
Reviews 1
Approval 60%

Soundoffs 10
Album Ratings 51
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 01-25-14 7:21 pm
Joined 11-14-10

Review Comments 6,511

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  • unclereich you're a good user i approve [2]
    January 31 07:57 PM
  • unclereich you're a good user i approve
    January 10 07:50 PM
  • Underflow You pretty much explained my reservations about watching HoC perfectly, so thanks haha.
    January 4 03:11 PM
  • OysterizerInsomniac yo the EP's finished so here it is https://methodact1.bandcamp.com/album/the-ice-cream-truck-waits-for-no-man
    December 22 08:42 AM
  • Hep Kat yeah it's extremely uncommon to find something like that around here
    December 12 12:26 AM
  • Hep Kat check that out: http://tinyurl.com/lczdd52
    December 11 10:19 PM
  • conesmoke Mimosa roots haha nice one. How many grams of that do u need to make a gram of dmt you reckon?
    October 27 08:10 AM
  • PortraitsOfDecay Glad I could help :)
    October 12 05:40 AM
  • Psycotrip ya still on this site wasting your life ya ****in derelict. looks like sputniks all ya got left
    September 27 12:19 PM
  • danielito19 hey there I keep seeing some weird ****ed up good humourous posts on this account. keep it up,
    August 16 02:26 PM
  • Sowing Just a quick and final reminder to show up to the draft today. 7:30 EST.
    August 12 06:04 AM
  • JokineAugustus Central Canada actually. Lived in this same city my whole life. My Uncle used to always hunt deer in Saskatchewan on his land, but he got cancer and sold the land. I'm in Winnipeg. Haven't actually done any hunting myself, but it sounds interesting, though I'm sure a ton of patience and stealth is needed along with judging wind conditions and such.
    August 10 07:14 AM
  • JokineAugustus Argghhh! Why did you have to say that? I NEED food like asap. Its 2am here btw. Where you from man?
    August 10 06:59 AM
  • JokineAugustus Damn. I just got super hungry reading about your steaks and deer jerky. Sounds amazing! Shrimp rules along with Lobster. I'm not as big a fish fan anymore though. For regular food, lasagna is probably my favourite. I basically try every lasagna at any restaurant I go to.
    August 10 06:48 AM
  • Sowing I sent your invite, check your email. The draft time is THIS monday at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (USA), so make sure you adjust accordingly for your time zone. I'm shooting for 100% attendance.
    August 9 03:10 AM
  • Sowing Thanks so much, I'll send you the invite tonight
    August 9 02:56 AM
  • Cygnatti Don't think so I'm pretty sure they're South American or something.
    July 18 04:17 AM
  • tommygun yea man it's a very fun catchy album without being too poppy, the songwriting is great... ziggy is similar but a bit rockier... low is half fun post-punk and half instrumentals which might be too atmospheric for what you requested but they rule anyway
    July 18 01:04 AM
  • tommygun sweet man which one are you spinning?
    July 18 01:00 AM
  • CK Definitely. Glad you're enjoying it!
    July 18 12:56 AM
  • pribosse hey bro check out necro dogg! http://necrodogg.bandcamp.com/
    July 13 05:53 AM
  • theacademy i lol'd so hard
    July 5 04:41 AM
  • Maniac! the new laura is amazing
    April 9 11:06 PM
  • BaselineOOO Not at all. But the last ones I've seen were Architecture 101 which was cute and lovely, and Pieta which was ridiculous like any other Kim Ki-Duk film, so yea pretty fun.
    March 29 09:34 AM
  • menawati i did 5 lists of obscure free bandcamp music in the last few weeks, check my lists called 'good s*** mostly free', a lot is prog and psych but there is some pop, indie, rock and jazz on there too
    December 7 07:42 PM
  • JokineAugustus Im 11 years old.
