
Reviews 31
Approval 74%

Soundoffs 453
Album Ratings 469
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 09-11-19 5:37 pm
Joined 01-13-12

Review Comments 13,825

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  • manosg Absolutely, Danny.
    May 17 05:14 PM
  • 0GuyMan0 Most certainly. The classic era is untouchable for me. I can find a track or two at least on each release that I dig, but those first six releases are front-to-back excellent.
    April 4 06:47 PM
  • Sabrutin Hey man! Cool to see some Q2K appreciation. They were left DeGarmo-less and tried their best at going on, adopting a mainstream sound sure but after all the previous record left them in a weird place. In the past year I've realized I like almost all of Q2K. The gospel-ish One Life is really cool! I wrote a review on rym to defend it haha
    April 2 08:30 AM
  • Titan YES I DO! their last great record during the Tate era....
    March 28 01:10 PM
  • Futures hell yeah danny. good to see you're still around! it's been such a fun time digging into them for the first time. more than long overdue as a metal fan. have had vol 4 on repeat these last few days.
    March 21 02:06 AM
  • Wildcardbitchesss oh dude it?s not even close lol. ryche all day baby
    March 12 04:35 PM
  • SomeCallMeTim hell yeah. Not a huge fan of either but Jagger is easily superior to Lennon (barf) or McCartney and Stones hits
    February 18 05:14 PM
  • Rowan5215 hey man! I've been staff for years now but I appreciate it nonetheless lol. good to see you back
    February 12 03:34 AM
  • RunOfTheMill Nice, lemme know when it drops. I'm not on here everyday, so sometimes I miss stuff.
    January 25 09:19 PM
  • RunOfTheMill The one and only DANNY is back in the game. What's up bro? I've been doing well, g'damn busy so not much sputniking but I will always have time for some Judas Priest hot takes!
    January 24 04:00 PM
  • manosg Hey Danny, all is well man. Haven't seen you around for a long time. I am doing fine, albeit not so active on here due to family and work obligations. How about you?
    January 10 09:07 AM
  • NeroCorleone Hey Danny, been a long time, how are you? No, he isn't one of my favorites, tbh I'm more a fan of certain styles of drumming rather than particular individuals.
    October 18 04:40 PM
  • RunOfTheMill dude that 1.0 on Tony MacAlpine's Maximum Security is harshhhhhh
    June 28 01:55 PM
  • ezzomania All good man, no offense at all... I'm not Italian though haha. Seriously, very similar music taste though!
    December 1 02:58 PM
  • manosg Hard to say, Danny. I love the music released during 1967-1973 but the '90s are also up there for me.
    November 15 06:44 AM
  • DominionMM1 sorry homie but i don't know who you are so no worries about any past offenses. as for our current political situation, im not sure i could address my thoughts and opinions in an appropriate manner in such a confined medium as the shoutbox.
    November 10 05:25 PM
  • ArsMoriendi You've never offended me lol. I guess I'm a moderate liberal.
    November 10 04:10 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie by far my friend, isn't that obvious ? XD
    November 6 12:07 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 It gets a lot of hate, but I've always liked the Sabotage cover, especially Ozzy with the cape on the back cover
    November 1 11:06 PM
  • Titan there are a lot, but i'd say myself, notrap, dewinged, manosg, teamster, facupm.....they are the ones that come to mind anyway
    October 27 11:44 AM
  • manosg Yup, started with Deep Purple and Queen when I was 10-11. What about you?
    October 27 07:42 AM
  • zakalwe Woah. Hello dude. Yep when it comes to the best of the best they?re there or thereabouts
    October 27 06:55 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 yea its just got no staying power. Still love most of the guitar work though.
    October 25 07:20 PM
  • Rowan5215 hey buddy, been a minute since I saw you round these parts! how's things? yeah I think Abbey Road and especially Revolver are classics, love pretty much everything Harrison did, but after Revolver they just completely forgot how to make cohesive or consistent albums
    October 24 04:06 AM
  • Kaiwaz Dark Tranquillity kick ass!
