
Soundoffs 41
Album Ratings 520
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 02-26-20 2:34 pm
Joined 04-03-10

Review Comments 829

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  • DDDeftoneDDD if you want something less complex check Brave The Cold. You will dig.
    October 14 01:41 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD nice Ohms rate btw
    October 14 01:22 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD welcome to sputlife
    October 14 01:21 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD its one dude :O
    October 14 12:34 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ma man, have you checked Serpent Column's sophomore? This new one is pretty rad too!
    October 13 12:11 PM
  • Slex Go to music4newgen
    September 23 12:49 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD from 2018? Yes, don't remember much though. its cool death and roll stuff :D
    September 17 09:10 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Hi. I think you ll dig The Motion Mosaic.
    September 15 12:21 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD cool back to form...still far from an excellent/4 take imo...its cool they went NIN though
    July 2 08:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD hey hope you doing good. thought of you on Creeping Death. Its DM with dudes with HXC background. Full of riffs and breaks. I think you ll dig. Cheers
    July 1 08:27 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Azusa is a must! cheers
    April 14 01:47 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD check Wake - Devouring Ruin
    April 13 09:03 AM
    March 27 03:51 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD that good he? will check!!!
    March 27 02:20 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD without a doubt! And concept is like fun and serious at the same time...uff
    March 26 10:57 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD LOL slugdge is amazing...I wish they go live someday...they re just masters of songwriting lol
    March 26 10:42 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Its fresh! Its finally not so much underground, its appealing and memorable...that genre (blackgaze) is great but its damn tiring to focus only on constant crescendos in detriment of songwriting (something that Numenorean don't leave aside)
    March 26 10:36 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD amazing record tbh...didn't worked here with the cool kids though ahah ****'em
    March 26 10:28 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD They just have something making their brutal death assault interesting. - Its the shoegaze bb! ahaha
    March 26 10:10 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD really hardcore...they put you innit
    March 26 10:09 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD off course buddy!send me the link! Saw Hatebreed too many times LMAO. Both Afterbirth's are awesome...Timeless/Formless yess...its an awesome song and yeah the dude varies very much on vocals...these guys just riff super hard and inventive.
    March 26 09:49 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD check that track brother ;) that song hits nerve of what I was talking about
    March 25 10:17 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD check the track Timeless Formless f.e.
    March 25 09:32 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I mean...I love to walk through my DM and find the punk, the post HXC, the gaze....these Afterbirth do it like no other on both albums m/
    March 25 09:30 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Sure man...also dug the cover track, very thrashy. Anyway its a pitty on Afterbirth, that style is the future of DM (and not because of the vocals), with bands like gorguts, artificial brain, tomb mold, blood incant etc...and hey! Be ready cause 27 the new temple of void is out!
    March 25 09:12 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Ahah okay bro, no worries! The main issue is the melodeath, makes it very predictable...as you said vocals and productions can make it very tiring, too long...CD2 is really better artistically, Imma give one last chance and listen do CD2 only this time.
    March 25 08:23 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD sorry, this is where our fates depart, this melodeath is very difficult for me. I'm trying hard to reach the end of it though!
    March 24 03:39 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yeah ma dude...not bad so far...just this type of MeloDM is a bit predictable...is not quite my style at all.
    March 20 03:50 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yeah, don't wanna bore you with things you dont dig, but the projects the dude is in are very avant gardish mixing the sound, some of the melodies are not at all common in DM...the concept behind Articial Brain makes it somewhat easier to digest...(because its an artifical brain or something...lol...it plays around humanity and machines with feelings or not...mind I think about this without caring about or getting the lyrics LMAO)
    March 20 02:41 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD They re not exactly perceived as vocals imo ahahahaha the dude is excellent at what it does...and on close listen he does a lot of different growls along the record.
    March 20 12:34 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD and don't worry...I always look to dig and get the music in its own context, that's why I kinda rate high..
    March 20 11:29 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I'm autistic nowadays and don't do songs...its the album or nothing LMAO
    March 20 11:28 AM
  • Ray91 ok I know what your meaning referring to the vocals haha brutal death ultra low burping
    March 20 11:07 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Afterbirth is the burping dude from Artificial Brain.
