
Reviews 3
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 36
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Band Edits + Tags 2
Album Edits 7

Album Ratings 355
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 02-13-13 4:35 pm
Joined 10-09-09

Review Comments 778

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  • toxin. Haha dang, it's the same in the States though more or less. It's a shame he killed himself though (or "fell" or whatever haha).
    March 29 06:36 PM
  • toxin. alice huh? i might check it out. the guy was clearly talented. kind of a shame he's unknown except portugal(?)
    March 26 08:21 AM
  • toxin. Really dug Musica Callada off of Sassetti's Nocturne. He's at times a tad too jazzy, but on tracks like that one where he ditches it, he's really enjoyable. thanks for the rec!
    March 23 07:49 AM
  • Emim Haha, glad to hear it, man.
    March 12 06:50 PM
  • toxin. Oh I understand. Just read a lot of reviews! Haha. And yeah, I like my newd favorites section 8) and yup for now only staff can rate in increments but the owner says depending on how it is for the servers it might be extended to all users. heck yeah.
    March 12 03:29 AM
  • toxin. "Technical vocab?" Haha my biggest advice is to just read a lot of English. I find myself ripping a lot of idioms/phrasings from other writers (whether novels or reviews) because people just have clearer ways of phrasing things. And Arctic Monkeys were alright back in the day but maybe I'll give them another shot for you. And I keep forgetting but I'll listen to Sasseti at some point!
    March 6 09:22 PM
  • toxin. Honestly, your writing is really good considering English isn't your first language. I'm barely able to write in Hindi and Japanese, and my structure/vocab in Spanish are laughably bad, so I'm pretty jealous. Reviews are fun ways to practice writing, though, so I encourage you to write some more! And yeah they're working out some bugs, I'm glad I got clear out my favorites list and get the only band that matters there ; )
    February 24 07:32 AM
  • toxin. Thanks man, I really appreciate it! I actually would agree with you---my latest reviews are starting to get some better flow to them, and I'm really proud of my Futures review. Still, I didn't even apply for contrib because I don't like the idea of reviewing for the sake of reviewing. I tend to review things that A) are awesome B) are disappointing. Exceptions are the quick reviews I write to cover some uncovered bands or to practice writing.
    February 24 07:30 AM
  • toxin. that's weird, I can edit my favorite band section pretty easily. And haha no way, I'm not going to sell my writing short but there are writers who are just as good (if not better) at writing as (than) me, who write more, who review newer stuff, and who are a bit more knowledgeable about reviewing. I don't think I'm contrib stuff and even if I am, I don't want to do it because I like keeping reviewing as a hobby (that keeps my writing skills sharp and serves as a bit of a cathartic outlet.
    February 18 08:36 AM
  • toxin. I never thought I'd say this, but I could argue that TDG's latest actually was more inspired than Red's. Didn't like TDG's besides the MJ cover but I think they tried. I love the first minute of the opener of ToV, anyways. And lol the new YC is probably more mature but it's still Yellowcard. I wasn't a huge fan of it melodically and lyrically it was hit-and-miss but I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's got some gems on it so I have a hard time keeping my rating at a 2.5. I might even bump it to a 3.
    February 15 09:40 PM
  • toxin. I like the end of Red's latest. That's about it lol. And oh I see, yeah if you don't like post-hardcore, I could see your issue. That was probably why I'm not a huge fan of Daisy either. Yup Anberlin's latest I would guess is a 4 for you. Yellowcard's latest... well everyone besides me seemed to love it. There are a few tracks I dig and a few I don't, but the single isn't representative of the album. Try it out when you have time, might be a 3.5-4 for you.
    February 12 06:02 PM
  • toxin. Anberlin's latest is sweet dude. I know you loved NS though and this is more NTFP, but still it's fantastic. It has some of the best rockers the band's put out, and Type Three is one of their best ballads. Still, I admit it's lost a bit of its pull now that its sheen has worn off. Probably a 4.2-4.3 now, but I'll keep my 4.5.
    February 10 09:05 AM
  • toxin. ah, to each their own. Deja was actually my favorite at one point, got me into Brand New. But then I got into TDAGARIM and it just didn't hold up. Daisy's pretty great dude. You might (or rather, probably will) not enjoy it as much as TDAGARIM, but it's hard to say it's a disappointing release (like as a quality of the release), even if you're disappointed that you don't like it as much. Idk if that made sense.