    October 22 08:32 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 too much cheese
    October 20 02:57 PM
  • StrikeOfTheBeast It's about as 'good' as Heretic which isn't saying much considering how average that album was.
    October 19 12:43 PM
  • Pon they have some great albums yes
    October 18 09:55 PM
  • TheSpaceMan yeah i have a love/hate with prog. the best of it is so well made and interesting to listen to but rarely do i care to actually put it on. floyd removed of course, they are all powerful
    October 17 11:17 PM
  • TheSpaceMan KC has aways been largely uninteresting for me. in the court is obv influential but im not sure i'm able to honestly say its anything better than good to me
    October 17 12:28 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 I dont listen to much thrash, but of those two Anthrax have more of a punk sensibility, which would appeal more to me.
    October 16 02:56 PM
  • manosg Awesome. Reviews or not, your presence on here is always a good thing.
    October 13 07:25 PM
  • manosg Hey buddy, really glad to see your message! Are you planning a comeback?
    October 13 05:56 AM
  • SharkTooth Hey man, I just wanted to say that I don't visit this website much anymore but I'm hoping you're okay over in Puerto Rico with the hurricane and whatnot
    November 24 04:52 AM
  • danielcardoso Ahah take your time man, put it out whenever you feel comfortable about it.
    February 9 10:38 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Not really honestly. Even if he was good in Raising Arizona. Maybe as a minor role.
    January 28 04:22 PM
  • tempest-- T1, T2, Total Recall, Predator and uh I don't know... Kindergarten Cop lol
    January 22 07:15 AM
  • tempest-- yeah man, I thought it was fantastic. Got me so hyped for the rest of the trilogy. Too many things left unanswered!
    January 20 06:33 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Frances McDormand is married to one of the Coen Brothers.
    January 17 05:55 PM
  • ArsMoriendi I haven't seen them all yet, I've only seem about 8 so it wouldn't be a fair ranking. Though if I ranked those: The Big Lebowski then Fargo then No Country For Old Men then Burn After Reading then Inside Llewyn Davis then True Grit remake then Raising Arizona then O, Brother Where Are Thou
    January 17 07:17 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Yes of course!
    January 15 02:57 AM
  • mandan I've focused on other things. Hopefully, I'll dedicate more time to music this year. I imagine you're pumped to see the new Coen Bros. movie.
    January 15 02:44 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I noticed you haven't rated an album in over a year, why is that?
    January 15 02:04 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Pulp then Basterds then Dogs then Eight then Django then Jackie then Bill then Deathproof
    January 15 02:03 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Yes and I loved it.
    January 15 01:01 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I only saw part of Bridge of Spies because I actually walked out of the theater halfway for reasons (that barely pertained to the movie) but it didn't seem that great from what I saw. Tom Hanks is kind of getting s***ty roles lately.
    January 4 05:42 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Emm that's difficult, I'd say Genesis maybe. Selling England is a classic and Lamb is awesome too, but I'm not a big fan of Nursery nor Foxtrot. What about you?
    December 18 08:29 PM
  • tempest-- dude I am super hyped. got tickets to midnight opening. the only thing I'm worried about is if there's too much original trilogy fanservice. I want it to be new and creative. but I can't wait, I don't know if I've ever been as excited for a movie!
    December 9 01:28 AM
  • tempest-- Nice, I watched all of them leading up to the release of Spectre. I'd say almost all of them are great with only 2 or 3 being unenjoyable. I liked Spectre a lot too, but I think it should be Daniel Craig's last one. Apparently his contract was for 5 films but I think it's time for someone new.
    December 4 07:14 AM
  • tempest-- have you seen all the James Bond films?
    December 4 07:01 AM
  • danielcardoso I didn't even remember that message anymore ahah. Cool man, I'll check it out when you have it done.
    December 2 06:31 PM
  • danielcardoso I used to have the same opinion but I listened to it out of nowhere a few months ago, and it just clicked, have been coming back for it over and over again for the past couple of months.
