
Reviews 24
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 277
News Articles 163
Band Edits + Tags 39
Album Edits 185

Album Ratings 1215
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 12-19-15 3:26 am
Joined 12-01-09

Review Comments 3,995

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Butkuiss Not much my man, just drifting through life. Not really active much on here any more! Hope you?re well too - what prompted the shout?
    October 28 02:39 PM
  • someone not sure how it got to Zao's promo
    March 4 11:57 PM
  • Scoot what
    August 21 07:57 PM
  • Sowing Unfortunately everything here is on a voluntary basis. Some people use it as a resume booster, especially at the staff level, if they are looking to get into a career in journalism or something music-related. Outside of that, the primary benefit is personal satisfaction. If you're still interested you can apply when we post a link for applications, which usually occurs near February of each year.
    January 4 09:42 PM
  • GreyShadow "For people asking after longer songs, the last track is the longest at a bit over 7 mins. Everything else is looking between 3-5 mins." do you have a source for that, my good man?
    December 5 06:36 AM
  • coneren np buddy i feel like you gave it a 5 so i may as well
    September 20 12:37 AM
  • wacknizzle So is Future Sequence worth buying for the film? I only have like 20 bucks till Friday
    October 1 04:15 PM
  • emester Thanks man! Really appreciate it. Tbqh all that needs improvement in my life is my self confidence.
    July 14 08:56 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 Woah, awesome man! Good luck everything :]
    April 21 12:16 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 Sweet man, you got some film ideas?
    April 20 08:37 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 A mans got to have a code. You got a plan dude?
    April 20 01:24 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 Yeah man, if I was doing business or something I'd lose my mind. Honestly, I just wanna save up a bucketload of cash, buy a one way ticket to Europe and spend an indefinite amount of time absorbing culture and festivals before the inevitable 9-5 life sentence.
    April 19 09:41 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 The ultimate fallback option: Arts at La Trobe, majoring in English and History. I mostly dig it though, learning some pretty interesting stuff.
    April 19 03:50 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 Oh man that's awesome! I actually considered (briefly) studying Film
    April 18 11:22 PM
  • avonbarksdale221 Loyola, man. Damn, this is crazy! We probably have mutual friends on fb... What do you do, anyway? Study/work?
    April 18 02:02 PM
  • avonbarksdale221 Dude... I'm 21 too! What school did you go to?
    April 18 11:29 AM
  • avonbarksdale221 No ****ing way... How old are ya?
    April 18 10:25 AM
  • schoonda Just checked, they aren't actually! Poison City Records is what their Facebook page says. Really dig the vocals they have going on, very Australian.
    April 4 06:03 AM
  • schoonda Yeah thats fair enough man, have you heard of Luca Brasi?
    April 4 12:54 AM
  • schoonda Really nice review man, hoping these guys start to get a bit more recognition. Why don't you post your reviews for ToneDeaf to sputnik may I ask?
    April 3 10:15 PM
  • schoonda Is there a way I can see this review? To be fair their first two songs on their Demo are probably their favourite from them.
    April 2 11:09 AM
  • schoonda Saw your rating on Ceres new album, have you heard their older stuff too?
    April 1 10:46 AM
  • iambillyshears Alchemy Index 1 2 all the way.
    November 27 11:01 AM
  • Weirman iiiiiiight thanks a lot dude
    November 20 03:26 AM
  • Weirman Cool, and just one more thing, about how much time would you say is spent working on these? Like how much time do you spend conceptualizing vs. actually writing.
    November 19 03:00 PM
  • Weirman Sup dude, if you could answer questions 1 and 2 that I posted in that thread i'd really appreciate it. (just SB me)
    November 19 02:30 PM
  • iambillyshears If you're liking Future of the Left, also listen to Mclusky.
    November 3 11:33 PM
    October 28 05:54 AM
  • Yuli are there any songs on new Russian Circles that are as pretty as Schipol?
    October 14 12:56 AM
  • iambillyshears He can roof it up.
    October 9 11:17 AM
  • iambillyshears Less annoying than you'd think.
    October 7 09:42 AM
  • XingKing You're talking about iambillyshears, right? I just looked at my post on his shoutbox and I honestly have no idea what I was talking about
    October 5 04:10 PM
  • iambillyshears maaaaybe some day whenwhen this bloody skull has dried
    October 5 09:58 AM
    October 3 11:55 AM
  • Vakarian12 haha that's one of my favourite simpsons episodes!