    March 20 10:56 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I don't know if you ll like Afterbirth's vocals...but anyway feed me back bro...I ll do the same on HSB
    March 20 10:46 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD no love with Corona! Be Careful. Music is safer! ahahah kidding happy for you!!!
    March 20 10:45 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Double album? s***! lol
    March 20 10:00 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Def will check that ray...gonna stick with this 3 albuns today, if my family let me ahahah
    March 20 09:56 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD heres the album I fived from 2014 - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2kiXUEo1SgzkNxAan1JfJ7...the new one I can t find on spotify or bandcamp..I have it on deezer here - http://www.deezer.com/album/134596852
    March 20 09:55 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Im full with things to listen, but will try to put that in...if you dig artficial brain you have his Afterbirth (brutal bdm with post rock infusion - avant garde but fun s***)...and Sweven came out today (there was this band called Morbus Chron that made the album Sweven...that album is so good that their comeback is under the name Sweven ahah)
    March 20 09:39 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD " guy from Baroness in the clean segment" hummm well put friend!
    March 17 09:18 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD true about CoL...def the reason I fived their latest...I love the band and all albums...but vocals are somewhat tiring...There's some melodic tracks on Dawn to Fear that made it perfectly balanced imo...glad you dug Psychonaut. Sananda and Celestial Dictator aaah! You always have Mariner, with CoL and fem vocalist Julie Christmas...very nice output as well.
    March 17 09:13 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Those floydish solos uuugh good
    March 17 09:02 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I prefer CoL......and Dawn to Fear is their masterpiece...but for me all albums from both bands deliver...
    March 17 08:52 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD lol Imma sucker for esoteric metal m/
    March 17 08:44 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Its def Psychonaut imo...but I've been on them since yesterday...album is huge and I keep coming back to the start...the album is huge! lol plus those high screeches are pretty unique and fresh on post bands, unlike the post hardcore screams from Ocean or CoL f.e. (which are cool though, love those bands)
    March 17 08:43 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD a lot of tool riffs....gojira esoteric kinda vibe on melodic vocals, also on some riffs...and yeah The Ocean...I set the similar artists tags lol
    March 17 08:33 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD hum I should do Bolt Thrower someday...
    March 17 08:19 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD "Checked the opener a few days ago. Thought they were an instrumental band somehow." me too! LOOOL cut the first track dude!
    March 17 08:18 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD s*** bro! Check psychonaut's debut asaaaaap
    March 16 05:02 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD That's why I sat on Burzu's discog aws...First time Det som engang var, digging a lot the vibe...s***
    March 16 11:05 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD true, for me is their weakest...(I really dig Forever eheh)
    March 16 09:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I dig all Code Orange. They re better at capturing NIN vibes than late Slipknot ahah...haven t finished the album but was laughing and having fun. Btw Fover has a great amount of awesome tracks...bleeding the blur fe...I love the vibe of the band in the mainstream metal...don t care about sput
    March 13 09:28 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD "I believe it's our best straight forward song yet" now this may very much be true. Can't wait for the finished piece then m/
    March 11 01:01 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD TKS a lot for the premiere! I feel truly honored!
    March 11 12:06 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD your drummer is sweet af
    March 11 12:04 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD **** yeah. I did it now! m/m/m/ I can't say I haven't missed that little doom twist you guys do but the metallic approach e still very prominent and its def where you guys should head...never leave HXC behind though...it gives you guys the desired punch! Congrats...respining aws
    March 11 12:01 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Hell yeah m/ shoot it bro, I'm at work but will dl asap
    March 10 12:08 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD go chron...first one is more straight fw, but more consistent maybe...second one brings some atmo innovation...I really hope the new one brings both together. Worthwhile band if you dig osdm (Tomb Mold f.e.) but also doom like Hooded Menace/ Acid Witch.
    March 10 11:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD (oh and reaaaaaally nice 5!)
    March 10 10:54 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD really hard one to tag! super sweet rec Ray TKS. Be sure to check Temple of Void this 27th, you can check their previous 2 ones in the meantime. Cheers
    March 10 10:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD true...it rules hard...The EP Salem is very sweet and the fact it has a Nirvana's Tourettes cover definitely sold me (again) on the band...