    September 19 11:56 AM
  • danielcardoso Dude, Lightning Bolt is great, kind of deteriorates in the final songs but there are some gems there. Getaway, Sirens and the title track especially are amazing. You were kind of hard on Vitalogy though, huh?
    August 31 11:29 AM
  • danielcardoso Why Go is underrated for sure, don't feel so strongly about Rats though, I think it's actually my least favorite from Vs. If I had to pick 3 songs, it'd probably be Corduroy, Given To Fly and Jeremy, but there's so many to pick, you're right. State Of Love And Trust is also a strong candidate.
    August 31 11:27 AM
  • danielcardoso Just curious. I'm a huge PJ fan myself, and I find it hard around here encountering massive PJ fans as you'd find massive Floyd or Zeppelin fans. You have a favorite song of theirs? Or maybe a top 5.
    August 25 04:09 PM
  • danielcardoso Ah nice man, the site needs you around. Say, you're a big Pearl Jam fan, aren't you?
    August 21 12:22 PM
  • danielcardoso Hey man, you've been around lately?
    August 17 02:15 PM
  • tempest-- No, but I do want to buy the Bond 50 box set. I have seen a lot of them, but not all. Can't wait for Spectre.
    July 30 03:57 AM
  • RunOfTheMill wow danny, you're really harsh with those Motorhead ratings
    July 22 04:04 PM
  • ezzomania hey man... since we have such similar taste, i checked out all your 5 albums, and i must say im blown away man... seal, eurythmics, pet shop boys... all amazing albums. Cheers man, thanks for the (indirect) recs
    July 2 06:20 AM
  • CK I'm honestly not huge on films. I mean, I love movies as much as the next guy, but I don't fanboy out over directors or actors as much as I fanboy out to artists and albums. Tarantino is a very creative director, but I think he can be a bit full of himself. Probably my favorite film director at the moment is Christopher Nolan
    June 11 03:26 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges never cared for them much tbh
    June 8 02:25 AM
  • MrSirLordGentleman I've only checked the newer ones, I loved Skyfall but I hated Casino Royale
    June 7 10:57 PM
  • pissbore come to demon lab bro
    June 4 05:10 AM
  • trackbytrackreviews Wait what happened to Futures?
    June 1 02:05 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges idk, maybe tarantino and spielberg
    May 29 09:44 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Coen Brother violence is less gratuitous and almost always has to do with the plot, whereas Tarantino violence can go either way. The dialogue will also go off tangent a lot more often into Tarantino films, he's a bit more scatter brained in his writing and directing I guess.
    May 28 07:01 PM
  • ArsMoriendi That's because Jackie Brown is based off of a book.
    May 28 12:47 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Yeah, all of the protagonists in Death Proof without exception are female lol.
    May 27 05:53 AM
  • ArsMoriendi He also has an affinity for strong female leads: Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof, Inglorious Basterds.
    May 27 04:26 AM
  • pissbore the return of the dannyboy
    May 26 04:14 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Glad to see you're finally back man
    May 25 11:51 AM
  • Pon Oh my golly gosh yes
    May 25 06:19 AM
  • manosg Nice, glad you're ok dude. Looking forward to your resurrection. And yeah, RIP B.B. King.
    May 25 06:13 AM
  • manosg Hey Danny, what's up? Hope all's well.
    May 11 05:21 PM
  • pissbore add me on fb bro
    April 5 11:38 PM
  • Pon pls come back ;_;
    April 3 04:52 AM
  • GrandpaSeth3000 How is it going? Post in the Opeth/Death Club thread to discuss. - gs3k
    January 28 10:59 PM
  • manosg Sweet, man. Take your time and don't worry. Are you going to review Deep Purple?
    January 24 03:23 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman
    January 21 05:51 PM
  • SharkTooth Cause I like the irony of celebrating a cheerful holiday like Christmas with one of the most awful people in modern history
    January 3 03:15 PM
  • manosg Happy new year man! Wish you all the best!
    January 1 09:07 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Nice rating! :)
    December 31 09:43 PM
  • Egarran Unlike Rocka Rolla I didn't grow up with SAS, so it doesn't evoke any memories. But it does sound nice.