    July 24 07:45 AM
  • pribosse necro dogg would like to say hello
    July 13 12:26 PM
  • Gnocchi, welcome dude. And grab me on facey so i can add you to the staff page
    April 23 11:14 PM
  • Gnocchi Im not twisting your arm. If you want in, email me and ill start the process. Id love it if you had the While She Sleeps as your debut on the site.
    April 23 12:57 PM
  • Gnocchi Yeah I can relate to a busy life style, just to put things in perspective for you; I work 50hrs a week as an apprenticed Chef, have just started a site which demands a fair bit of time - have a fiancee, and is currently organising a wedding. I do understand that life goes on, which is another reason why I have set the post count for staff so low. I'm not about to be a Nazi and loose valuable staff
    April 23 05:08 AM
  • Gnocchi if you have questions the least i can do is answer them : ]
    April 22 10:11 AM
  • Gnocchi
    April 22 10:10 AM
  • Gnocchi hey dude, you been talking to snox?
    April 22 09:36 AM
  • WolvesInTheWalls Well the guy wants to keep the site beingd regularly so he wants enough staff to post reviews/news/streams etc. so that posts are coming in daily and stuff. If you want you can talk to him about the details and everything, this is the email:
    April 22 04:05 AM
  • WolvesInTheWalls you up for being a staff writer on ipodmastery's music blog??? he needs more writers
    April 21 01:41 PM
  • WolvesInTheWalls yeah well the artwork on both rules so I'm happy
    April 21 03:30 AM
  • WolvesInTheWalls they were different editions with different artwork and I couldn't decide which one I wanted, so I got both
    April 20 05:07 PM
  • WolvesInTheWalls found a few cool things, but I had to stay my hand and only purchase the Smith Street Band albums (I got two copies of the debut). I really wanted to get some other stuff, but yeah, I can't afford to blow all my cash.
    April 20 10:15 AM
  • WolvesInTheWalls Not that I know of, but they might have slipped under my radar. But yeah, I can't miss this gig, it's gonna rule. Also, you doing anything for Record Store Day? Poison City Records is selling a reissue of the Smith Street Band's debut album in two editions with new artworks, and each one is limited to 25 copies, so I'm going to Fitzroy to loiter outside the record store an hour early so I can get in and grab a copy. I hope there won't be s***loads of people doing the same thing.
    April 19 02:36 PM
  • WolvesInTheWalls oh I think I got banned because in a thread we were talking about pubes and stuff and it got out of hand so chan banned me for a little while. Not permanent. And Boris is gonna be playing Flood in its entirety, as well as other songs, so I'd say the best bet is to listen to Flood. Then check out Heavy Rocks, Pink, Akuma No Uta and Amplifier Worship.
    April 19 07:47 AM
  • WolvesInTheWalls hey man, Boris is coming to Australia. You interested? I don't know if you're a Boris fan but man there is no way I'm not going. This is snoxall by the way, my main account is banned
    April 19 06:58 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently let it sink in, man
    April 5 02:30 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently oh yeah man, that's exactly how I was for like two hours
    April 5 02:10 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently yeah, I'm working on 1999 mode now. It rules man, s*** losing is a given.
    April 3 06:08 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently yeah man, don't rush it. It won't be as good.
    April 3 04:36 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Will do, man. And yeah, the new Bioshock is amazing. Got me back into gaming for the first time in forever.
    April 3 03:34 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I just spent my time writing, arting, playing the new Bioshock and working. I see friends now and then, but I haven't had a band prac since Feb, so I'm looking forward to that.
    April 2 11:26 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently nice. I'm just jammin lots of music, working on some art and writing and working nights. Not much, really. Pretty good, I guess. Get bored sometimes, hopefully having a band prac tomorrow.
    April 2 07:35 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently hey man, how's it goin?
    April 1 01:37 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently psh, just admit that Safeway blows and Coles blows slightly less
    March 3 02:42 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, but Coles is better than Safeway because reasons.
    March 3 01:51 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently They're evil, I tells ya!
    March 3 01:10 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently They tried to make me work that night, there were over 40 cages that needed to be worked and I was like, "Unless you guys pay me $60 an hour, I'm not coming in. I have a concert!" then they were like, "**** YOUR CONCERT"
    March 3 12:52 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, next time he comes down, I'm making you buy a ticket, man. Worth every cent.
