Reviews 11 Approval 93%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 9 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 2
Album Ratings 198 Objectivity 68%
Last Active 03-01-14 11:44 pm Joined 09-06-12
Review Comments 1,033
| Rawmeeth38 Agreed with everything you said in your Steven Wilson review, nice taste also
| hobblepot Thanks for the feedback on my Human review, most helpful :)
| eddie95 Hey man, if you're looking for more Springsteen check out his first two albums (if you haven't yet), some of his best rock/folk ballads are right there.
| Spag Dude I saw your Top 50 Devin songs on YouTube, awesome list! The Death of Music is also my favorite Devin song as well. :)
| JokineAugustus Saw your comment on Casualties of Cool. Should I check out Mule Variations right away? I've heard about 6 or 7 waits albums already. Rain Dogs and Small Change being my favourites atm. Swordfishtrombones is sweet too.
| Mad. Well it's more my dad, he has every JB CD, kinda got me into it too. I've been meaning to burn some more discs onto my iPod but Sloe Gin is fantastic, especially the t/t. Saw him live and it was absolutely mindblowing, I strongly recommend it
| Mad. Well there's definitely some stoner rock in there...Joe Bonamassa is awesome
| Mad. You rate The Octopus far too low man ;)
| Mad. How come your Amplifier review rating went down? :(
| pribosse check it out bro, new album just released