    November 23 06:10 PM
  • aok i left a job as a contractor for what i thought was a more desirable position. got sick and was still on a 'probationary period' with the new firm. never hurts to have a backup plan, but i should've realized what i had. oh well
    October 29 07:32 PM
  • aok what you do for work? i just got laid off myself
    October 29 04:41 PM
  • DominionMM1 I can keep making the lists if you want.
    October 22 02:32 PM
  • jrm96 Its cool. I would have started falling behind anyway i rarely get on with all the school and work
    October 22 02:43 AM
  • jrm96 Na man im good i was just doin it for fun but thanks
    October 21 06:36 PM
  • Maniac! What I thought of Godspeed: http://mediasnobs.com/2012/10/godspeed-you-black-emperor-live-in-atlanta/ --- Otherwise, I've just been working. Will probably get my driver's license this week, so that will be nice.
    October 20 09:15 PM
  • Maniac! Where've you been? Haven't seen you around in forever.
    October 20 09:09 PM
  • DominionMM1 not doing nfl picks this week?
    October 6 02:12 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell No probs man, I'm glad I could help
    September 26 05:10 PM
  • jrm96 Cool
    September 26 04:28 AM
  • jrm96 Guessin u cancelled the challenges
    September 26 01:29 AM
  • PsilocybeDreamer Oh okay thought so, thanks :)
    September 19 11:52 PM
  • PsilocybeDreamer Hmm fair enough I'm willing to admit "defeat" jdennis. Oh btw what do you mean by focus more on context and logical development of conversation rather than rhetoric? Could you elaborate on that a little? I think I get what your saying, but I just want to make sure we're on the same page
    September 19 08:34 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ah, I love the 7th chords, check out the arpeggios that go with them as well. Glad to help, I'll send you anything else interesting as my teacher gives it to me
    September 12 05:52 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell I've sent it all to you; enjoy
    September 12 05:28 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ok, I have no idea where my scanner cable is, but I'll try to borrow my friend's scanner and get it done tomorrow (fingers crossed)
    September 11 10:03 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Btw, I haven't forgotten; scanner is working (I think), but I need to find the power cable before I can use it. Shouldn't be long though
    September 8 09:15 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell No probs dude, just shoutbox me in a week or two, coz I'll probably forget
    August 27 09:05 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell dude, if you give me your email (in a coupla weeks coz my scanner isn't usable atm), I can scan some of my theory pages (7th chords and arps, 9th chords and arps, harmonic minor scales, some legato excersizes) and send them. Remind me if interested coz I'll probs forget
    August 27 06:06 PM
  • Balerion Btw sorry about that no idea why that message spammed 4x
    August 12 08:19 PM
  • Balerion Hah naw sorry man, I'm Daniel Burke fromChicago!
    August 12 08:18 PM
  • Ishysez no problem glad you like them
    August 12 01:19 PM
  • silentpotato http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=269939
    August 6 10:41 PM
  • Graveyard well the arctic monkeys are not post-punk, they are "post-punk revival" which is basically a another take from the main genre itself. personally i dislike that trend of music myself, aside from a few bands like interpol. if you want some of the classics within the main "post-punk" genre itself though then check out this list ;) http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=700722
    August 6 07:44 PM
  • silentpotato thanks man! i appreciate you takin the time to listen :]
    August 2 12:07 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Thanks man! That means a lot to me :]
    July 29 06:06 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Haha, yeah restarting the Rest thread is bad. I prefered the new track to your first one, it gave me a similar feel to albums like Panopticon, but not as heavy obvs. Great work bro
    July 29 03:46 PM
  • CaptainDooRight check my recent list bro
    July 27 06:43 AM
  • ChuckyTruant Will do
    July 20 08:00 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Hah yeah man they have some slick riffs on Prophets. And the clean sections are very well done IMO. But yes Defeater is awesome
    July 20 07:42 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Definitely. Prophets is more metalcore, hardcore type sound, ie more metal riffs, breakdowns etc. but it's a fantastic album. I've got that one 5'd. And then their other album The Current Will Carry Us is more hardcore tinged, IMO of course and it also solid. So yeah start with either one of those.