    March 3 12:01 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently yeah, woulda ruled. But as it was, the concert was incredible anyway.
    March 3 06:30 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently My brother wanted to hear O'Malley's Bar, but he didn't expect Nick to play a 14 minute song.
    March 3 05:51 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently yeah, 'Stagger Lee' and 'Love Letter'
    March 3 03:23 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently The setlist after he played a bunch of the new songs was stuff like 'Tupelo', 'Deanna', 'The Mercy Seat', 'Love Letter', 'Into My Arms', 'Stagger Lee', 'Red Right Hand', 'O Children', 'The Ship Song', 'Papa Won't Leave You, Henry' and a couple of others. It was incredible.
    March 2 03:16 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Oh yeah, the setlist ruled. He played most of Push the Sky Away, which was sweet. Jubilee Street live was incredible. Then he started the second half of the set, which was all older songs and the crowd went crazy. Everyone was seated, but as soon as he started singing 'From Her to Eternity', everyone got out of their seats and ran up front. I was quick to the draw and I was at the front the entire time, less than a metre away from him.
    March 2 03:15 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently oh man, best concert ever. I got to touch him. It was awkward but amazing.
    March 2 01:38 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'll be sure to
    March 2 02:59 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, it would be sweet.
    February 27 08:55 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Well, those songs all rule. I'm glad they didn't play 'At Least a Plausible Case for Pessimism', because that's the one I want to see live the most. That song just ****in' does something to me. Possibly my favourite Shai Hulud song. It just culminates everything perfect about their career so far and bundles it into one song.
    February 27 06:22 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently damn, jealous. Did they play 'At Least a Plausible Case for Pessimism'?
    February 27 06:07 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently How was Hulud, man?
    February 27 05:49 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Nah man, I haven't had any cash to spare. I've been real strapped. You?
    February 26 02:28 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, it's almost as good as That Within Blood Ill-Tempered
    February 20 03:10 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah man, going to gigs by myself sucks. I'm definitely considering it, I've been spinning Shai Hulud HARD recently.
    February 20 01:08 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah man, I'm considering it myself.
    February 20 10:10 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hopefully, I really want to see them
    February 18 06:11 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Sounds awesome, wish I could have gone, but honestly I think I still would have gone to Converge if I had the luxury of choosing.
    February 18 03:27 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently How was Godspeed?
    February 17 02:14 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'm not a big fan and they turned me off going to the gig.
    February 15 09:00 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Go see 'em. At the Corner Hotel. Playin' with Gallows and someone else.
    February 15 07:59 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Nah, I couldn't spare any cash. I'm a bit strapped at the moment. Shai Hulud also announced a side show for Soundwave and I'm angry I can't see that either.
    February 15 02:50 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Everyone (or at least most of them) knew all the songs. If you're not, get familiar with the VS. EP too, he plays a few songs from it that caught me off guard. I haven't jammed the VS. EP since it was released so I was like "woah forgot these songs existed".
    February 14 01:29 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Pretty much, but they were all decent and weren't overly douchey in how they behaved. They just jumped a bit and waved their hands. Tame crowd. The opening act Diafrix also ruled. Macklemore was cool, but they played Thrift Shop twice and I thought it was a bit overkill. There was one bitch in the audience complaining about everyone smelt like sweat and how they weren't dancing enough (the show hadn't even started at this point). I just wanted to yell "OH MY GOD SHUT THE **** UP"
    February 14 07:56 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, you already told me about the Broderick, they rule. This show I gotta see.
    February 12 03:15 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Oh man tix are still available on Oztix, I will defs have to drop some cash on this. I'm strapped for cash right now and I have to give up a night of work for it, but oh man it'll be worth it.
    February 11 01:57 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Really? I checked months ago and they were sold out. I will look again.
    February 11 01:18 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Oh damn. I would have gone to Converge. But tix sold out and I missed out.
    February 11 04:02 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently damn, jealous of GY!BE
    February 10 02:55 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently All good. I have my Macklemore gig on Wednesday, so that should be awesome.
    February 10 01:19 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently They were good, but they ****ed up their set up somehow and I couldn't hear a single not the lead guitarist played (and his riffs and solos are like the main draw of the music), so I just got angry at it all and left. The harsh vocalist was spot on for the performance and had great energy, but the hardcore dancers just ruined everything.