    February 10 09:04 AM
  • toxin. As for the rest of their stuff, idk, I mean Daisy is a great effort but it's a little too post-hardcore for me. YFW is sorta generic pop punk but with the occasional really cutting/great lyrics (I love the back and forth of Seventy Times Seven and TBS' There's No I in Team). Deja has a lotta potential but is kinda meh for me. Choruses aren't too great, but it's been a while. I'm excited for whenever their newest comes out, though.
    January 29 01:00 AM
  • toxin. Haha. Actually I don't think my taste has changed all that much. I mean yeah no more Red and TDG and stuff but I'm really still just listening to alt rock, with maybe a little dabbling in folk and far as Brand New goes, idk man. TDAGARIM is up there for my favorite album ever, it's not as listenable as, say, Cities, but in terms of atmosphere, it's miles ahead. I do have to be in the right mood, though
    January 29 12:59 AM
  • toxin. Maybe, maybe. I still jam Innocence and Instinct enough, maybe once a month or so. Not the whole thing though.
    January 17 01:20 AM
  • toxin. I see. I'm not gonna pretend like I remember how Chalk Outline goes lol but it probably didn't catch my ear. To be honest, I think I just don't like the genre anymore. Listened to some BB and got bored. I still like Red but even I
    January 2 10:19 PM
  • toxin. Hey man what's up! Yeah I wasn't a fan of their latest... I actually reviewed it. I thought it was a major improvement but I found the songs completely unenjoyable.... they weren't catchy in any sense. The mj cover wasn't bad though but it isn't my favorite song by the king of pop yo begin with
    December 19 01:42 PM
  • Cygnatti worry not, blow me is one of the worse pop songs of the year and definitely the worst of the album. the album isn't all that impressive but it's not bad
    November 15 01:05 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, but there's still a decent chance that you'll come back to music
    November 6 04:27 AM
  • toxin. Haha thanks, man. You should write a review for it some time since I'd like to see a whole review from the perspective of someone who thinks it's their best release.And I want to check out Coldplay's latest, but for some reason it's just not high on my list. Like some of my friends have said eh to it, so even though Sputnik likes it, I'm a little hesitant on listening to it. If you do hear it before me, let me know how it is.
    November 5 08:41 PM
  • hearyourself5 Good: Mylo Xyloto, Hurts Like Heaven, Paradise, Charlie Brown, Us Against the World , Every Teardrop is a Waterfall ,Up In Flames, Don't Let it Break your Heart, Up With the Birds. Bad: M.M.I.X, Major Minus, U.F.O, A Hopeful Transmission. Horrible : Princess Of China xDD
    November 5 05:11 PM
  • hearyourself5 O Desertor diz : Vai ver o review do Album novo dos Coldplay , Mylo Xyloto, I like It =)
    November 5 05:02 PM
  • toxin. Haha, I think I thought the same when When You're Through Thinking... was released and probably overplayed them too much. I bumped down my rating 0.5 since I can't seem to listen to it besides maybe once every few weeks. Glad you're liking them though.And haha, OK Computer definitely has room to grow into a 5. I feel like on subsequent listens, it'll get better and better, but for now, I put it at a 4 to be safe.
    October 30 08:06 PM
  • toxin. haha glad you're liking them. I always feel like their music is too immature for me to like (songs like 'For You and Your Denial') but they end up being awesome. I guess it's nice to listen to a fun album once in a while and this is really good at being that
    October 22 07:51 AM
  • toxin. Haha no, dude, like I like the band, but it was like the random metal songs (the 2nd song of the album) that made me kind of go ehh. Also it just kind of lacks a defining song and a strong ballad for my tastes. And I think I'll listen to the rest of Arcade Fire's stuff and let you what I like about it. I feel that if the 2nd one is more accessible than their debut I'll like it more, so that's good, since some of the weird parts in Funeral turned me off
    October 8 06:18 AM
  • toxin. I listened to LostProphet's latest. Despite how much people seem to like it it, I didn't like it quite as much as everyone else (including you). It was good, great at times, but it seems to lack that extra oomph that really makes a 4 or 4.5 for me. And yeah, I was surprised by how much I liked Arcade Fire. There are too many moments that don't do enough for me to warrant higher than a 4. Not sure if their later stuff is any better? And I'll look into the Jazz, if I can find which artists lol.
