least like three or four times
    April 7 10:09 PM
  • ShadowAmI its because i dont think ive listened to them enough to rate, ive only listened to both of them once or twice through
    April 7 02:37 AM
  • Yeahtoast Dude check out my list about a few Irish bands there, Primordial you'll have heard of I reckon they're quite well known, but do you listen to or have you heard of any of the others?
    April 7 02:14 AM
  • Nagrarok It's not just that; I feel there's little I could add to the already-existing information in the many reviews they have. I'd rather review stuff that hasn't been done extensively, e.g. what I've been doing with Deep Purple and am going to do with Sabbath's later work.
    April 6 03:42 PM
  • Nagrarok Maiden had actually been my first choice for a discog review, but since Mikesn has covered all their studio albums very well, it seems kind of pointless.
    April 6 09:25 AM
  • Yeahtoast No in fact I was at their gig in December 03! All that time ago and haven't seen them since :(
    April 6 01:52 AM
  • Yeahtoast Yes my good man I can't wait! Hope it's as good as the last one! Awesome album
    April 6 01:25 AM
  • Yeahtoast I'm from COUNTY Dublin, outside the city, close to the border with Wicklow :) a wee town called Brittas :D (not Brittas Bay no!)
    April 6 12:54 AM
  • Yeahtoast Good 'ol county Dublin :)
    April 6 12:16 AM
  • Yeahtoast You're from Ireland dude??
    April 5 10:59 PM
  • Yeahtoast It's all good dude, it's a dog eat dog site :P and yes, I do love Maiden! Ever been? I wish they'd come back this part of the woods again, it's been too long!
    April 4 10:09 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I CANT WAIT EITHER. And I finished the reviews, and I'm actually going to get a new laptop charger sometime this week, and then I'll post one each day. I really want to post them, I think you'll be pleased with my ratings. :)
    March 31 03:01 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Well haha now my laptop is spazzing, when I got it fixed I'll post them, I've had to do all my computer stuff on another computer that doesnt have my reviews.
    March 31 02:36 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 16.
    March 27 04:43 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I'm thinking about it, but it wouldnt be for a while, though I may.
    March 26 03:42 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 well, I have a break from school for a week and a half. I will be finishing up both reviews by Sunday at the latest, will prolly post "Somewhere" review on saturday.
    March 26 02:44 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I might, might not. Orchid has some great tracks and bad ones too. "Forest of October" is brilliant.
    March 20 05:47 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 next Maiden review will bee within the next few days.
    March 20 02:09 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Morningrise Ranked: Night and the Silent, Black Rose, To Bid, Advent tied with Nectar. Top 5 Opeth albums: Blackwater, Morningrise, Ghost Reveries, Tie between Still Life and My Arms.
    March 20 02:08 PM
  • Douglas haha nah mate thats my last name. Im from australia
    March 20 07:44 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 oh and nice Morningrise rating :)
    March 20 01:16 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 it 'leaked' meaning you can get it illegally online. I didnt like it though.
    March 20 01:16 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 self titled wintersun is a 4, dunno when Time is coming out but it should be good.
    March 12 06:16 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 ok no problem. Go to the the album's review, if it has one. On the right hand side there will be a little red "X" where you can remove your rating. It's near where you can change your rating, but remember, this is NOT on your ratings tab. Go to a review and on the right of the review will be a little red "X".
    March 12 03:48 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 If you want to change a rating, if thats what you mean, go to a review for that album, and on the right hand side you can change the rating and the soundoff.
    March 12 03:33 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Explain what you mean? and yes im doing son and somewere
    March 12 02:52 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 powerslave is up
    March 9 02:15 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 hehe I wont give away the secret... you'll just have to wait haha, and If I do Live after Death, I'm going to do it last.
    March 7 08:36 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 thanks for the comments, but it doesnt always go by song quality exactly. Though there are 2 awful songs and one average one, the rest are good enough too bring it up to a 4. And yeah Powerslave, here I come...
    March 7 08:22 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 By Opeth standards? Average. Which Means it's excellent. It's above Damnation and the sub-par "Deliverance" but the rest are better. You can see my ranking Opeth list for my opinion, it's my newest list but disregard the placement of "Orchid" for I'm eventually going to lower it. Still Life IS above Orchid, just not on the list. Check it out.
    March 5 03:52 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Oh and Damnation is excellent, definitely awesome but not on the same level as masterpieces like B-Water, Morningrise, ghost Reveries, Still Life or even My Arms Your Hearse. And Deliverance is their worst album overall, still a 3.5 and a very good effort, but their weakest, except the weird thing is, the title track is the best thing they've ever written along with "Bleak" and "The Night and the Silent Water".
    March 5 01:50 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 Definitely their most important along with Powerslave, but in my opinion, Powerslave is their best. Anyway good luck if you want to review it, I'm going to start posting my Maiden reviews again in about a week, and also OMG. I'm going to see Iron Maiden with Dream Theater in the Summer!!! HELLS YEAH!!!
    March 5 01:47 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 you may not like Opeth's first two, "Orchid" and "Morningrise" but they are some of my faves, though not many others agree. My tip for writing a review? Before you post it, spellcheck it, write it in Microsoft first, and write your first review on an album that you love.
    March 4 03:58 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 OH GOD. The great Opeth. Top 3 for me are Blackwater, Morningrise (YES MORNINGRISE, I have my reasons), and a 3 way tie between Still Life, Orchid and Ghost Reveries.
    March 4 01:44 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 22, from New York, and about Endgame V Death Magnetic... Death Magnetic had better and more varying song structures, reminiscent of old Metallica, but Endgame had the better guitar battles. Both are excellent. I'll have to check out Kalmah.