    February 10 12:09 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Pretty much the absolute worst concert I've ever been to. The band didn't even come on until 11 and I had to endure the 4 opening local genericore bands. Oh, and EVERYONE hardcore danced. I actually left 15 minutes into their set after waiting through four hours of breakdowns to hear them.
    February 10 08:02 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently WHAT? NO BJs? WTF, WHAT WILL YOU MAKE IT UP TO ME NOW WITH? JEEZ, MAN. But nah, all good, brah.
    February 3 09:48 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently If you dig them, grab a ticket before Sat-day (I'm unsure if you can pay at the door) and it will be rockin'. I'm just hoping there won't be any hardcore dancing, but it's an 18 gig so hopefully it will be devoid of stupid children who hardcore dance.
    February 1 01:32 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Frankston, brah. Cheap gig.
    February 1 07:49 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I like all their stuff, but Children of Fire is my favourite. You should come to their concert on the 9th.
    February 1 07:22 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey man, do you like Oh, Sleeper? Also, screenwriting course sounds sweet. And yeah, seeing Opeth again would be cool.
    January 31 01:44 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Uni, eh? What course are gonna be doing? And yeah man, Nick Cave rules hard. I'd never steer you astray. I've still gotta grab an Opeth ticket myself.
    January 31 02:30 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently You mean you know enough Snoxys to have a favourite? And I'm still your favourite!? D'awwww...but yeah, I'm pretty good man. About to go out. Yourself?
    January 31 02:00 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Glad you like it, man. Thanks. I will defs send youd recordings in the future.
    January 28 05:53 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, we've still got a lot of work to do on the song. I want to add some ambient and post-rock elements to the song and I'm gonna get the guitarist to add some more lead guitar parts over the basic rhythm. Then we gotta work out a vocalist, but that'll be later. Also good production equipment is essential, I think it'd sound much better with a decent production. But it doesn't sound so bad for recording live into garageband.
    January 28 12:50 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, that sucks when the line-up is ****ed up and you can't see all the bands you want. Anyways, here's the demo, it's very rough.
    January 27 08:03 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Aw yeah, what bands you seein' at BDO? I wasn't that interested this year, but I remember there being a few great artists in the line-up. I'm pretty good though, finally getting my band up and going. We actually managed to start writing out first song today, I'll show you the demo recording if you wanna hear it.
    January 26 05:12 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey man, how's it goin?
    January 25 03:49 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Stall tix have no doubt sold out, but if there are still tix to buy, it's probably just hill tickets. I mean, they'd still be worth it, but there's the stage, the stalls (where I am and where you can access the mosh), then behind the stalls there's a big **** off hill that all the plebs who bought the s*** tickets go. So if tix are still available, you'll be a hill pleb. Unless there are cheap stall tix being scalped on Gumtree.
    January 19 01:22 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hopefully you can go. And man, you need Nick Cave tix, have you checked Gumtree? No doubt there will be a guy selling like front row tix for $400. Nick Cave is the epitome of perfect, can't wait for his new album and concert will be transcendental.
    January 19 05:13 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I saw them on my birthday of 2011, I wore a white shirt with "WUT? NO GRAOWELS?" written in permanent marker, and on the back it side "OPTEH 2011," it was hilarious. But yeah, I really want to go this time because I'm fairly sure they have growls back in their set now and I was annoyed last time because they didn't growl for half the tour, then on the other half of the Heritage tour they brought them back. Tix are like $70, if you're not interested/can't afford I'll probs go by myself again.
    January 18 01:55 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey bro, Opeth is comin' to the Palace Theatre in March. Tix go on sale on the 24th. You interested?
    January 18 01:43 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey man, new review if you wanted to take a review. All feedback is appreciated.
    January 17 04:00 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently and thanks man
    January 16 06:24 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey man, do you have links to d/l those The Weeknd albums? I can't find them anywhere. If not, could you possibly upload to mediafire?
    January 16 05:09 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Wrote a new review. More like an angry rant though. You may enjoy it.
    January 10 02:49 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I usually have to wait at least a week in between reviews. If I write one a night after I've just written one, I'm a little out of steam and repeat myself. I've gotta listen to a few more albums, I'll probably have a review up tomorrow, another next week and hopefully start my CoL one.
    January 9 12:26 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'll let you get to that, I'll start mine soonish. I'm gonna pump out one or two reviews before then though.
    January 9 11:01 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'm sure it won't be bad. I need to write more reviews! I've promised a few people I'd review their stuff and haven't yet. You also need to review more. Review Vertikal when it's released. I will too, it'll be like The Faceless reviews all over again. Good times.
