
Reviews 19
Approval 96%

Soundoffs 8
Album Ratings 320
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 08-12-14 10:26 pm
Joined 01-16-10

Review Comments 3,989

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  • sizeofanocean Hey, just wanted to know that your music is great. I listen to it when thinking about stuff or just relaxing, it really is made for that. And your music taste is even better, so kudos for that
    May 22 10:43 AM
  • cb123 Will definitely put it in the to-do list man thanks for the heads up!
    August 12 09:54 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Ux2 toneport laptop Sony acid re ording studio. Pod farm line 6 amps
    September 28 06:51 PM
  • CaptainDooRight check my new classical album bro - http://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/lush
    September 27 08:27 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ah okay; I think it may well grow on you, as I was sceptical for a couple of listens but now very much enjoy it
    September 18 07:20 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hey man, I was wondering what you ended up thinking of the new O'Brother? I'm personally loving it and I've got Garden Window en route to me
    September 17 06:51 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Teaser sounds cool. I definitely felt teased. Let me know when she's all done holmes.
    August 23 02:12 PM
  • CaptainDooRight swee bro will def check
    August 22 12:07 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it; the electronic bits started off as a random deviation but then I realised how fun it was to play around with them. I wish I had the opportunity to play with a band more often, but I'm always seriously busy and so are my musical friends :[
    June 28 08:35 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hey man, I thought you might be interested in hearing my new album (http://stormdaughter.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-arboretum)
    June 27 01:44 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Woah, that sounds absolutely brilliant; I'll pick up Garden Window (and the EP if I can find it) and start getting hyped for the new album
    June 10 07:17 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Dude, exactly how awesome is O'Brother? I heard Lo and dug it
    June 6 09:39 AM
  • XingKing Thanks man, glad you dig. So far this is our only completed song. We've got another one suuuuppeerrr roughly demoed that we'll likely record after completing the writing stage and ironing out the edges. We've got three guitarists and we try to have every single guitar and bass playing something unique, so that's a challenge. I'll definitely be posting up our slow progress when we record tracks though, so stay tuned!
    December 10 07:31 AM
  • DarkerMan ill check it out man i loved ur other one :)
    November 24 09:42 AM
  • Mike08 I like your new EP, good job. I see you like Botch; try 7 angels 7 plagues. Also try Lights Out Asia- Tanks and Recognizers
    September 22 07:32 AM
  • CaptainDooRight my pleasure bro, koo I may make a few edits to the article to include ur names, but yeah man keep up the good work, let me know about any new music in the future, i fuking love what you guys did here
    September 21 03:50 PM
  • CaptainDooRight http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/51967/Wolves-in-Aramid-Obsidian/
    September 21 01:00 AM
  • CaptainDooRight couldn't acess ur facebook, what are the name of you and your guitarist bro
    September 20 11:56 PM
  • CaptainDooRight so where is your band based out of bro?
    September 18 01:27 AM
  • Well I might be a bit bias, but the reason I like it so much is because of the nice relaxing ambient atmosphere it gives off.
    September 17 06:08 AM
  • Dude, your band's music is legit. Nice, I really liked that song Obsidian.
    September 16 04:33 PM
  • Nice man, I liked your page. I'll check out some of the music later because I've got like 8 windows open (I'm trying to figure out how to make Nico fly via cheats on GTA IV but all these people with vids aren't explaining it lol)
    September 15 03:41 AM
  • Oh sweet dude, what's your band? My band is gonna go on a coast to coast tour in a tour van that we're all gonna pitch in to buy.
    September 15 12:15 AM
  • Ahh nice man, same here. I'm in three bands, an experimental one, a metalcore one and a deathcore one lol. Although the experimental band has a s***load of genres in it xD. My band is gonna try touring soon.
    September 14 07:16 PM
  • Hey we haven't talked in a while man what's up
    September 11 06:55 PM
  • RollieQuibbs http://rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1
    September 8 01:44 PM
  • RollieQuibbs RYM is so far and away a better and useful place than Sputnik. You would enjoy spending time there immensely.
    September 8 01:37 PM
  • RollieQuibbs excuse me sir but your taste in Music is awesome. Please, do you have RYM page?
    September 5 01:08 AM
  • Days of Future Passed No problem. Have you started working on any new music?
    March 19 06:33 PM
  • Days of Future Passed Still digging Mare Novum man, I think it's a solid 4
    March 16 06:58 AM
  • DarthMann awesome dude, make sure you become famous and give me deluxe editions for free of all of your albums lolbut yeah havent heard your first one, but ill definitley download it when i can (if its on bancamp?)
    January 28 07:20 AM
  • DarthMann yeah dude it rules keep making music
    January 28 07:13 AM
  • DarthMann still listening to your album
    January 28 06:52 AM
  • Xenophanes Since you've taken to Olafur Arnalds so well, I think you may like a dude who goes by the name "Circadian Eyes." In comp. he sounds like Arnalds, but nowhere near as good. Still, he's an up and coming guy who makes some pretty music you may dig.
    January 27 05:01 PM
  • If you want more comedy, review the "Swan Songs" album from Hollywood Undead, if you want to get down and dirty, review their newest album. Anyways, if you want to read it, I made another review! http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/47684/Vampires-Everywhere!-Kiss-The-Sun-Goodbye/