    October 7 04:59 AM
  • toxin. Surprisingly enough sometimes all the music I know pisses me off and I just go to listen to jazz. But I don't really know much about it in all honesty and I just listen to whatever my friends tell me to listen.And lol I've listened to the Lostprophets but I forgot their music. Never listened to an entire album of theirs though
    October 3 09:23 PM
  • toxin. Ah, I thought you'd love both. And I know what you mean about Blueprints kind of losing some of its appeal when you compare what the band is capable of. At least you can say you've heard their entire discography. I'm fresh out of recs though, although I'd be happy to take some.
    September 30 11:12 PM
  • toxin. Nicely stated. I think I plan on writing a 4.5 review for Futures in a month or two, because I think they don't stand out much in terms of creativity but they do what they do exceptionally well. (Agree to disagree there, I suppose.) And it's odd that Yellowcard is growing (I'd imagine them to be pretty instantaneous) but a lot of the songs did grow.And I think 3EB is essential stuff for Alternative but you can wait to listen to it.
    September 28 11:08 PM
  • toxin. Heh you liked it? Nice, nice. Also, I'm a little surprised that you don't like Futures. "Pain" might be my favorite pop-punk song ever (okay there's Ocean Avenue and others there), "Kill" might be my favorite relationship song ever, and "23" is the kind of epic closer you'd think of Anberlin. But hey, to each their own. You might like Bleed American more, with "The Middle" and "Sweetness" (which everyone knows). GL on 3EB and Anberlin's first. I'll be surprised to see lower than a 4 and 3.5
    September 27 11:20 PM
  • toxin. My last rec is Anberlin's first album, Blueprints...It's really upbeat and energetic. They're really immature musically, with few ballads, and it's their worst closer IMO but the album is still really good as a fun alt-rock/indie-rock/pop-punk album. Just don't expect the maturity of even "New Surrender." Think of an album with not-as-good "Feel Good Drag"'s (but still good!) or something of the like. I recommend "Ready Fuels," the opener.
    September 23 01:11 AM
  • toxin. BTW whenever you check this... you asked about Jimmy Eat World and I listened to Futures. It's a really nice Alternative/Pop-Punk album (it's completely different from Clarity by the way). "Work" might be one of my favorite pop-punk songs. I'd say sound-wise the album is like Yellowcard's pop-punk sound (of Ocean Avenue) and Weezer's Alt-Rock sound of Blue Album. They also sound like "Your Favorite Weapon" era Brand New (which, incidentally, you should check out for a great pop-punk album).
    September 23 01:09 AM
  • toxin. Haha don't worry, the same thing happens to me. I just tend to avoid spending too much time at Sputnik, because the people here can be a little much. And yeah, I used to dislike "Adelaide" a lot. I think it's okay now, but I still think it's the weakest of the album (that and Hello Alone). I think you have to really like ballads to enjoy Cities, because the best songs are acoustic or half-acoustic (Inevitable, Unwinding Cable Car, Fin, Dismantle.Repair) except Godspeed. Btw did you like 3EB?
    September 19 11:18 PM
  • toxin. btw check out my new Anberlin review. It makes me sad you only 4'ed Cities though :(
    September 18 09:14 AM
  • toxin. nice I'll check out the review when it's done. Also you might still like YC's newest album, but the peak time to listen to it was probably a month ago during Summer Vacation, but I guess as long as it's summer it's still good. I highly recommend 3EB though for sure.
    September 8 11:28 PM
  • toxin. discography. But I really recommend 3EB's s/t. It's a gem within Alternative Rock/ Mainstream Rock. "Semi-Charmed Life" remains one of my favorite songs ever.
    September 5 11:29 PM
  • toxin. Nah, I wouldn't call them post-hardcore anymore. Maybe Artist in the Ambulance and kind of Vheissu (still prominent screaming) but by Beggars and their newest release I doubt there's any. And as for JEW Clarity is some good Indie Rock and Bleed American is more mainstream/alternative (iirc I haven't listened to it in a while). I need to check out "Futures" too. And as for 3EB, I really love their s/t so much that I put them as a favorite band even though I haven't checked out the rest of their
    September 5 11:28 PM
  • toxin. I'm not sure what you're looking for. If you want your sad, acoustic music, try Elliott Smith's Either/Or (but it's not really catchy). Um you can try Thrice's newest album/ Vheissu (not sure if you like screaming though).There are more to check out that I can't think of. Oh you can try Pink Floyd's classic albums if you haven't listened to them.