    January 9 09:58 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently They didn't have Surfer Rosa there, so it was Doolittle for me. I like them about equally though. Gonna jam Grace on it tonight. Also Burial because I'm yet to hear that EP.
    January 9 09:16 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Man, my mate just took me to a couple of record stores in the city. A whole day, $300 and seven new albums later. Got Jeff Buckley's Grace. King Crimson's In the Wake of Poseidon. Pelican's Australasia. Boris' Heavy Rocks (the second one). Burial's Truant/Rough Sleeper. Pixies' Doolittle. Death's Individual Thought Patterns. And yeah. Stoked.
    January 9 08:00 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Don't worry, I'm the same way with Neurosis.
    January 8 10:36 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, Disharmonia just ended and it went nowhere and I was slightly annoyed.
    January 7 02:22 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently So, Vertikal is good, but I need to give it more time. Some sections are absolutely fantastic, others not so. It feels very disjointed. I adored 'The Sweep,' but I feel it probably should have gone on longer.
    January 7 01:23 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Because if you don't get a stall ticket, you'll be stuck on the hill in front of the stage and we'd be in different sections and then there'd be no Nickity Cave mosh for you. Also, listening to Vertikal now. I have work in an hour so I probably won't get through it, but it's good so far. Gonna give this a lot of time.
    January 7 08:59 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently If you can get a Nick Cave ticket, make sure to get a ticket for the stalls!
    January 7 04:07 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I love all their first few albums, I just never felt compelled to listen to Eternal Kingdom for some reason. And they might come down here in support of the new album, so if they do we can hit that up and groove to some sweet post-metal tunes.
    January 7 02:49 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I haven't, but I heard it leaked. I might have to check it out tomorrow. I haven't even given Eternal Kingdom a proper listen yet.
    January 5 03:58 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently It made me happy.
    January 4 03:06 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Totally got the newest Mark Lanegan album on vinyl. Dark green. Double LP. Also came with a free download! I was stoked, so far none of my records have come with a little bonus thing like that. Also, it was only $20 at JB. What a bargain.
    January 4 02:21 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently ANX rules, definitely my AOTY. Only bad track is 'Rock Off'.
    January 3 08:28 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Listen to his Goodbye and Hello album. If you want his more experimental stuff, listen to Starsailor.
    January 3 07:54 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah I got work tonight too. 6-12. Eh. Bought a new LP. Tim Buckley's self-titled on red vinyl. Limited edition. Also got Ulcerate's The Destroyers of All in the mail last week.
    January 2 06:16 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Had work, had a s***ty night at work, went out. Had an alright night. Tired now.
    January 1 06:35 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Thanks, man. What's up?
    December 31 01:22 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently It's good to talk to people with an outside perspective on things, or people who aren't involved in the same circles sometimes. Helps me get a clearer head. Glad you're not too fussed with me talking about more personal matters every now and then.
    December 30 04:23 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently YEah, oh well. That's just how things go.
    December 30 01:36 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently No, we're not together anymore. He was meant to be going to Nick Cave with me as well, so I hope I don't see him at the concert.
    December 30 10:20 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I don't have many friends I talk to anymore because I distanced myself from most people. The few I do talk to are good friends. I recently found out someone I considered a good friend slept with my girlfriend though, so I've cut them from my life and I'm trying to be more wary about who I let in.
    December 30 09:25 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I hope I can. It'd be good to get out for the first time in a little while. Been suffering my depression pretty bad lately and just been working and locking myself up at home recently. It's not good. Going out and seeing old mates will do me some good. Miss those ****s.
    December 30 07:47 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, you're a good writer, definitely review more, man. And I'm actually working New Years eve, so that's annoying. But work closes two hours early so hopefully a mate can pick me up and take me over to another's mate's party where I can meet up with some old friends and the like.
    December 30 03:31 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, he's the kinda guy that spends a s***load of cash on unnecessary items haha. Also, it's cool to see you writing more soundoffs. I've started writing a soundoff for everything I rate. Also, I've been meaning to check out those Weeknd albums. I heard a few songs and they seemed pretty enjoyable and not what I expected at all, actually.
    December 29 02:29 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I was gonna make a quip about not spending $400 on sunglasses, but decided it wasn't good for my health. My cousin's not the kind of guy you want to mess with haha
    December 29 01:02 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Oh yeah, I was surprised he didn't hit me. I just went over and hung with the old people after that.
