Reviews 3 Approval 63%
Album Ratings 172 Objectivity 59%
Last Active 04-09-12 4:15 pm Joined 02-05-11
Review Comments 1,673
| AllGabrielsAreGlass Ill be sure to tell you what I think of the rest! I have to admit at the moment Im most interested in the TesseracT one, cause Ive heard alot about that band but never gave them a proper listen. (as is my habit, I'm ashamed to say.)
| AllGabrielsAreGlass I can automatically tell you right from the word go what I think of Fear Of A Blank planet:BADASS. MOTHER****ING. ALBUM.I think that covers it.
| AllGabrielsAreGlass Thanks man, I love conceptual songs and yet for some dumb reason have never checked out Ayreon, talk about being beneath your nose! Cheers! \m/
| Jethro42 It's a pleasure, dude. Maybe you already know this; part II;
| theashesfromautumn01 nice i like the consistancy. s*** i dont think thats how you spell that. pshh whatevs
| theashesfromautumn01 ok just making sure. i have a 360 too. when you get dead rising or something just tell me your gamertag
| Jethro42 What a good idea you had to consult my lists haha. I wrote a review for that Harmonium, but in French, my native tongue. You can read my reviews under the ProgJect account (a collaboration between Nagrarok and me, given that my English can be so-so). e.g.
| Jethro42 It's my pleasure. Your Harmonium rating makes me happy (band is coming from Montreal, my hometown).
| Skweetis Any recommendations you want to throw my way, feel free. Anything that you think is really good.
| Skweetis Really depends on what you want. In my opinion, their 2 best albums are "Stag" and "Honky". Both are experimental and very cool. If you want their heavier stuff you should check out "Gluey Porch Treatments" and "Bullhead".
Hope you dig it.
| Skweetis Listen to Melvins asap. They rule :)
| Grignard lol just read Ohh Fuuuuu.... New User list. Hello fellow lurker!
| FilthyBorgir Oh wow dude, you should try posting that comment on Hawks shoutbox so he can see it and so he can reply back to you. (your not the only one that has done that before, but it's okay cuz your new).
| Hawks