    January 25 10:32 AM
  • Hey, I wrote another review, although I went with a comical approach, would you mind checking it out? http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/47644/Emmure-Felony/
    January 23 05:31 PM
  • It's no prob man, thanks for defending my first review
    January 21 03:48 PM
  • Here's the list of s***ty bands that you wanted for negative reviewing, Abandon All Ships, I See Stars, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Design the Skyline, Emmure, Falling In Reverse, Hollywood Undead, Theory of a Deadman, Black Veil Brides, Suicide Silence and Vampires Everywhere! I hope one of those will "inspire" you to write a new review XD
    January 19 12:07 AM
  • Days of Future Passed Sweet, sounds ambitious. Can't wait to hear it. In the meantime I'll enjoy my Monodrone (btw great to see you've been added to the database).
    January 16 08:17 PM
  • Days of Future Passed Ahh I see, good point. What kind of music do you think you'll be making now then? And no problemo, gotta support the locals :)
    January 16 07:33 PM
  • Days of Future Passed Dude, I'm still listening to your stuff, it just keeps getting better. But why you stop Monodrome? :(
    January 16 02:05 AM
  • InAbsentia Gotta get in the spirit of the holidays.
    December 6 09:36 PM
  • THIEF Haha, just saw your shout. Go Cougs!
    October 12 07:27 PM
  • Kimm Like, the John Smith from Pocahontus? Or do you mean Joseph Smith? ;)
    September 24 06:08 AM
  • Kimm Lol what??
    September 24 02:21 AM
  • Kimm It's mind-boggling to me that so many people can base their lives off of the testimony of just one man.
    September 23 09:36 PM
  • Kimm Ohhh I see what you mean. I thought you were saying that Mormonism is respectable and I was like uhhh...?
    September 22 10:31 PM
  • Kimm "Mormonism almost makes me respect normal religion."How so?
    September 22 04:07 AM
  • Duffluc hey man. Just now saw your response to a progressive rec list i posted a few weeks ago, was wondering what you meant by 'other side of the spectrum,' and what you would recommend listening to? took a shot at Karnivool and Oceansize, both awesome bands. thanks in advance.
    August 16 08:00 AM
  • FearThyEvil Alright man, I'll be sure to look into them.
    April 24 04:14 AM
  • liledman mkay check these out: joe henderson - inner urge, andrew hill - point of departure, mccoy tyner - the real mccoy, sam rivers - contours, freddie hubbard - ready for freddie, and i guess basically anything by coltrane.
    March 28 12:27 AM
  • liledman so are you looking for more bop oriented recs?
    March 28 12:11 AM
  • liledman what jazz have you heard/liked?
    March 27 08:51 AM
  • acorncheese Did you ever check out Talk Talk?
    March 26 08:26 AM
  • acorncheese Hahaha, a bit too late! Lost by one vote. Your present is a rec. Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third. Definitely something you'd like. If you haven't heard it before, that is.
    March 26 08:19 AM
  • acorncheese http://sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=69064 (vote for me) :)
    March 25 09:00 PM
  • Gyromania I've actually obtained it since asking you. Thanks anyways though.
    March 24 03:19 PM
  • Gyromania Do you think you could maybe send me new Vessels?
    March 22 10:54 PM
  • acorncheese I actually got (stole) RWYA for $5. Yep, $5. Already have the vinyl version to go with it. I don't even wanna say how much I paid for AVSM.
    March 6 02:16 AM
  • acorncheese Also, pretty happy right now because my sealed copy of A Very Still Movement came today. Paid royally for that. Also came my digipak copy of Remember Where You Are.
    March 5 11:49 PM
  • acorncheese s***, dude. That's great to hear. It's hard to believe that it'll be better than White Fields, but that's what I'm hearing from all the fans. Insane. Can't wait to get my hard copy. Probably gonna abstain from listening to it until then.
    March 5 11:26 PM
  • Zanders Who should I contact to try and take care of some really spammy members? That one person is gone but KILL is still spamming up everything.
    February 26 07:15 AM
  • Zanders I've been reporting his spammy posts, so that should get the mods attention since there are so many.
    February 26 06:43 AM
  • Zanders Hopefully it will get cleaned up. Is there a way to report entire users and spam soundoffs?
    February 26 06:40 AM
  • acorncheese We're in for a rough time, my boy.
    February 25 01:15 PM
  • fr33convict why didn't those idiots name the damn ocean anyway
    February 22 03:53 AM
  • acorncheese Hey dude, thanks. I'll definitely check those out. Of those I've only heard Succioperro (sp) before.
    February 14 09:56 PM
  • acorncheese Just don't expect them to sound ANYTHING like Oceansize lol.
    February 5 08:53 AM
  • acorncheese If I may recommend an album, http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/28966/yourcodenameis:milo-Ignoto/ I figured you'd have heard this based on your love for the 'Size. One of those bands that's kind of associated with them because they're both from the UK and more underground than popular. Bands I'd consider to be in that bracket: 'Size, Amplifier, Vessels, 65dos. Anyway, it's one of my all time favorites. Hope you enjoy it. It won't be immediate. Give it time.
    February 4 08:57 AM
  • FearThyEvil Ty a lot for the recs. Will listen to them on my free time.
    October 3 09:10 AM
  • FearThyEvil Could you rec some progressive artists? I do agree on my last list all the artists I had on there were pretty mainstream.
    October 3 08:51 AM
  • crazyblinddude Hey, dude, I was giving your Effloresce review a read and I noticed you have a few typos in it. It's still well written (I think I pos'd it like 4 months ago) but I thought I'd let you know I took the time to read it, and just wanted to help you get those little parts fixed.
    September 9 10:46 PM
  • AnotherBrick you're cool*
    August 31 02:53 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 your cool
    August 30 04:05 AM

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