    February 27 12:19 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD not that I mind samey albums...as you can see from Vitriol's rating lmao...as long there's tracks like Rope that Calls You Brother...uffffff
    February 27 12:06 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD true, vocals became more interesting and crazy varied with further listens...the album does not even feels samey to me anymore...I think the tech wins over the djent imo ahah
    February 27 12:01 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD s***...Vitriol is ear rape LMAO m/ bump on xenobiotic concluded m/
    February 27 11:55 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD the mainstream features only enter at the end with Old Light, El Dorado and Idiot...that s*** goes hard...and for real it grows towards the end like a rollercoaster of emotions...like If There Is Room to Move is awesome...Exometerium's instrumental is just amazing! The album still challenges me, thus my 5...
    February 27 10:59 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD "But it is really tiring to sit through in one liste which kinda leads to the point I haven't really listend to it that much" true dat...told you cause it was mentioned on xenobiotic's thread and I'm going to spin it today, after a fair ammount of time...
    February 27 10:23 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD dude...just put that All Structures Are Unstable track...check it with lyrics and embrace that melodic ending...m/
    February 27 10:22 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD did you ever checked Vitriol? Its an assault dude!
    February 27 10:10 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Okay Ray...I m a fair guy and told you to don t worry...this thing is starting to hit me bro...Inverted slayz too
    February 26 09:31 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD saw some light on track Fractured as well...kinda cool track
    February 25 05:09 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Great Take on Downfall of Gaia!!! Checked Suffocation from them?
    February 25 12:35 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yeah the last ffaa is awesome...glad you feel as me that Mordrake is the best thing there...but even that one feels coming out of a different album ahah
    February 25 12:35 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD not one bit convinced...still a good run...and don't worry, I feel I'm missing something, so will spin it more.
    February 24 04:02 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD prod is quite flat...jusdt love the cheeseless crazy vibe
    February 24 02:38 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD okaaay! on it. my fave from the year to date is Marrasmieli. Folk BM with thrash DM riffs as well m/
    February 24 02:36 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I'm a grunge dude over punk, and def the debut has nothing new there, from Pistols and Ramones...for me it's on A.D. they get the gothic vibe spot on...and its cool for a genre that was all about politics...
    February 21 11:13 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Walk Among Us is not quite my thin. Earth A.D. and Static Age though m/
    February 21 10:45 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD BTW brother...Loathe holds to listens...I'm kinda addicted to it tbh
    February 21 10:24 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD It makes sense...Its fresh on me, but I can definitely see that happen with time. Although its been said that Deathless is their best...but yeah consistent band no more than a 4 though...its only a rec for riffs m/
    February 10 10:50 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD sweet bands man. enjoy! I owe myself a decent discogspin on those as well! only got to some of the big ones. Anyway speaking of riffs you should check that Revocation I've recently rated.
    February 10 10:19 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yap agreed. honestly I don't know how those heavy parts sit either...reminds me how the last Norma Jean annoyed me...practically no guitar, just that distorted base...sometimes its cool, other is very kids stuff yk? I'll check Maroon when I can! TKS X)
    February 10 09:38 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Loathe is def interesting! **** that low cheap rev...I think I'll like it more on further listens...my issues are with laser bullet riffs X\
    February 8 05:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yes friend!! As you can see...I also checked some breakcore LMAO! Gojira is ****in awesome...I love everything they did...I'm massive fan of the vibe from Link f.e. (pretty unloved around sput)
    January 14 01:28 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD HAPPY 2020 Ray!!!! I will try! but s***, not at all...I have to put myself together on my list of things to listen!!! I tried to do KC but already derailing...I "need" to binge some other overdue discogs I've been delaying...Meshuggah, Death, Pinkl Floyd etc...
    January 14 10:57 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I m late on osdm! I dig all these new bands vibes. I don t see much difference on the vocals in relation to those awesome bands you ve mentioned, bit mayne they re a tad more death doom ( from bands like Hooded Menace, Un or Esoteric...have you tried any of these? This new Esoteric is awesome vocally btw)
    December 24 11:01 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD "glad I'm no musician" (aka I wish I was, mind)
    December 20 03:17 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD this is the s***...but is the s*** in what the artist is trying to achieve, brother...glad I'm no musician to relate to my own experience and just take what its trying to put me in. Even though it looks like one single monotonous piece, on close listen you have OSDM, Doom, Sludge, Classical, Folk etc...