    September 5 08:35 PM
  • toxin. Oops hit post too early. Anyways yeah I still have a s***ton of recs to listen too before I experiment genres. I've been re-listening to old albums that I liked and liking them more, hence the recent Brand New posts lol.
    August 31 07:10 AM
  • toxin. Yeah Brand New is cool. And yeah, I was gonna say that I think Deja
    August 31 07:09 AM
  • toxin. Haha dude, there are all those pop albums from which I know one or two songs, but I never got around (and never will) to listening to the whole thing. Britney Spears for example. On another note, I see you 4.5'ed TDAG. Haha did you listen to Deja Entendu yet? Sputnik thinks TDAG
    August 30 05:57 AM
  • toxin. Haha like I said, my opinion on Sum 41 is biased due to whatever I heard. Apparently their earlier albums were better, but I just haven't got around to listening to them.
    August 26 07:29 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, another band I've always hated. It's probably unfair, but my friend told me Sum 41 was his favorite band back in 8th grade, and I heard I guess something from their pseudo-metal stages (or whatever) and made up my mind against them. I can't stand anything by them now.
    August 23 11:17 PM
  • tiesthatbind I'm working my way through their discography chronologically. So far I'm through OK Computer, and I'm enjoying them pretty well.
    August 23 12:41 AM
  • Emim Ha ha, no worries man. Best place to start with Brand New is The Devil and God, then probably Deja Entendu, Daisy, and then Your Favorite Weapon last.
    August 22 03:31 PM
  • Emim I gave the whole album a fair chance, as I do like radio rock and AB is a cut above the rest. Just wasn't my thing.
    August 22 03:13 PM
  • toxin. oh I think it ended up being the opener of theri first album. Lyrics are cheesy and the verses were annoying, but the chorus was pure pop-punk catchiness lol
    August 21 07:24 PM
  • liledman no worries man, if you let me know what artists/albums you end up liking i can help you further.
    August 20 03:20 AM
  • Emim I like Isolation, but that's about it.
    August 20 03:15 AM
  • toxin. Btw heard some Simple Plan song at the gym (I only know that because some guy muttered to himself "hell yeah Simple Plan") and it was catchy and fun as hell. Lyrics sucked but it wasn't that bad in itself
    August 20 02:37 AM
  • toxin. Haha and? I gave it bonus points for sheer nostalgia
    August 20 02:31 AM
  • toxin. Yeah, I see where you're coming from about Simple Plan. They do have fun music, but I can also see why people detest them. It doesn't help when someone plays Simple Plan's s/t (I think) every time you drive in her (!) car. That's probably why I detest that album.And no problem man, my objectivity has been going lower and lower and lower over the course of the last few months (I only listen to recs, which are generally good)
    August 19 06:55 PM
  • Emim That's because ABIII isn't my real rating. That would be like a 3 at best.
    August 19 04:57 PM
  • liledman charles mingus - black saint and the sinner lady*
    August 19 04:55 PM
  • liledman sure. generally the three albums always mentioned as the best are a good place to start; miles davis - kind of blue, a love supreme - john coltrane, black saint and the sinner lady. anything by those artists is worthwhile. also check out my list of 100 jazz albums, there are plenty of different kinds of stuff in there, you just gotta find something you dig. most big artists have large amounts of quality material.
    August 19 04:54 PM
  • toxin. people aren't embarrassed listening to them (You know how people are). Not to mention that both Jared and SS (staff/contrib) like the band. And in Blink's case, it's probably the same thing the fact that they are often credited as the biggest pop punk band of that era
    August 18 07:23 PM
  • toxin. haha yeah after posting that I just went to your ratings and saw it. Will do when I have time. I have a long list of stuff to check out though. And yeah I'm a little surprised at both bands' reception. I think in YC's case, it has to do more with the nostalgic value of their songs the fact that most people here probably listened to it when it came out (I was I think 11? so up to like 18, or 25 year olds now). And I guess for whatever reason it's considered as "good" (I agree with that!) so
    August 18 07:22 PM
  • DaveyBoy No probs DSS.