    December 30 11:46 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Soooooo...
    December 29 02:57 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Okay, cool!
    December 26 08:28 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Did you check Zoot Allures? Have you come to an opinion about OSFA?
    December 25 05:33 PM
  • Torontonian dont really know much about him myself, but that album highly impressed me!
    December 18 03:26 AM
  • Torontonian aight, was just curious as you seem to dig a lot of classic rock type of stuff. Here's a link of one his concerts if you're interested. Its pretty damn long, but you can just listen to any song off there to see if its your thing. Cheers.
    December 18 03:22 AM
  • Torontonian do you dig eric clapton*
    December 18 03:16 AM
  • ArsMoriendi lol
    December 14 12:21 AM
  • adr the only song i've heard by them is Nil Recurring from the ep with Fripp on it and i rly like it, so yeah i'll check 'em in near future i hope, kinda busy with exams at this time of the year and i've already have some stuff to check before that. Also giving " Virtual XI" the same rating as "Powerslave", da **** dude? o_O
    December 11 10:42 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Did you check Zoot Allures? or recheck One Size Fits All yet?
    December 10 12:19 AM
  • facupm my dad had some vynils and pink floyd cd's, so he made me listen to them since i was pretty young, and i love it at this point
    December 8 03:28 PM
  • Inveigh word check Swans out if you're into early to mid 90s Neurosis, they were definitely a huge influence. knowing your tastes it might be best for you to start with Swans at their newer material, but their 80s stuff is classic and all their material is pretty good.
    December 4 02:34 AM
  • ArsMoriendi :)
    December 3 08:02 PM
  • Rowan5215 Haven't listened to it in probably over a year so hard to say
    December 3 02:35 AM
  • Inveigh I'm sure they did, to a certain extent. I think Swans were a bigger influence. What do you think?
    December 3 01:56 AM
  • Artuma uhhh well it's basically indie rock mixed with chamber music (the newest one leans more towards the sound of lcd soundsystem tho). check the song 'haiti' if you wanna get a glimpse of their older sound
    December 1 09:56 PM
  • manosg I guess people tend to comment mostly on the biggest names when it comes to more classic stuff. Same happens with Rainbow, Gallagher, Santana, etc. What's your take?
    December 1 09:23 AM
  • Inveigh Yeah probably, although Maiden's self titled and Powerslave are both close
    December 1 02:51 AM
  • Sabrutin Yeah, we're not in a brilliant phase right now but as far as monuments and nature go Italy is definitely a fantastic place to visit. I would like more variety in the music sold in shops though, hahaha I have to use Internet for a lot of stuff.
    November 29 10:07 PM
  • Sabrutin I'm from Lombardy, I live in a small town near Milan.
    November 29 08:51 PM
  • manosg That's fine dude. If you decide to recheck them, I'd suggest you to begin with their earlier material which is more speed than power metal. First four albums would do the trick ;)
    November 29 04:10 PM
  • manosg Hey Danny, ever checked anything by Blind Guardian?
    November 29 01:20 PM
  • facupm ah i was figurin around 21 or 22 for you haha. Im 19
    November 28 11:34 PM
  • facupm danny im just curious how old are you?
    November 28 11:30 PM
  • facupm dude most of the songs are true jams: futureal is a nice opener, lightning rules, clansman is epic, when two worlds collide is a piece of mind worthy song, dont look to the eyes of a stranger is amazing (even if its kinda repetitive at a certain point) especially the multiple solo part man i love that album
    November 28 09:43 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass check my song bro, jammed out with my buddy.
    November 27 08:29 PM
  • JamieTwort Probably but I don't really think of early Opeth as "prog metal" tbh.
    November 27 06:17 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Nowadays definitely
    November 27 04:21 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges Agreed. Their best might not be THE best, but it's definitely up there as well.
    November 27 03:14 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Meh. I don't care for it.