    December 20 03:05 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD true...I'm always in the mood for this type of music...I think what you're referring is very common on new school OSDM. Bands like Tomb Mold, Witch Vomit, Ulthar, Gatecreeper etc holding this genre's torch...also love Doom bands like Hooded Menace (DeathDoom) and Esoteric or Un that make this kind of UnderTheGround growls, its all about the vibe, instrumentation, vocals are just like another instrument to set the mood (and not exactly to be decipherable) and the slight changes in rhythm,
    December 20 01:54 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD There s some highs there too. Its a tough listen. I m just so used to these type of low osdm/doom growls sometimes I think they re awesome lool
    December 20 01:03 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD share your thoughts after...yeah I expanded to DM, BM and Doom and Sludge (these last 2 turned out to be rewarding genres af!!!
    December 20 11:34 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD So cool to find dudes that dig HXC and s*** like this LMAO I'm just making Chelsea Wolfe's, than that first spin on Weeping Sores and now on Mizmor's Cairn, fitted perfectly. Filthy morning to you. LMAO.
    December 20 10:30 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Hard to compare to other bands...but its like DeathDoom with violins in the mix in a sort of sludgy way/ almost OSDM...but it goes hard...far from zzz/ slow Doom. Its peculiar stuff
    December 20 10:25 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Check Weeping Sores...I'm stoked tbh
    December 20 09:45 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD anyway brother I feel you productionwise...but often some bad productions I put the volume max...and there go the issues ahahah ppl are way too picky...but the artists themselves should be the most no doubts!
    December 18 12:44 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I guess that's the way good musicians work (never satisfied). The album is great to excellent. You can be out to something here...wanna blew my "hipster jerker" mind? drop a nasty and/or mathy solo in the mix here and there ahahah do some not lazy and ragy melodic here and there...off course, some steps towards creativity sometimes means to leave a bit of the true essence.
    December 18 12:21 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I'm a Mastodon dude...so by that you can tell why I really dug the guitars and the riffs on Currents. There's a few fellas here that could dig this s***. Don't be shy...like botb or TheMarsKid f.e.
    December 18 12:11 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD UUUURRREEEE! (after the other dude growls at some part LMAO...its awesome! Very metal!
    December 18 12:10 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD and we know that s what's really about, considering trve HXC...another spin incoming.
    December 18 12:09 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Productionwise...I'm no expert at all...but it sounded much better on earbuds than on car speakers...LMAO...I will follow your page on FB. Vocalwise I'm stoked with the low growler, pretty much how I felt on the new Knocked Loose. Yeah I could tell you may not be on top form, but damn I dug how you try to vary your screams, even those (correct me if its not you) UUUURRRÉÉÉ. Like that part you sing melodic could be better, but always in tune and passing the feeling repetitively yk?
    December 18 12:08 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD offers that special dynamics to the album...was surprised cause as I said yesterday was expecting this more straight fw old school hardcore...it turned out to be some old meets new kinda s***...(my cup of tea honestly) . Is that the debut LP?
    December 18 11:54 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD album starts truly talking to me from The Current onwards. Very inventive guitar there. First 2 tracks for me are a bit Hatebreed auto-pilot songwriting (still with those ever infectious crowd choir hooks) Dirty Sanchez...is ....well...dirty af!!!! Loved it man. Hangman, is that a synth?! LMAO dudes m/ R.i.P. get out of here, grindy s***. Good closing, more than solid album. You certainly put on the HXC feeling and hooks on this. Your other buddy's low growls there...offers that special dynamics
    December 18 11:52 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD See my 2018 list friend.
    December 18 11:08 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Are you ****in crazy dude? 3rd spin here...hatebreed meeting knocked loose stuff
    December 18 10:58 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Pretty mean stuff dude m/
    December 17 06:45 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD and I gotta do some work...LMAO see you!