    August 17 11:33 PM
  • toxin. Oh I misread your last one. Yeah I'll read your Soundoff. I just have to figure out how to find it lol.
    August 17 09:24 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, it's definitely true. It's disappointing, though, that none of the Sputnik albums are radio. And I'll listen to that song right now. And don't get me wrong, just because ties likes AB more than you doesn't mean he can give better recs (with that said, ties has given me a lot of good recs) than you. And I'm definitely up for any Queen suggestions
    August 17 07:39 PM
  • toxin. Oh and I'll check out the ABIII songs. I think I'll like them. Tremonti is awesome
    August 17 05:44 AM
  • toxin. Oh, well remember how I said I don't care if an album is unpopular around here? The same holds true vice-versa as well. I don't assume it's going to be pretentious bulls*** because poeple will like it, and I got Deja Entendu as a rec when I asked for it. And yeah, I really liked it. I'm not sure what you would like. Whenever you do have time though, I would rec it for you
    August 17 05:44 AM
  • toxin. Alright. And yeah I liked Blackbird a lot, but I just read somewhere ABIII wasn't quite as good, and even though I really liked Blackbird I don't really like the voice of the lead singer that much. So I figured I'd pass on ABIII but if you insist I'll listen. By the way have you listened to Brand New? I've really started to get into their music, which is weird because I don't even like like typical Sputnik music.
    August 16 10:03 PM
  • toxin. That's okay since I don't mind just getting a few songs off albums instead of getting their entire albums. Any particular one I should start with?
    August 16 09:34 PM
  • toxin. Haha, I've heard a lot of the popular songs (e.g., Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are the Champions), so I should listen to their full-length albums. Freddie Mercury was awesome. And that's their greatest hits album, right? Will do.
    August 16 03:59 AM
  • PistolPete You should check out Filter's newest album "The Trouble With Angels". Not just cuz I wrote a review for it haha but judging by those favorite bands up there. They basically turned into a mainstream hard rock band with that album.
    August 16 12:40 AM
  • PistolPete I decided like a month ago to change all the "Recommended Tracks" labels to bold font: longest afternoon of my life, it took forever haha. Yeah I write too much, but it's cuz I always have stuff to say after listening to an album, just not enough to write a full ****in review.
    August 16 12:37 AM
  • PistolPete Hey! You write soundoffs like I do!
    August 15 10:50 PM
  • toxin. Yep, sounds like a list of artists I should probably listen to but have never gotten the chance. I only know like three of Queen's songs. I also should listen to some Pink Floyd, who are pretty big around here
    August 15 06:06 AM
  • toxin. Oh, Daveyboy is awesome. His taste matches up a lot more closely with mine than other staff writers' do, and he's also one of the few staff members who actually responds to everyone and who doesn't have that aura of elitism. And meh we can agree to disagree. And truthfully, it's been so long since I heard Muse's entire discog that you might be wrong. I'm only basing it off the fact that I have a 4 for Absolution (probably borderline 4.5) and a 3.5 for Origin of Symmetry. I should relisten though
    August 13 09:18 PM
  • toxin. think they do it better than other similar bands. And I guess we're opposites. I can't stand their music at all. And that's Origin of Symmetry, right? Yeah I don't quite like it as much (I have it rated as 3.5 I think but I forgot what it sounds like).
    August 12 01:01 AM
  • toxin. Eh, that was me, more or less but with TDG. But after reading his reviews, I saw there was a lot of truth to what he said. I read his ATS review. Not his best review imo. He sounded like a bitter, disillusioned fanboy (that's probably 100% accurate lol). But I still like his attitude better than other staff writers, who either completely ignore mainstream music or don't give it its due credit. And oh, and I love YC. They're really teenagerish and naive/immature, like other pop punk band, but I
    August 12 12:58 AM
  • toxin. And I see you really liked Absolution. Nice, nice.