    March 4 01:22 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 haha sorry for the list but those are all my favorite bands, I can never pick a favorite overall, it's really between King Crimson and Metallica (I have my reasons) but yeah. Oh. and I LOVE PROTEST THE HERO. I see you rated Kezia, which an excellent album, but Fortress is better. Yeah I like mathcore a lot as well. You should try writing a review though, maybe it wouldn't be half bad. Whats your favorite Maiden album overall?
    March 4 12:38 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 not much into Kalmah, Bodom is ok but overrated sometimes. My personal favorite bands are King Crimson, Metallica, Opeth, Dream Theater, Between the Buried and Me, Cynic, Sufjan Stevens, Minus the Bear, uhhh The National, maudlin of the Well, Pink Floyd, Genesis, YES Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Dark Tranquility, Frightened Rabbit, uhhh, Iron Maiden, Mastodon, Miles Davis, Elton John, Sigur Ros, August Burns Red, Black Sabbath, Misery Signals, Symphony X, Agalloch, Anthrax, and The Decemberists.
    March 4 12:36 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 good to see you enjoyed "The Gallery", it's a classic to me but good to see you enjoyed it.
    March 4 12:21 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 yeah In Flames sold out, anything since Clayman hasn't been great, my Piece of Mind review is going well, I'm on to Powerslave almost, I'm going to write them all and then post one a day. and I'll check out your list.
    March 4 12:20 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 the other two are In Flames and At The Gates. At the Gates helped start it but is overrated in my opinion, and In Flames helped start it, and I like them a lot, they are the most commercially successful melo-death band, but still, inferior to DT. Tell me what you think. Aright... time for the Piece of Mind review...
    March 3 06:44 PM
  • Observer Not much for now. Yeah, I did. Just thought it would look better, I guess. If you review something, you have to option to edit things like that, release date, and I think the mods are working a way to mix album art if it's messy.
    March 3 05:28 PM
  • Crysis Thanks, glad you liked it. Yeah Dark Tranquillity rules, especially "The Gallery".
    March 3 05:15 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Dark Tranquil is one of three founding melodic death metal bands (and probably the best) and unlike other melo-death bands, DT didn't sell out with their formulas, every album they have is solid or above. Get the album "The Gallery", in my opinion, the best melodic metal album of all time.
    March 3 03:09 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 AHHH, dude I have the same problem!!! I can't figure it out either... dammit... lol you have the same problem too. Don't worry, list questions solve everything... I'll make one
    March 2 06:15 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 Though I love Maiden, I had to be critical. And I'll let you in on a little secret... (Powerslave is in my top 10 albums of all time, not sure where though). Haha, that should give you a little hint. Anyway, though I disagree that Number is an excellent record, and one of their best, I prefer their debut (seriously), Piece of Mind, Powerslave and even Somewhere in Time over it. But it's still pretty awesome.
    March 2 03:46 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 wow dude you love Maiden. Check out my Maiden reviews, I'm doing a series of everything from the debut until Seventh Son. I'm currently working on Piece of Mind.
    March 2 02:07 AM
  • Zip It sounds like every other melo-death album ever.
    March 1 04:34 AM
  • Crysis Yeah I get what you're saying, that's probably the case then.
    February 28 09:28 PM
  • Crysis No, the core album is the same. The only difference is that the Japanese version has a cover of a Thin Lizzy song as a bonus track.
    February 28 08:59 PM
  • Crysis Thanks man, I love Kalmah so I'm very excited that they released such a good album. As for that in stock thing, they probably have the Japanese version which was released on February 24th.
    February 28 04:03 PM
  • Iai I thought the review explained it pretty well - it was actually their second live album in 2 years. Anyway, why did they HAVE to release a live album at all? That's kind of an odd thing to think about any band...
    February 28 11:37 AM
  • shindip oh hey... I see you like Iron Maiden too!! Yeah, Opeth are pretty awesome I need to get more of their stuff
    February 15 01:11 AM
  • Mikesn I've never seen them live unfortunately. I'm from Canada and they come around every now and then but not too, too often. That last tour they did sounded really cool but I couldn't make it out :/. The next record should definitely be a good one, hopefully they find some way to build on the AMOLAD or reinvent themselves.
    January 19 02:49 AM
  • Jesuslaves Bloody awesome indeed.
    January 17 05:49 AM
  • Mikesn I think i was a little too enthusiastic with that rating, I have it at 4 right now. Not their best, but really good album regardless.
    January 16 10:11 PM
  • sXeMOSHCOREhXc ive been listeneing to a lot of experimental music we shoul dmake a cool band lots of songs and stuff albums
    December 28 06:02 AM
  • NOTINTHEFACE You're welcome, but it's not cool to type with a Jamaican accent.
    December 8 08:47 PM
  • qwe3 i dont know what youre saying all i was doing was expressing my sympathy but ok
    October 13 04:20 PM
  • qwe3 i like megadeth, some metallica and i like iron maiden. i'm sorry that your favourite albums have little to no variety. just say thank you for your concern and get the **** over it
    October 13 03:20 PM
  • qwe3 what do you mean relax? apologizing for your appalling taste doesnt mean im not relaxed bro
    October 13 03:05 PM
  • Greggers Edit my info
    October 12 11:38 PM
  • Xenophanes why yes, i do mean the muse album
    September 8 03:20 AM
  • Xenophanes ^same hereI thought it leaked awhile ago, but the quality was horrendous
    September 6 05:29 PM
  • Gyromania how the hell would you have heard new muse? and if so, link me?
    September 5 10:58 AM

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