    December 28 09:32 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I went to my nan's house for family lunch and broke my cousin's Ray Ban sunglasses. Good stuff haha
    December 28 04:16 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Eh, it was pretty forgettable. Been having a s***ty past couple of months and Christmas didn't really help haha how was yours?
    December 28 03:11 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently wrote up a new review. Check it!
    December 25 02:41 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I don't like getting a lot of new albums at once so the list grows before I get to check out the previous ones.
    December 22 02:21 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Mine's just a bunch of bands I need to check out. There's a couple of hundred bands there.
    December 22 08:31 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Ahh, The List. I know mine well.
    December 21 02:36 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently If you love dm/post-metal/industrial, it's the album for you.
    December 21 01:29 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently That is true. Also wanna get Flourishing's The Sum Of All Fossils, but I have to buy that online. But it's only $30 with shipping so that's a sweet deal. But yeah, can't wait to go out again next Wednesday and buy a new vinyl.
    December 21 08:36 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Will probs grab whatever's cheaper, but I'm a bigger Misfits fanboy than a Mr. Bungle fanboy so I'll probs grab Earth A.D. as I already got a Mr. Bungle alum
    December 21 07:48 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Only time will tell. But yeah, thinking I wanna grab either Disco Volante next week or Earth A.D..
    December 21 06:18 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I have to get the Enemy of the Sun and Souls At Zero reissue vinyl online. Don't know if I'd find any lying around in a record store though.
    December 21 05:25 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently oh damn, Oceanic sounds sweet. I hope to grab a couple of Neurosis vinyls soon.
    December 21 02:54 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Ahh yeah, I'd be willing to drop $40 on that. I gotta buy a couple of LPs online. Gonna buy a Lykathea Aflame limited edition double gatefold LP and t-shirt soon (limited to 25 copies!) and gonna buy an Ulcerate limited edition LP as well. I'm so hooked already.
    December 20 02:56 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently How much did it cost? I'd go to the city to look around, but I'm so lost when it comes to the city. I look around and all I see are 7/11s and identical streets. I can get my way from flinders to parliament/palace theater, but that's pretty much the only place I can navigate in that crazy city.
    December 20 01:58 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, it's pretty cool. Doesn't have a whole lot, but has a few gems and it's a good place for me to start off my collection buying from.
    December 20 01:44 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Just a dingy little record shop in Frankston called Record City.
    December 20 07:09 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Haha yeah, but I guess I can just buy one and decide on the next one to buy the next week.
    December 20 03:01 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, it was $35 the Mr. Bungle LP. At the little store I went to, they were all under forty, some sweet albums for like $25 too. Gonna start going there and probs buying a new LP each week.
    December 19 01:25 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hey man, I've started collecting vinyl. My first official purchase and addition to the collection is a copy of Mr. Bungle's debut album.
    December 19 10:15 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently new review's up!
    December 15 01:21 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the night. I will not forget to link you promptly once it's up.
    December 15 10:22 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently north0house. I'm writing a review at the moment, it's seriously that good I'm in love with it.
    December 15 09:54 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently We all are, my friend. Also, unrelated, but check out this album (made by a sputnik user, but shaping up to be one of my favourite albums of the year. His singing sounds eerily similar to Jeff Buckley at times):
    December 15 09:11 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Aye, I believe that the connected essence of our minds within five metres of one another will cause an explosion that will blow the clothes off of all good looking women in the vicinity.
    December 15 07:18 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently You're a good man.
    December 15 04:10 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Bad Religion, Rishloo, Death, Hopesfall, Poison the Well, ISIS, Neurosis, Misery Signals, A Wilhelm Scream and a few others. These are bands that I pretty much fawn over every little thing they've done. I have issues.
    December 15 03:25 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Ahh yeah, I'm a fanboy of more bands than I'd like to admit.
    December 15 02:57 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I do like a little Coheed now and again, but I'm not so big a fan that it would be a big deal missing out on them, so I guess I'm lucky there.
    December 14 04:45 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently You should try and get Macklemore tickets for the Palace instead of the Corner Hotel. I don't see how one would do that, but still. But yeah, so many concerts have popped up at once and I've dwindled my cash supply a bit, need to save a little for like...bills...and food. All that stuff I need to live haha
    December 14 01:42 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently If the tickets are still up for sale next wednesday, I'll be able to get a ticket for the second show. Or I could search Gumtree for a ticket for to first show.