    August 10 11:40 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, I agree 100%. I don't think mainstream success is really an indicator of the quality of music. But that doesn't mean a mainstream band can't make good music, just because idiots listen to them. I mean, I'm an admitted YC fanboy even though they used to be mainstream and their fans listen to s*** like Simple Plan (who do suck). But yeah, too many bands get unnecessary hate for being mainstream, which I think is stupid. That's why I liked Jared/Observer's reviews, as he was pretty balanced
    August 10 11:24 PM
  • toxin. Oh, yeah will do. And idk why that happened lol. I meant "it would have a significantly higher rating on this site." There's too much backlash against mainstream artists, even when it's not their fault. What I don't like about the band though is all their banjo solos sound the same (granted I've heard 2 or 3 haha)
    August 9 06:50 AM
  • toxin. Yeah, it's kind of had to miss them with all the mainstream attention they've gotten. I remember disliking "Little Lion Man" (it was okay but got played too much) and liking "The Cave" but I never listened to the rest. I definitely agree that if the band received no mainstream attention at all, it would have a
    August 4 08:11 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, I should check them out. Actually, I've also been looking for good Alt. recs. I can find a lot of Indie but not Alt
    August 3 07:25 AM
  • toxin. Ah, Arctic Monkeys. Yeah, my friend's obsessed with them. I didn't bother to check them out because he has a different music taste, but if you're rec'ing them to me, maybe they're worth checking out. Any album in particular?
    August 2 07:01 AM
  • toxin. Fightstar? I'll check em out. Parades is basically made of awesome. Except "Springboarder" I'm digging the whole album. Thanks for the rec! Check out Weezer's first three (some people don't like Green but I do personally) albums if you want for some more Alt. You could try Dredg's "El Cielo" but it's not really Alt Rock at all, and I like it more for when I want some dreamy music, so to speak.
    July 21 02:06 AM
  • toxin. Yeah definitely. That's what makes music so great. And I have yet to check out Arcade Fire as well, even though a few of my friends have rec'd me random songs. And I'm not sure what you heard but I assure you Muse is pretty great IMO.And yeah, I'm not gonna lie, as far as Snow Patrol is concerned, when I listened to the album a while back, nothing stuck but "Chasing Cars" (the reason I even checked it out) but it may be worth a revisit.
    July 20 09:22 PM
  • toxin. Haha yeah, I'm pretty surprised you've never checked out Muse. And like which comments? And yeah definitely. There are users who don't have those superiority complexes likes tiesthatbind and DaveyBoy. And a lot of the userbase is pretty friendly. It's mainly the contribs and wannabe contribs who are generally the most unfriendly. And then there are the trolls, who aren't even worth caring about. "Lol you listen to ___ you suck" I'm here for music though, so idc what I post, as long as I find
    July 19 10:50 PM
  • toxin. And as for Alt Rock, I'm not sure what I listen to that qualifies. There's Third Eye Blind's s/t which is basically amazing. There's Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American, and I heard Clarity is good too.It's basically all the sort of mainstream Alt Rock, as I don't really listen to anything that obscure. I'm sure other people have far better recs. I mean 40% of my 110 rating is like 45 Alternative albums, a lot of which I'm sure you have.
    July 18 11:57 PM
  • toxin. Well for Muse, I'd say check out their entire discog. IMO Absolution is the best, and I like Black Holes and Revelations more than Origin of Symmetry. Even The Resistance isn't as bad as people make it out to be... It's considerably more mainstream, but the 2.8 overall rating is just people following the Staff reviewers like sheep (that and the fact that it's worse than their other efforts definitely. But it's not that bad)
    July 18 11:52 PM
  • toxin. Ah, just read the review. I'll definitely check them out when possible. Thanks for the recc again. Haha I wish I could return the favor
    July 18 07:36 AM
  • toxin. Yeah, I'll check them out again, since my music taste has changed somewhat since the last time I listened to them.And yeah, my friend's obsessed with LostProphets. I know Rooftops (obviously, who doesn't? lol) and Last Train Home. I liked them, but they never inspired me to listen to the rest of their discog. Any particular suggestions?
    July 17 10:14 PM
  • toxin. Yeah, definitely. Surprisingly there's been no hype like amongst my friends so I've just delayed listening to it.And yeah, I figure one day Radiohead will click, but I'm not gonna pretend to like them to please Sputnik or whatever lol
    July 16 11:43 PM
  • toxin. Ah, thanks for the rec. I'll check Parades out when possible. And I read and pos'ed your review. Very nicely written. I still haven't checked that out... I probably should
    July 15 03:44 AM
  • toxin. I'm not the hugest fan of P!nk, and I've never heard of "Da Weasel" and "Parades." Also, (believe it or not) Radiohead hasn't clicked for me yet lol
    July 14 07:30 PM
  • toxin. Haha, I like nearly all your favorite artists!
