Reviews 10 Approval 95%
Soundoffs 109 News Articles 5 Band Edits + Tags 8 Album Edits 26
Album Ratings 1 Last Active 06-26-14 2:45 pm Joined 03-19-10
Review Comments 2,832
| silentpotato yee of/c man! and thanks ill listen real soon :]
| silentpotato very cool man, those guys have an undeniable dynamism. and om banjo om nom.
| silentpotato lol im getting there man! you know how much music i have waiting for me...
| silentpotato **** yeah ill see him if i get the chance! i havent listened to i see the sign yet, how does it compare?
| Rikardur Being a uni kid, it's rare for me to have time for new s*** so I've just been gorging over favourites lately: The National, Grizzly Bear (Shields...omg), Mountain Goats, Neurosis, etc. Also been have a nostalgic dive back into Rammstein since I'm learning German...why not. Any good unheard of s*** that you can let me on to? I need to expand more, and your help would surely cut time :)
| silentpotato thanks man! i like that you keep me up to date :). by the way i have been listening the s*** out of that Sam Amidon album All is Well you sent me a while back. **** is it ever good..
| Rikardur No, I haven't gotten around to it yet! Any places to recommend starting from? And yeah, I adore abstract folk as well.
| Rikardur My comments keep getting cut off. I was saying with that last part that I prefer those two albums I mentioned to half of Swans' discog, probably.
| Rikardur I'm glad! :D You should consider grabbing all their albums if you have not. How I Loved You and We Are Him are my favourites. It's a shame that, even with this new spark in Swans' popularity, people will still overlook Gira's other big project (tAoL). Those two albums I mentioned
| Rikardur ACTUALLY, listen to The Angels of Light, if you have not. You like Swans, you might dig this. It's Michael Gira's other project between Swans carnations where he focuses more on narrative and melody.
| Rikardur I'll check those you mentioned too! Thanks! I'm quite busy but I always make time for music ;) The house is great, thank you! A great experience....your own house
| Rikardur I'm so sorry for not getting back to you until this late! I literally forgot to respond :$, but I adore what I heard of Sam Amidon. If you know more of that kind of stuff, do link me up, I promise I'll respond sooner now that I am now set up in my new house for school.
| silentpotato this is some straight up.. ****ing interesting music... i really dig this! you are too kind for taking the time to send me stuff like this :]
| Rikardur I haven't heard of him! Any recs? I'll check it when I get home.
| Rikardur Big fan of the abstract? That's awesome! An artist that springs to mind almost immediately is Scott Walker. Check out his albums The Drift and Tilt...pretty eerie "music" right there. Also, only because I was listening to it this morning, try the classic Remain in Light from Talking Heads. I'll have to get back to you with more artists, stuck at work right now and I can't browse through my music folder.
| Rikardur I'm a big Swans fanboy, so I consider 80% of their albums to be great or higher. But really, unless you palette of music taste is expansive, you might want to find the album that has a sound which suits you best for now. That's how it worked regarding my first experience. TGA and White Light were the only releases I could get into initially...but then I progressively got into the rest.
| silentpotato i'm flattered man, even though our music taste diverges quite a bit i really respect yours, and the fact that my music appeals to someone like you means a lot to me
| silentpotato haha i actually kind of thought you might not like it at all, im surprised!
| silentpotato finished my album;
| silentpotato yeah i very much do actually, thanks for sending him my way
| silentpotato lol the music! the first song is ****in weeeird
| silentpotato review that father john misty album plz it is amazing
| jefflebowski I'm familiar with Vijay Iyer, but i've never really gotten into his music. Any tips on where to start?ps. sorry for the late reply, my shoutbox spotaeneously combusts occasionally
| jefflebowski as in the jazz musician and all round polymath dude?
| thatoneguy726 Thanks! Yeah we're torn on whether to redo that one for the album or not, but we figured we might as well because we think everything we do at this different studio will have an overall better sound. There's no way your song is bad! I vote that you just film yourself singing it with a cheap video camera like one of those YouTube kids and then put it on!!
| thatoneguy726 Ha we actually did that awhile ago, but they just weren't good recordings so we stopped charging people even though they were just $2 for four songs. We got rid of one of the songs and now the whole thing's free. We're redoing all of them for the full album. How do you know about The Hair Song? Did I tell you about it? I can't even remember haha. Are there any recordings of you playing your finished song on Youtube or anything?