    December 17 02:57 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD now humbly request to erase the other entry in the forum...the dudes are quick
    December 17 02:55 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahahaha so def not your band! there you go - https://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/Relations-GER/120895/
    December 17 02:52 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD there's a comment there to Ray though LMAO
    December 17 02:49 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD If I rate as 4 bro X) m/ OK will make a new entry bro and check it asap!
    December 17 02:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD is this band? https://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/Relations/34198/
    December 17 02:31 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahah just for personal purposes, Although I like to share and rec s***...if it meets the 4 it can be listed X)
    December 17 02:31 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD there you go! I saw them twice. I got where you came from. Attended loads of HXC show back in the days Hatebreed, to Agnostic, to Comeback Kid etc....oh ..And I'm not being kind at all....will def check them out...I found you on deezer (the app I use)
    December 17 02:29 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Got it! Will def check ASAP. Can I add it to sputDB bro?
    December 17 02:20 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yeah...but I can tell its true HXC done right man..although its not a worldwide sound...or nothing new...I bet it can give big local exposure if there's a scene there...We had (I'm older and a dad now so don't if there is anymore ahahah) a scene here in Lisbon a few years ago.
    December 17 02:18 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD can't find the song to death and composure bro
    December 17 02:15 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD forgot to say...that clip from shelter is pretty hilarious LMAO...although I'm against windmills nowadays! ahahah
    December 17 02:12 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD DO you have an album or some? Night Lights there was some screams there almost like Agnostic Front (I come to enjoy those weird vocals you know?) almost a UEEEAH UEEEAH...sweet m/
    December 17 02:10 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Forget it. Night Light is sweet too m/
    December 17 02:05 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD OK Ray! Your vocals are sick! The lower to the higher seeet. Night Lights are also yours? Def better vocal on the one you showed...although Night Lights has some cool instrumentation.
    December 17 02:02 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yeah man...Joliette has that At the Drive In vibe, but way more abrasive and hardcore, so yeah there's a lot going on...but I felt it immediately though...still album develops and holds with listens. Fuming Mouth is pretty straight fw pissed HM-2!!! Hope you enjoy...my list is badass friend, everything with good (debatable yap) taste. Will listen to you right now. No music apps yet?
    December 17 01:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Muletilla Japonesa is da s*** ma dude! m/ and the album gets a little more post as it goes towards the end...ufff...sweet sweet release...Cool to know you're a vocalist...any work done yet for us to check? cheers
    December 17 01:35 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Didn t know you were German brother. Hope you can handle the spanish lyrics cause Luz Devora os sweet post hxc af
    December 17 12:39 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yeah man! Even if you're late checking your sb, just post your answers on mine...otherway you ll end up replying to yourself ahaha and I want to be notified when you answer X) Maybe I'll that german thing! Glad you dug CAttle's m/
    December 17 12:02 PM
  • Ray91 Yeah, still need to check my shoutbox more often haha. Joliette is also something I need to check out. Currently in the mood for some old school german metalcore. Check the cold heart of the sun by maroon. Kinda melodic dm with bm influences and a metalcore foundation.Left beind is sick as hell. Bummed i missed them during the death to false metalcore tour with mis sigs, unearth, malevolence(!!!!!) and another band I can't remember
    December 17 11:49 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Joliette is maybe your s***.
    December 12 09:38 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD OK Ray...For me to know when you reply talk to me on my shoutbox X) ahah...When worte that I must be all around the new Esoteric. Anyway bro, check Joliette! And check my year list as well. Left Behing is there as well m/
    December 12 09:37 AM
  • Ray91 Not really familiar with the genre to be quite honest. But always open to check new things out
    November 19 02:57 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD You like doom?
    November 15 11:01 AM
  • Ray91 :D hahah cheers mate, always having fun it seemsProfile pick is almost as old as me :DAlways a pleasure to help someone out on new tunes
    September 24 10:01 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Taaaa ****. Bit drunk here but Johnny Booth is da s***
    September 22 01:41 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD OH Thank you for Johnny Booth...there's a weird At the Drive-In vibe in it! Do the Mexican band Joliette...you'll like it ;)
    September 21 04:18 PM
  • Ray91 Haha thanks mate x)
    September 19 01:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD cool profile pick
    September 18 10:57 AM

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