    July 5 07:31 PM
  • tiesthatbind Yep, look at my recent ratings. I'm going through their discography chronologically.
    July 3 01:31 PM
  • DaveyBoy Good to hear you really liked Parades. The latest LP from Fightstar was only heavy in places, so you are still a chance to like it.
    June 9 12:30 AM
  • tiesthatbind Yeah, they have some pretty great stuff. You should check out their Chapter VII album if you haven't. Myles Kennedy and Mark Tremonti appear on a couple of tracks. It's my favorite from them.
    April 24 06:09 AM
  • DaveyBoy With The Foo Fighters, their Best Of is again a great place to get an idea of their full discog. But for LPs, The Colour and The Shape is fantastic. MJ is quite simply The King of Pop. Unsure re AOL.
    November 22 09:15 AM
  • DaveyBoy To be honest, I tend to listen to their Best Of the most.
    November 19 02:53 AM
  • DaveyBoy Love Placebo. They are in my top 5 gigs of this year. I wish their albums were more consistent, but their best songs are awesome.
    November 16 12:42 PM
  • DaveyBoy Its awesome because you like it. Hehe. Fin is better though. Umm, I wish there were other bands like Anberlin that made songs like that. If you have not yet heard that latest from Fightstar, give that a go. And my album of this year by Parades. Both are different to Anberlin, but I love them.
    November 14 08:54 AM
  • tiesthatbind Yeah. I don't play them anymore mostly because it got boring once I could beat almost every song. Going through the early stages of easy songs got soooooo boring.
    October 31 11:50 PM
  • tiesthatbind I have both guitar hero and rock band. Haven't played either one in a while though.
    October 31 07:04 PM
  • tiesthatbind You'll get better as you review more. I know there's the language barrier for you, but what I've seen of your writing is good, that Dear Agony soundoff was well-written. I'll definitely check out your review whenever you submit it.
    October 29 05:46 PM
  • tiesthatbind Go for it, man. It doesn't matter how many reviews there are for it.
    October 29 05:34 PM
  • tiesthatbind I liked that better than the album version, honestly.
    October 28 08:53 PM
  • DaveyBoy I think messages get cut off with certain symbols. Stay away from the and symbol and maybe even apostrophes and hyphens.
    October 18 08:36 PM
  • DaveyBoy Yeah, I think I will have to listen to that before the year is out. I have so much good stuff still to go. I may have to stop reviewing just to listen to them all. I liked AB's other 2 albums, so they deserve a listen.
    October 17 12:56 AM
  • tiesthatbind Yeah, Chevelle's worth it. They're pretty similar to Breaking Benjamin but heavier and a bit less radio-friendly. I hated them at first but have grown to like them a lot. Wonder What's Next is a good starting point if you're interested.
    October 11 10:08 PM
  • tiesthatbind Hm? Your comment got cut off.
    October 4 12:53 AM
  • tiesthatbind It's AMAZING. They didn't let us down at all. I can't even pick a favorite, but Coeur D'Alene, Slip To The Void, Isolation, Still Remains, and All Hope Is Gone are all up there, and I could put more in that list too, all the songs are good. I am going to crazy waiting until the release date to post a review about it. Your thoughts (if you've heard it)?
    October 3 09:38 PM
  • hearyourself5 3.5 nos U218 CD com musicas conhecidas pa caramba e o DVD que está espetacular, nem visto o DVD!!!!
    September 30 09:13 PM
  • hearyourself5 Pode se falar portugues aqui?
    September 30 07:35 PM
  • hearyourself5 Hello
    September 30 07:32 PM
  • tiesthatbind Oh no, it's not the heaviness, just didn't really stand out as far as vocals or musicianship. Then again that was a while ago, and just a few YouTubed songs, so I can't say it was a definitive judgment on them.
    September 25 08:24 AM
  • tiesthatbind Ah yeah, they were rec'd to me a while back. I listened to a few songs from them, sounded pretty decent, although nothing really stood out too much. I'll give 'em a go sometime.
    September 25 04:41 AM
  • tiesthatbind Exactly. I knew Mark could sing well, because of his great background vocals on Blackbird, but I'm glad he's getting more time on the mic, and him and Myles just sound awesome with their voices together like that. And yes, you got the expression exactly right :)
    September 19 08:50 PM
  • tiesthatbind Yep, I got it. Excellent song. The only thing I haven't seen yet is a mindblowing Tremonti solo, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of that.