    November 27 02:51 AM
  • facupm yeah i prefer virtual XI to every album that came after it x factor and matter of life and death is pretty hard though
    November 26 06:17 PM
  • facupm agreed hard! sign of the cross is one of their best songs if you ask mein my opinion though, virtual XI is even more underrated than x factor and its a better album overall
    November 26 05:57 PM
  • Onirium Hmm... I'm not the biggest Maiden fan, so there are a couple of their albums that I've never jammed, but I'd say I'm familiar with everything except their 90s albums
    November 24 03:26 AM
  • ArsMoriendi If you want a Zappa rec that's closer to hard rock, try Zoot Allures.
    November 24 02:19 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I don't think you'd be a Ween fan though. Zappa on the other hand :P
    November 24 02:13 AM
  • ArsMoriendi You just figured that out? lol it's always been Boognish (Ween's cult symbol) an yeah, they're like my 3rd favorite band.
    November 24 02:03 AM
  • JamieTwort Their first 2 for sure. Too Fast For Love is my favourite.
    November 23 05:07 PM
  • facupm haha no im not really, i love their first 2 though, the rest are miss or hit if you ask me
    November 23 04:52 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Okay let's discuss this in the OSFA thread.
    November 23 03:46 AM
  • ArsMoriendi So you're a fan? :)
    November 23 03:41 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Some Zappa is full on jazz-fusion actually.
    November 23 03:33 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Awesome! :)
    November 23 03:22 AM
  • Titan agreed!
    November 22 10:43 PM
  • Titan i just think it comes down to the consistency in the songwriting. even though i don't absolutely love maiden's newer material, i find it to be superior to priests. don't get me wrong danny, i love judas priest too, it's just that maiden has always been one of my favorites. i used to stare at their artwork while i listened to the records as a kid and young man. still love it to this day.
    November 22 10:31 PM
  • Sabrutin Yes I completely agree with you. Things aren't just black or white, good or bad. The post-PL material might not have masterpieces, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily awful. Personally, I love "Some People Fly", for example.
    November 21 07:25 PM
  • ArsMoriendi First few seconds? Of Inca Roads?
    November 21 07:20 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 That can only be a good thing
    November 21 12:32 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Awesome, tell me how you like it. If anything we can discuss it in the OSFA thread! :)
    November 21 04:37 AM
  • OmairSh,
    November 21 03:12 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Eh, I prefer Death by a long shot. Altars of Madness is amazing, though.
    November 20 12:39 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Finally lol
    November 20 12:03 AM
  • ArsMoriendi So you still haven't checked OSFA have you? :\
    November 19 10:51 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges I'm assuming you wanna crack page 100 on SWoD when it gets to that point?
    November 19 10:41 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie lol you don't have to be that serious, I hope this is just your sense of humor talking
    November 19 09:56 PM
  • Pon 3.5 means great remember
    November 18 11:25 PM
  • Pon What makes you say that :)
    November 18 11:17 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 He's an amazing drummer, full of energy and no one blast beats faster. I prefer him to Reinert and Hoglan because of that.
    November 18 10:07 PM
  • manosg That's good to know man.
    November 18 05:25 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Yeah they're definitely my fave
    November 18 12:15 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges Agreed. All the Vincent albums rule.
    November 18 03:11 AM
  • JamieTwort I think Purple always seemed a bit restrained in the studio. They were at their best in a live setting where they could be more energetic and stretch out a bit (or in some cases a lot), so yeah I agree.
    November 17 06:05 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Hey man what's up, I would say Sabbath because Iommi's playing influenced me the most and along with Angus Young, he was directly responsible for forcing me to pick up the electric guitar in the first place.
    November 17 04:00 PM
  • RunOfTheMill Deep Purple enters the same realm as ACDC for me - good rock, but nothing I've really been blown away by. I've listened to Stormbringer, Machine Head and Made in Japan, all of which were good but didn't have much of a lasting effect on me
    November 17 02:10 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Probably around 3rd/4th tbh
    November 17 01:05 PM
  • Mythodea Yup, I couldn't agree more with you. DP are music 101 and it's a shame they're so underrated in this site. One would think their appeal here would be tremendous, as other, less significant bands are in the spotlight. I like DP a lot, saw them live three years ago and was thrilled. Vocals weren't that strong, but drums and keyboards were excellent. After '87 their qality takes some steps down and I think they only lived up to our expectations again with last year's Now What?