    December 14 08:24 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Nah, I don't have the cash to spare. The first show is sold out, but the second isn't. I may be able to get a ticket, but I'm not sure.
    December 14 07:35 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, they were pretty awesome. Not one of my favourites, but they're still great to listen to fro mtime to time.
    December 8 04:03 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Hopefully. Have you heard Frames by Oceansize yet?
    December 8 03:20 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I really, REALLY hate Summer. Ugh, this isn't gonna be a good three months.
    December 8 02:57 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I hated working last night. I get really disoriented in the hot weather, I was not in good shape haha
    December 8 02:18 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently oh man, today sucks. Woke up with a headache just because of the heat. **** Summer, man.
    December 8 01:36 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Aye, it is good. I have work tonight. I hate working on hot days.
    December 7 07:43 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, but I don't like taking a night off work, so having the concerts on days that I'm not working is just a bonus.
    December 7 05:05 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently My Macklemore, Oh, Sleeper and Nick Cave concerts are all on nights I don't work, and are generally just good for me. I'm so lucky.
    December 6 02:28 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently oh dude, just found out that Oztix are selling Converge tickets still. I might be able to see them after all! Also, pretty sure I'm getting a pay raise! Awwww yeeeaaaahh.
    December 6 01:37 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently The Sidney Myer Music Bowl
    December 6 07:51 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently It's a really sweet venue/
    December 6 07:15 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I got stall seats for $120. Was steep.
    December 6 06:54 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah man, I just saw them announce it on their Facebook. I just bought Nick Cave tickets this morning and Deftones go on sale on the 13th. Man, all these bands touring just want to tour me out of house and home. You know how much Deftones tix will be?
    December 6 02:43 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, I've been to that JB. They have a sweet collection.
    December 3 07:47 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Nice. I don't have any vinyl yet, been wanting to star a collection for a while though.
    December 3 06:33 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently The only things I ever want are books and band shirts. And food. But yeah, Christmas is a week after my birthday, it's a sweet gig.
    December 3 05:45 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'm hoping to snag it as a birthday present, I just need to coax a gullible friend or family member into buying a ticket for me.
    December 3 04:50 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently apparently they're gonna be pretty steep in price
    December 3 04:25 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Yeah, the second gig at the Corner Hotel was moved to the Palace. Nick Cave tix also go on sale on the 6th of December for the Aussie tour. I gotta grab them!
    December 3 01:57 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Just got tix to see Oh, Sleeper live. And Macklemore at the Palace. I tried to buy Converge tix, but they were sold out. I wasn't happy with that. Also got the new Nick Cave album pre-ordered. I only got the deluxe addition, not the Super Ultra Signed By Mr. Cave With His s*** Smeared on the Cover edition. I get to hear a new song from the album tomorrow ;)
    December 2 08:33 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently I'll search through some sites and look for torrents if I can't find anything.
    December 2 05:50 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Listening now, this sounds pretty awesome. Is there a download link I can find or is it non-existant?
    December 1 03:14 PM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Thanks man, I'd appreciate it. It'll give a general idea about my style and I'd love pointers on how to improve so I can make my next effort the best it can be.
    November 28 07:15 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Haven't read any Kafka, but I intend to. And yeah man, defs check out Nick Cave's novels. Extremely unique. People are very love/hate with his writing.
    November 28 06:48 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently He wrote one book in the 80s called 'And The Ass Saw The Angel'. It's a dense read, but it's one of my favourite novels ever. He wrote another in 2009 called 'The Death of Bunny Munro'. It's a much easier read, but nonetheless still enjoyable and quite funny in places. Though both are really deranged - as is to be expect with Mr. Cave.
    November 28 06:12 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Comment 2: Because a lot of people have said I'm too descriptive. I took inspiration for my writing style from Nick Cave's first novel, a little trivia there ;)
    November 28 06:04 AM
  • ihavehadaguystalkingmerecently Man, once I've finished planning it (this time I'm gonna plan every last detail so I don't **** up), I'll come to you to give it a read of over when I begin writing. I don't want to get too hung up on editing and stuff before I finish the whole thing, either (which is what I was doing with the last one). Also, if you want, you could read through a chapter or two of the one I linked you and give me some feedback on my writing style and what you think I should improve.
    November 28 06:04 AM

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