    September 18 10:11 PM
  • tiesthatbind They don't have to top Blackbird, I don't think they can, given that that's my favorite album. I have confidence that they put their all into this album, so a 4-4.5 seems like a reasonable prediction for it.
    September 6 10:47 PM
  • tiesthatbind The important thing is that they just blew away the entire new Creed album with that song. Of course, we'll have to wait to see how the epic on this album is going to turn out (I'm 99% sure they'll have one).
    September 6 10:06 PM
  • tiesthatbind You're right, my bad, just changed it to the 11th. Isolation is great. The solo is good but not Tremonti's best, but that riff...AWESOME. I still have very high hopes for the album based on this. Did you like it?
    September 6 06:55 PM
  • DaveyBoy No need to convince me on Appeal to reason. I gave it a 4.5. Sufferer is better though.
    August 31 12:46 AM
  • DaveyBoy LOL. It is just you. I do not get mad, not in Sputniksville anyway. Many people think RA have gone too mainstream.
    August 30 01:19 PM
  • DaveyBoy U talking about your Three Days Grace review.
    August 30 07:41 AM
  • DaveyBoy On what.
    August 29 11:51 PM
  • tiesthatbind Those two are the only other ballads from them that really do anything for me, and they are both pretty good.
    August 29 09:51 PM
  • tiesthatbind My opinions have definitely changed since I wrote that review. I actually don't think there's a weak track anymore, but Phobia has more standout moments/songs, so I've decided its easily their best, and they likely won't make anything as good as Phobia again. And yes, I will still argue that the ballads are far better on Dear Agony than any of their previous works.
    August 29 09:05 PM
  • tiesthatbind Yeah I pretty much agree with those. I'm unsure if I want to bump Dear Agony down to a 3.5, but it has grown off me a bit.
    August 29 08:02 AM
  • tiesthatbind Shinedown, Anberlin, and Dream Theater are all among my favorite bands, so I'm glad to see you're trying to get into them.
    August 22 01:29 AM
  • tiesthatbind By the way, awesome new username, man.
    August 14 08:48 PM
  • tiesthatbind I gave Innocence and Instinct a 3.5 at first, but it grew off me. It gets fairly boring in my opinion, even though there are a few great tracks.
    August 13 03:39 AM
  • tiesthatbind Right here:
    August 11 08:32 AM
  • keysofanxiety Oh right, yes, I know what you mean, sorry :) Everybody's heard the song- but I've gotta admit, I think the rip-off song "O Verona" from the 'Romeo and Juliet' film is a lot better =D
    March 21 08:30 PM
  • keysofanxiety Uhm. . .I'm not sure if your reply was sarcastic or not. . . =P "I mean, everybody knows Mozart for "O Fortuna"."Were you joking? =D I'm not too sure, haha
    March 9 10:47 AM
  • tiesthatbind Yeah, there's a lot of uneccessary hate for them. Certain "mainstream" bands get too much of a bad rep on this site.
    March 6 06:46 AM
  • tiesthatbind From One is their first and best album, definitely start with that.
    March 4 11:47 PM
  • keysofanxiety DarkShowstopper-"O Fortuna" was composed by Carl Orff, NOT by Mozart. It was composed during the 2nd World War in Nazi Germany. Don't bother listening to the whole Carmina Burana, though- it's fairly dull. I'd recommend Mozart's 'Requiem'. It beats the pants off it. Hope this helps
    March 4 06:38 PM
  • tiesthatbind Got another rec for ya. From One from the band Ra, you should like it if you're into Alter Bridge/Shinedown/Breaking Benjamin style bands. It's got a Middle Eastern twist musically too, which is pretty cool, and vocals are great. It's going to be my next review.
    March 4 06:04 AM
  • tiesthatbind Nice, hopefully it grows enough on you to make 3.5. Honestly I wasn't blown away on first listen either, due to the amount of ballads, but I love it now, it's one of my favorite albums, there isn't one song on there I don't like now.
    January 23 07:22 PM
  • tiesthatbind Alright. I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
    January 17 07:51 PM
  • tiesthatbind I like Us and Them, it has that southern rock kind of sound, but their best album is Sound of Madness by a long shot. If nothing else, check out the Sound of Madness.
    January 16 06:43 PM

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