    November 17 07:43 AM
  • TalonsOfFire Machine Head and Fireball were major gateway albums for me in getting into hard rock and metal. I haven't listened to them in years, I've forgotten to rate a lot of 60's and 70's stuff I used to listen to on here.
    November 17 12:43 AM
  • TalonsOfFire ofc, machine head is one of the first cd's I've ever owned
    November 17 12:28 AM
  • manosg I think I had read about them in a magazine (probably Metal Hammer) and then a friend of mine gave me a greatest hits cassette. I liked the greatest hits and then I went and bought Paranoid which was like the best thing ever back then. How about you?
    November 16 05:36 PM
  • wtferrothorn Wow, your musical taste is crazy balanced.
    November 16 05:38 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Yeah I really loved it after being disappointed hearing DT
    November 15 08:29 PM
  • SharkTooth woah, you have a lot of soundoffs
    November 15 05:13 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Vincent's vocals were the biggest change. They got deeper with every album. Personally I prefer the raspier tone he had on Altars, but the vocals on Blessed and Covenant are great too. Domination not so much, although the riffs make up for it.
    November 15 12:48 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass Altars for me deserves the attention it gets. They didn't make another album like that in terms of the raw energy and thrashiness. Blessed is almost sludgy/doomy in places and I dig that a lot, same with Covenant. The less said about domination the better. My favourites might have to ve the three with Steve Tucker though. Gateways is obscenely underrated and formulas is possibly the best album ever bro
    November 15 11:16 AM
  • facupm oh yes he's very good, dont look for something on the dickinson vein thoughi know i have an unusual opinion regarding this, but as far as im concerned, virtual XI is the best album since the 80's, and a excellent one on its own... never understood why people hate it so bad, bruce fanboyism i guess
    November 14 02:20 AM
  • facupm danny have you checked blaze maiden era??
    November 14 01:29 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Sabbath, Venom, Celtic Frost, Slayer and Angel Witch are the ones that come to mind
    November 13 01:37 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass Morbid Angel absolutely slay!
    November 13 08:31 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges MA's first 4 were their best, Death's final 4 were their best.
    November 13 01:36 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Especially considering Chuck's vocals on Symbolic and TSOP. Love 'em both, though.
    November 13 01:11 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Maybe vocals.
    November 13 12:48 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Definitely. They have so many awesome riffs
    November 12 08:13 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Same goes for Morbid Angel with Death
    November 12 12:22 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie yep
    November 11 11:55 PM
  • OmairSh There are still 8 comments dude
    November 11 11:44 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 MoR will get there not too long after
    November 11 11:41 PM
  • OmairSh Haha well then tell Nero to write all the comments until we reach page 100!
    November 11 11:40 PM
  • Mythodea My sister would listen to Bon Jovi during high school so I followed. Don't jam them anymore but, hey, nostalgia. As for Whitesnake, when I was in highschool I wanted to find music similar to Scorpions, whom I adored more than the world back then. And I stuck with them for some time...
    November 11 11:38 PM
  • Mythodea Well, not completely my cup of tea. I don't like the vocals for the most part and that gets me off. I should love the genre, given its small relation with progressive metal, but I just can't stand the screaming, cut words spit out. But, on the other hand, I like some thrash metal bands a lot and I don't mind occasionally jamming smoe records. Though, there's where it ends.
    November 11 11:27 PM
  • Mythodea Meh, I believe it's going to be an average kind of rating, nothing spectacular. Just what you would expect from a not-that-much of a fan that I am. I really like some records, but I think I'd give most albums a 3-3.5 with some exceptions for 4's and 2.5's.
    November 11 10:16 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Ok. You know, one thing I have observed about you Danny is that you do engage in random conversations with other users in a daily basis, which is not a very common sight. But it is a good thing, talking, discussing. If you ever wanna ask me anything about music or anything else in particular, feel free to do so. I love discussions.