    July 20 07:35 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Hey Joe bro, check out the song Digresssion by Counterparts if you haven't heard it. It's got some sweet tapping at the beginning.
    July 20 07:14 PM
  • BirthRite I understand what you mean and those scholars who reviewed the old texts were probably well versed in Hebrew as well. But I know what you mean, the bible says some received Gods spirit and some received visions to write things down. I guess that's where you'd have to review it for yourself and decide if it makes more sense to believe or more sense to not. You can only come to that conclusion with prayer and personal study bro.
    July 14 05:56 PM
  • BrendaLynn Now now jdennis.
    July 14 01:11 PM
  • MGMTBoys Jdennis, you should really just screw off, you and storm. You aren't trolls, you just come off as annoying children. I know this is hippocritical to say, but get a life? The members of Rest are simply doing what they like. By clicking their videos repeatedly you give them more views, which is stupid. You're doing exactly what they want, can you not see that? But no, you just keep up. You're not even a troll.
    July 14 05:26 AM
  • BirthRite But the Bible is true at 2 Timothy 3:16,17 where it says "all scripture is inspired of God" then I'm sure God would have the ability to preserve the necessities of the Bible's importance so man would not be walking around aimlessly. Besides that there are many things in the Bible that contain evidence of inspiration which I can ellaborate for you if you'd like.
    July 13 11:45 PM
  • BirthRite It is true that some translations of the Bible adhere more closely to what is in the original languages than others do. Modern paraphrase Bibles have taken liberties that at times alter the original meaning. Some translators have allowed personal beliefs to color their renderings. But these weaknesses can be identified by comparison of a variety of translations.
    July 13 11:42 PM
  • BirthRite ... additions of passages, and no variations which affect vital facts or doctrines. The variations of text affect minor matter, sush as the order of words or the precise words used.. But their essential importance is their confirmation, by evidence of an earlier date than was hitherto available. of the integrity of our existing text."
    July 13 11:30 PM
  • BirthRite ... There are also many copies of early translations into other languages. A bible scholar by the name of Sir Frederic Kenyon in his seven volume book "The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri" wrote: "The first and most important conclusion derived from the examination of them[the papyri] is the satisfactory one that they confirm the essential soundness of the existing texts. No striking or fundamental variation is shown either in the Old or the New Testament. There are no important omissions or....
    July 13 11:28 PM
  • BirthRite You bring up some excellent points and no one should following anything unless they've been convinced of it themselves. Even the Bible says to make the truth your own. But I can fully understand your concerns about fallacy. There are about 6,000 handwritten copies containing all or part of the Hebrew Scriptures; the oldest dates back to the third century B.C.E. Of the Christian Greek Scriptures, there are some 5,000 in Greek, the oldest dating back to the beginning of the second century C.E....
    July 13 11:25 PM
  • BirthRite Lol on the origin of the slab of meat. That's cool man, that's how I feel too, it's nice to share that musical connection with others. Can't wait to see what you do and I'll definitely check out that link that you shared on myspace. Bookmarked it in my "to listen" list. So that previous list got pretty long but it's cool we can shoutbox. So have you or do you read the Bible? and if so what are your thoughts on it if I may ask?
    July 13 10:28 PM
  • BirthRite what instruments do you play again exactly and how long have you been playing? and what's up with the slab of flesh on your profile pic if I may ask haha?
    July 13 10:15 PM
  • BirthRite Yeah I bet it's even hotter where you are in Texas, I could only imagine. I'm out here in southern california. I get what you're saying, you'd rather be a starving artist in the music industry right?, rather than working at a job you're not passionate about. I feel you on that man. I play music too, guitar, bass, keyboards and I'd love to make money doing that. Realistically it wouldn't work due to my family situation and other personal reasons but I hope one day I'll be able fulfill that desire
    July 13 10:15 PM
  • BirthRite that's cool man I'm at work too. Gettin' off in about 2 hours. What do you do for work? I work at a blah insurance company haha but hey it pays the bills, barely. Oh yeah I remember your song that you posted on that one thread that I dug. Definitely keep me posted if you put anything together in the future, I'd love to hear it! My plans are just to get off work and enjoy the weekend with my wife and son and true to maybe hang with some friends but definitely try to stay cool because it's hot!