| thatoneguy726 It's going pretty well gig-wise! This one booking agency thing really likes us and has been helping us get some shows opening for bands when they come through on tour. They're bands that aren't necessarily well known in our area, but they're big enough to tour so that's been pretty cool. We're hitting kind of a wall with recording though. It's so freakin' expensive. Trying to find ways to raise money. Do you play music at all?
| FelixCulpa Glad you enjoyed it! Just reccently got into Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues and saw you comments all over that review and I was reminded that I rec'ed you Frontier Ruckus and I thought of folk and then I thought of Blessed Feathers.
| FelixCulpa I think I got some folk here you might enjoy;
| thatoneguy726 Avi Buffalo: so awesome! Thanks so much. I'm loving the song a ton. For sure checking out more
| Knott- I'd be all like "OMG ARE YOU IN THE BAND?"Ha.
| Steoandnoodles Yeah, I think you're right there bud. Ever one seems to be 17 - 25 ish. =) Pretty common demographic. exciting too because there is still loads of music discovery. Like, I'm a huge fan of Frank Sinatra and I bet somewhere down the line; I'll get in to even more 50's music. It's all a growth process. Music matures with age... I think, dunno. =P
| thatoneguy726 18, turning 19 in july. pretty sure we're average sputnik ages
| thatoneguy726 haha thanks! same to you. yeah there are definitely a few cool people on sputnik, but they're just that: few. how old are you anyway?
| thatoneguy726 yeah people are so brutal and annoying on here, i love it when people are actually decent and nice haha. and yeah, i'm totally the same way. my religion is latter-day saint, or as most of the world knows us: mormon
| thatoneguy726 haha just because i've noticed that you're like way less vulgar than everyone else on sputnik, so i thought it was maybe religion related. was just curious, since i don't swear as part of my religion
| thatoneguy726 ok i'll totally check it out! btw i have a weird and random question: are you religious at all?
| thatoneguy726 thanks! we're recently getting a bit of local attention. like three different places have called us without us saying anything first and asked us for gigs in the past week, one of them being the same venue fun. is playing at! so hopefully it'll go somewhere eventually
| thatoneguy726 and here's one of the better live ones
| thatoneguy726 we haven't had the best luck with video recordings. either the sound quality or the performance itself tend to have problems haha. but here's a studio recording:
| Chrisjon89 Dunno if you tracked down the version of Fables of Faubus but here it is if you didn't - - pretty full on for that era lol
| patrickfannon So glad you love the new Bon Iver! I commend you on your willpower, sir. Enjoy the record, man. Take care.
| DonniSharK I guess I didn't, no.. Haven't been much for writing reviews lately. I never get any feedback on any of them so I'm kinda burned out on it.
| FelixCulpa Then why'd you want the link then? And I'll probably pick this up on CD too when it released. I really hope you makes a stop in Sweden, would be great to see him live. I think I read that he's coming to Ireland, lucky bastard!
| FelixCulpa Ahh should have guessed from the O'Toole ;) Well I'm an hour ahead of you here in Sweden. And the Bon Iver is good 3 songs deep.
| FelixCulpa Hey, are you from the uk? I thought for some reason you were from New Zealand but it's like 5 in the morning there and I wouldn't guess you up so early/late(? ;)).
| DiceMan It'll undoubtedly be on youtube if you're really that eager to listen to it.
| FelixCulpa There you go, just saw your other shouts and I searched for a link myself and though I'd share.
| FelixCulpa True. Hey want a link to a Good Winter's new S/T ;)?
| DiceMan It got leaked yesterday and I got to it and sent it to like 7 people before they took down the leaks
| FelixCulpa Hehe, yeah I think it's better too. Orion might be a 4 for me, need to listen to it more though, been a bit swamped in music lately.
| Observer For some reason, half my message was erased, but it was King Creosote and Jon Hopkins' Diamond Mind.
| Observer Hey, man. I came across this album the other day, and it's shaped up to really be one of my favorites of the year: King Creosote
| FelixCulpa Odd. Anyway I said also, before the "and" cut me off! Is that I need to get The Orion songbook, forgot about that album. Glad you enjoy them, haven't got that many folk albums but Frontier, The TMOE, Sam amidon and Bon Iver are 4 or 4 for me.
| FelixCulpa Huh, it's meant to say "Frontier Ruckus - Deadmalls
| FelixCulpa Hey have you listened to "Frontier Ruckus - Deadmalls
| aok,-Sage,-Rosemary,-and-Thyme/ -- dunno much about folk, but i love this album.
| DaveyBoy That would only cause confusion between me and Dave DeSylvia. Best you go with Davey.
| Tyrael I wanted to give them 1,5 for the lulz but then I was neh...