    November 11 09:21 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Because I don't view Priest as a band who did many drugs back in their early days.
    November 11 09:02 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie I know that but why do you think Priest where high when they recorded that specific record ? Is it because of the album's spacey atmosphere and the fact that, it's one of their best ?
    November 11 09:01 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie Now, in to the topic, why do you think the chances of Priest recording Sad Wings under drugs are high ?
    November 11 08:51 PM
  • Mythodea I was ready to ask you what kind of a question was that, but I realized I had no JP album rated. Thus, I have, at times I used to listen a lot. But I chose individual songs, so I don't believe I should hastily rate an album.
    November 11 08:25 PM
  • OmairSh I have a lot of respect for the teaching profession since it's a very difficult one. But if you're not comfortable with something then it's good to move on from it eventually I guess. Which grades are you teaching?
    November 11 05:54 PM
  • OmairSh Oh wow that's cool. Respect to you professor :-D. Sucks about the bad experience though, yeah I remember how some kids were douchebags when I was younger as well. Hopefully your next experience is better. Is teaching what you want to do in the long term?
    November 11 05:42 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges Definitely.
    November 11 03:35 PM
  • rockandmetaljunkie hahaha okay man, I thought you were talking about the possibilities of Maiden being under drugs when they recorded No Prayer, to which I answered that it wasn't drugs, imo the band had reached the limits of their creativity with Seventh Son.
    November 11 12:29 AM
  • rockandmetaljunkie "Anyway, I wonder how many drugs these guys had in their blood when they did this." You were talking about Iron Maiden having recorded No Prayer, correct ?
    November 11 12:11 AM
  • Mythodea Yeah, I like most of Maiden's work, but Killers sounds a bit flat to me. I rarely go back to Kllers and that's for a few songs only.
    November 10 04:42 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges YES A DANNYBOY SOUNDOFF
    November 9 11:19 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Probably because Maiden are just a bigger band, and even a lot of Priest fans usually dig Painkiller or British Steel more
    November 9 11:03 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges NPFtD is just bad imo. But yeah, they do have some jams.
    November 9 03:54 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Agreed. T/t is one of my favorite Maiden tunes of all time (minus the lyrics).
    November 9 03:37 AM
  • OmairSh All the best with all the changes man, hope those goes well. What are you teaching? Same old same old at my end, nothing really interesting to speak of :P
    November 8 06:06 PM
  • OmairSh How's life?
    November 6 05:20 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Stained Class beats any Maiden aside from Powerslave for me. As for post-SC material I prob prefer SfV to Piece of Mind, but other than that yeah 80s Maiden is better than anything after SC.
    November 6 01:25 PM
  • manosg Yup, Brave New World Tour 2000. It was the day I loved Maiden tbh. Up until then I wasn't a big fan.
    November 6 07:51 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Agreed. I dont know whether its guitar tone or just playing style, but ive always preferred Priest's guitar playing to Maiden's
    November 5 08:24 PM
  • TheNotrap Indeed. It's my favourite heavy metal band.
    November 5 06:13 PM
  • Necrotica No, I got taken off when I got banned. I have no idea when or if I'm returning to staff at this point
    November 4 08:34 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Powerslave is pretty close
    November 4 12:37 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges Can't argue with that. I just prefer Dickinson's stuff. It's def in my top 5, though.
    November 4 12:24 AM
  • RunOfTheMill I've grown to like it a lot. It's not a "fun" listen, but really quite draining... Not something I'd jam in its entirety often, but I love how some songs drag with a simple, hypnotic riff or bass line. Just the incredibly heavy distortion, the droning vocals and guitars... It's like hearing an old horror story about drugs, mental illness, and death.
    October 30 07:59 PM
  • RunOfTheMill Hey danny, I was wondering what your opinion on Alice in Chains' s/t. I think you've talked about it a while back, has anything changed?
    October 29 11:58 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Yes. For sure. I thought it was great.
    October 20 02:47 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Definitely. Have you seen No Country for Old Men? :)
    October 20 02:15 AM

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