    July 13 09:54 PM
  • BirthRite Hey how's it going today? How's life treatin' ya?
    July 13 09:41 PM
  • Maniac! best thing ever
    July 9 05:26 PM
  • Maniac! AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBRpepmrjb4
    July 9 05:21 PM
  • Maniac! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZ2Egh4-jY
    July 9 05:20 PM
  • silentpotato done, thanks!
    July 8 01:19 PM
  • silentpotato i am deffs still lookin
    July 8 01:04 PM
  • silentpotato i am now! r u??!?
    July 8 06:55 AM
  • Wolfhorde well, might take a hike tomorrow and see how it flows. I like to listen to certain records while I'm walking around in the woods somewhere or just sit somewhere outside on a rock, I mean haven't heard much but I already liked the snippets from the 'behind skelethon' where he was talking about the tracks.
    July 8 12:42 AM
  • Wolfhorde yeah, I might even like this more than labor day. but I also like how his voice sounds now way more than before. I mean in rap it's not as important with other vocalists but still.
    July 8 12:32 AM
  • Wolfhorde heh, you'll probably catch him before me since it's past 2 AM here so I'll probably soon be sleeping for another 6-10 hours. I have a feeling this might become one of my personal summer albums.
    July 8 12:27 AM
  • Wolfhorde thanks a lot, man.
    July 8 12:21 AM
  • Wolfhorde when I have the link or the album?
    July 8 12:16 AM
  • Wolfhorde I was just busy posting an ass long-list of gypsy swag on potsy's page.
    July 8 12:14 AM
  • Wolfhorde same for me as for my brother mr. reich.
    July 7 10:22 PM
  • silentpotato sweet thanks nagro, ive been lookin and have found nothing but fakes
    July 7 10:10 PM
  • silentpotato nig, skelethon, put dat s*** on mediafire and link me i dont do torrents. u can take it down right after!
    July 7 10:05 PM
  • Maniac! my pleasure
    June 30 06:36 PM
  • Maniac! and uhhh... jawbox and jawbreaker
    June 30 05:38 PM
  • Maniac! intronaut, jaga jazzist
    June 30 05:29 PM
  • Maniac! lotte kestner, Cap'n Jazz, Damien Rice, Husker Du
    June 30 05:24 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Haha all right man will do
    June 29 10:14 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Yeah man of course. I'm super stoked to hear what you record. As for me, I've been constantly writing out anything that I come up with for the past few months. Just wrote a very Meshuggah-y riff today m/ as **** haha
    June 29 09:58 PM
  • ChuckyTruant yeah man it's hard to be a good guitarist and no play metal or jazz. i love em both. I'm not hardly practiced theory wise in jazz either but its super fun to play
    June 29 09:47 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Sweet man. I've been playing for nearly 2 years now. And mainly metal, hardcore and jazz
    June 29 09:38 PM
  • GuanoBumbershoot May the hypothetical lord bless you with a lifetime of functioning boners. That's the game, thanks dude.
    June 25 03:59 AM
  • Maniac! pssst
    June 25 01:44 AM
  • Maniac! facebook
    June 24 02:17 PM
  • Inveigh np man, glad you liked it
    June 22 07:04 PM
  • Maniac! done
    June 3 02:29 PM
  • Maniac! reactivate your damn facebook so we can have our daily laura chat
    June 3 02:14 PM
  • Maniac! I thought you died and/or left me forever :[
    June 3 01:57 PM
  • Maniac! dude, you deactivated facebook?
    May 29 03:30 PM
  • Kellerdeck Sounds suspenseful.
    May 19 10:30 PM
  • Kellerdeck What happened to Coneren!? He stopped going on the thread. He made the thread what it was. Feels sad.
    May 19 10:27 PM
  • Kellerdeck What's up?
    May 19 10:24 PM
  • Kellerdeck Ahoy.
    May 19 10:21 PM
  • Maniac! you also need this: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/13606/Hammock-Raising-Your-Voice...-Trying-to-Stop-an-Echo/
    May 14 03:04 AM
  • mangasm Hahaha no I'm too lazy too change it.
    May 11 12:41 PM
  • mangasm Yeah hurry up and tell Maniac to unban me or I will track you IP Address.
    May 10 02:08 AM
  • Inveigh cool glad you liked em man
    April 8 01:47 AM
  • Inveigh word man, always happy to rec hip hop. not sure if maniac already gave them to you, but some of my other favorites are Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers, Guilty Simpson - Ode to the Ghetto, Outkast - Aquemini, P.O.S. - Audition, Black Milk - Tronic, UGK - Ridin Dirty, Company Flow - Funcrusher Plus, Mac Lethal - OG 11:11 Sessions, Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030, Ghostface Killah - Supreme Clientele, Method Man n Redman - Blackout, Raekwon - OB4CL n OB4CL2, Nas - Illmatic, Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die
    April 6 05:26 PM
  • RosaParks id love to experience sexual release in your presence
    April 1 03:35 PM
  • Psycotrip I'm ****ing crazy. I'm the best.
    March 28 06:32 AM
  • Psycotrip Cheers for the rec! Yabbadabba- Doo is by far some of the best s*** i've heard in a while. But is Dennis the menace home?
    March 28 06:13 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 and yea the drummer for the national is great
    March 27 02:22 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 good to see u liked slow show, the lyrics in that song are ****ing outstanding
    March 27 02:22 PM
  • Maniac! I've not looked at it
    March 27 01:37 PM
  • Psycotrip Do you listen to pop punk? Yes.
    March 27 06:35 AM
  • Maniac! I noticed that as well
    March 26 03:56 PM
  • MartiniKisses Look below this post....that is your answer.
    March 25 10:23 PM
  • RecspecsAFC Yeah I got the banhammer for a week bro.
    March 25 04:27 PM
  • ohfoxxxycole http://www.facebook.com/bgutmeir
    March 25 03:32 PM
  • Spare they're so ****ing well written too, especially her ps eliot stuff
    March 25 03:03 PM
  • Spare waxahatchee 5/5 makes me happy
    March 25 02:26 PM
  • Psycotrip snaydu snaydu
    March 25 01:45 PM
  • yeah well to be fair you just reminded me i needed to 1 Kesha's LP. a friend I met down here just made me listen to the whole thing (we've been swapping full album listens) and it was gross. I've permanently opted out of any future listening partys with her.
    March 24 06:59 PM
  • Aids woah 1-storm. trying to raise that objectivity score or something? haha
    March 24 06:52 PM
  • Aids yeah Mew is pretty much the best thing ever. probably seeing them live this summer in Denmark (their home country) in one of only two shows they're playing this year. my mind is preparing to be blown to s***.
    March 24 06:48 PM
  • Maniac! awesome dude. and yeah, hip-hop loses like 60% of its appeal without proper bass ;)
    March 22 10:10 PM
  • Maniac! how's the music-ing going?
    March 21 05:07 PM
  • Maniac! Sunset Tree, Coroner's Gambit, and We Shall All Be Healed are my favorites.
    March 20 03:27 PM
  • Maniac! By the way, if that's your girlfriend on facebook, I'm jealous. She's hot.
    March 20 03:23 PM
  • Maniac! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god. Bro I know you're overloaded on music at the moment, but you do need to get through his discog next time you're in an indie mood
    March 20 03:23 PM
  • Maniac! How do you have 40% indie and no "The Mountain Goats"?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    March 20 03:18 PM
  • Maniac! You're my new favorite sputniker
    March 20 01:27 PM
  • Maniac! "but think i'm gonna spin this low end theory for a couple listens haha" ... you just made me so proud.
    March 19 10:17 PM
  • Maniac! I'm glad you're enjoying and actually checking out the recs. Most of the time I give a hundred recs or so and they don't even check out more than one.
    March 19 10:08 PM
  • Maniac! I forgot to put P.O.S. on the list. Check out his last 2 albums as well
    March 19 03:40 PM
  • Maniac! http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?mode=1
    March 19 02:09 PM
  • Maniac! The Low End Theory is my favorite hip-hop album of all time. I'll make you a list of recs in a minute :D
    March 19 01:57 PM
  • Maniac! you need more hippity hop in your life
    March 19 01:46 PM
  • Maniac! That's great. I'm 5'10. When I started I was 220. Now I fluctuate between 190-195. My goal is 185. Being much taller helps you not look as fat as I did :P
    March 18 08:29 PM
  • Maniac! yeah muscle will make you gain weight. You don't look like you're that big at all, though. I was a chunky monkey and the weight just dropped as soon as I got off my ass and drank more water.
    March 18 08:11 PM
  • Maniac! I lose 3-5 pounds in sweat every practice. Very good cardio :P
    March 18 06:57 PM
  • Maniac! Yeah, I just got my Sankyu before christmas. And indeed, I've lost 30 pounds since I started.
    March 18 06:54 PM
  • jdennis31 yah, guy at the place i train at says i need like 200-300 hours of mat time before he'll move me up to purple. you look like you slimmed down a bunch from last year, must be some good cardio
    March 18 06:50 PM
  • Maniac! Blue Belt is pretty great. We're about the same rank converting to the judo system. I'm a Sankyu (third degree brown, the first brown you get). I've been doing judo almost 2 years.
    March 18 06:44 PM
  • Maniac! What rank are you in bjj?
    March 18 06:38 PM
  • Maniac! My Judo Sensei converted his detached garage into a full-fledged dojo. He is a former olympian and he teaches me for free. I'm pretty damn lucky. I'll be looking to get into bjj after I graduate and get through my military training and tech school.
    March 18 06:11 PM
  • Maniac! I think you just accidentally repeated yourself. Btw, I do have a video of one of my matches on my fb profile, if you want to see what I do.
    March 18 05:53 PM
  • Maniac! Haha no.
    March 18 05:09 PM
  • Aids realized that didn't make sense, Tallahassee was his first "studio album" and the ones before that like Coroner's Gambit and All Hail West Texas etc. were really lo-fi, really different sound, but they do both so well.
    March 17 10:38 PM
  • Aids oh man one of my favourites, and a big discography too. My favourite is definitely The Coroner's Gambit but it took a while to grow on me. The ones I liked right away were The Sunset Tree (probably the overall fan favourite) and We Shall All be Healed, both of which are in his more produced sound. I've been digging Tallahassee so hard lately, and it has probably his most popular song on it and one of the best.
    March 17 10:37 PM
  • Maniac! jdennis630?
    March 15 04:22 PM
  • Aids yeah pretty cool, though a National cover without drums hardly seems worth it (best ****ing drummer). never heard of that band.
    March 15 04:20 PM
  • Maniac! dos thou have a facebook, good sir?
    March 15 01:59 PM
  • KILL best band ever bro BEST GOD DAMN BAND EVER
    March 10 10:51 PM
  • TheZehan Hey, check out my newest review on Jars of Clay's album Jars of Clay and I want to see if my different writing and review style earned your approval or not
    March 7 02:49 AM
  • CaptainDooRight who's the chick in your avatar, is it the same as your profile pic?
    March 6 12:02 AM
  • Maniac! Simpler plan. Learn the banjo.
    March 3 09:18 PM
  • Maniac! Laura Stevenson is amazing.
    March 3 08:09 PM

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